


  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    Kent Cass said:

    Back home
    Turns-out my Cousin spent close to 2 weeks in the Peoria hospital where he had the surgery, then was transferred to a Nursing Home for another 2-week stay. In total, he was gone for right about a month, and they're still working on trying to find a way to give him a voice. There is something for him to put in his trache hole that is supposed to give him some sort of a voice, but it isn't working yet. The current thought is that continued swelling is the problem.

    All told, for those of us who are vets of H&N C wars, my Cousin handled the Op pretty well, but appears to have made a mess of the post-Op time in the hospital. Not sure what the specifics are, but his "attitude" got him ushered out of the hospital without any goodbyes by the Nursing staff. He was able to sit in a chair the day after the Op, and walk down the hall on the following day- both of which impressed me. However, it appears his brain went into "self-pity party" mode, and it turned a lotta people against him. Could be a lesson to be learned in that.


    Well, at least he is home
    Well, at least he is home now. I am hoping that he will continue to improve, and they can figure the trach and voice issues out. We all have had, and sometimes still have pity parties. The trick is to know when the party is over, and don't keep it around longer than it should be, or it can turn into anger and bitterness. Will say extra prayers for him tonight.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Kent Cass said:

    Back home
    Turns-out my Cousin spent close to 2 weeks in the Peoria hospital where he had the surgery, then was transferred to a Nursing Home for another 2-week stay. In total, he was gone for right about a month, and they're still working on trying to find a way to give him a voice. There is something for him to put in his trache hole that is supposed to give him some sort of a voice, but it isn't working yet. The current thought is that continued swelling is the problem.

    All told, for those of us who are vets of H&N C wars, my Cousin handled the Op pretty well, but appears to have made a mess of the post-Op time in the hospital. Not sure what the specifics are, but his "attitude" got him ushered out of the hospital without any goodbyes by the Nursing staff. He was able to sit in a chair the day after the Op, and walk down the hall on the following day- both of which impressed me. However, it appears his brain went into "self-pity party" mode, and it turned a lotta people against him. Could be a lesson to be learned in that.


    Pity Party
    Well I'm sure we all handle everythng differently....apparently at this time it's the way he is handling it.... Hopefully he will get through it and eventually figure out he's still alive, a little damaged but make do with what is handed to you.

    Even though we all have anxieties and a little less quality in our lifes than we had pre-cancer...I always try to look at those that have terrible abnormalities and crippling diseaes among the many....that have such great outlooks on life and live life to the fullest every minute.

    Thoughts and Prayers,