Junk Swap

Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
Since the first box was WAY too heavy, I ended up mailing two! They are on their way up North as of this morning. They said 7-10 days, but I'm figuring on Saturday or possibly Monday. Enjoy!
♥ Cat


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Not going to tell who - but
    Not going to tell who - but someone should be getting a box from me tomorrow - it's Hubby's fault it's so late being on it's way. I gave it to him over a week ago as he was going right past the PO. Well he is deep horse manure - he 'forgot' to mail it and I found it in my truck yesterday (I usually drive my Bronco II and he drives my Dodge 3/4t as it gets better mileage than his F-250 gets). I made it to the PO just in time for it to make it out yesterday so should be there tomorrow.
