Bronchoalveolar carcinoma - mucinous adenocarcinoma with BAC

dutch46 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2011 in Lung Cancer #1
Two weeks ago my wife was diagnosed with mucinous adenocarcinoma with BAC features. As the biopsy surgery wounds failed to heal and air kept leaking surgery was done Friday after MRI of the brain, CT scans of all other, and the bone scan were negative. The BAC appeared to be confined to the left lower lobe. Prior to the lobectomy but in the same surgery session a mediastinoscopic biopsy was done, which negative so the lobectomy went forward. The surgery was in excess of 4 hours, because it was more invasive than the scan had suggested and the lung was sticking to the chestwall. The entire area affected was as if frozen or like a brick. The entire lower lobe was resected, plus the inferior lingular and lower part of the superior lingular. I got the path report yesterday and in speaking with the oncologist (who had spoken to the pathologist) learned that the cancer was throughout the lobe but only in the alveoli and stroma. There was no invasion of vessels, lymph nodes, pleura or bronchi. The T was 4 (two lobes involved), N was 0 and M was x but actually 0 given the negative scan results. My wife is still in the hospital with her chest tubes still in but drain fluid levels are falling so they may come out the next day or two. Once home we need to follow up with the after care.

Is there anyone who had a similar presentation of BAC? If so, what was done? Anyone who has seen this before? By the way, even though it is mucinous they are doing an EGFR mutation test, but do not have the answer yet.


  • Cncrcrgvr10
    Cncrcrgvr10 Member Posts: 1 Member

    hi @dutch46 - this post is very old but my husband was in a very similar situation with pulmonary mucinous adenocarcinoma. He has been cancer-free for about a year, after surgery in July 2023 followed by a few months of chemo. Now he is getting a PET scan every 6 months (although this most recent visit his insurance company denied a PET and forced a CT scan instead). I was wondering what your wife’s post-cancer experience had been. My husband did not have a mutation that could be treated from targeted therapy/medication.