Neulasta Feedback

lagwag Member Posts: 76 Member
Hi. My Mom is scheduled for her 5th Chemo treatment today. Her platelets were GREAT, but her White Counts were low. When she goes on Thursday for a follow-up appt, she will be given a shot of Neulasta. Wanted to asky the board if anyone has any feedback on this medication, sideffects, etc.

All the best to EVERYONE - Liz


  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    It will build back up her WBC........
    It does it in a hurry so she may expect some stiffness or lower back pain, maybe a slight to moderate headache, most side effects are mild but it will boost it back to where her treatments will continue on time.....Its usually a 3-4 day time span between WBC being to low until its back up where she can do the treatments......She'll be fine and her treatments will be on time
  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    I used Neupogen rather than Neulasta (Neupogen is a daily shot -- I did 3-4 days; Neulasta is one shot which lasts ~ 2 weeks). Some people get bone pain. I never had any side effects. Sure helped my white blood cell counts tho!

    Good luck to your mom and congrats on her great platelets

  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    Hi Liz...
    I had Neulasta shots every two weeks during my FOLFOX treatments. I never had any side effects. I've heard that some get bone pain, but I didn't feel a thing.

    My white count was always great.