An update on Ron



  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Kent Cass said:

    The days of Ron smiling again are just around the corner. Great to hear of the progress, and that it's becoming more tolerable for him with the med combo. It does make a Positive difference, and I Pray the worst is over, now.


    Robyn & Ron
    So sorry for the pain and agony. I had the same issues, but the suction machine got rid of 90% of the mucous. Is he using it correctly? May be dumb question, but you have to close your lips around the tube and then it cleans the mouth great. I know it can be painful too, but I just say try the suction machine again as he starts to heal. My mucous ended about 4 weeks after treatment ended. So this may be just me, but I think 4-6 weeks will really help with the mucous situation.
    As for the hydration, make sure the Dr's order enough hydration sessions. I did 2 liters a day except for SAT and SUN. He must stay hydrated, even more so than nourished. I will pray for good healing for Ron.
    Hang in there, the finish line is coming up fast.
    all the best