A Thought for the Caregivers (dedicated to all caregivers)



  • Carl_Renee
    Carl_Renee Member Posts: 84
    thank you
    moving and well written. the "caregiver" is definitely not the easiest of jobs. I feel helpless when my husband feels at his worse and my stress levels go thru the roof of how much more can I do. Somehow I just do and do and don't think about it in the moment.

    Carl and Renee
  • AncientTiger
    AncientTiger Member Posts: 130
    Just... WOW
    "Yours is the hardest job, and it is not possible to thank you enough"

    Truer words were never spoken (or written).

    I know for a FACT that care-givers, or rather CFGA's (Cancer Fighter Guardian Angels), deal with a tornado of emotional issues and real world issues that we as cancer patients don't have to deal with. We have issues, to be sure, but NOTHING like that.

    I really don't know if I could have done HALF what MY guardian angel did while I was in the hospital.. work an 8 hour day, get kids from school, clean house, cook supper, help with homework, get smallest of the little 'uns to bed, load up in the car and try to rush into town to the hospital to spend a little time with hubby in his room before visiting hours are over... holy CRAP batman!!

    I DO know one thing... without her, I would NOT have made it. There's very strong ties between body and soul, and when your soul is broken, a person NEEDS someone to help mend it. Without her, I could not have stood the emotional aspects of what I went through, and if I live to be 110 years of age, I'll NEVER be able to tell her THANK YOU enough. A few million years into Eternity, I may be able to tell her thank you enough, but not in THIS short lifetime.

    And THANK YOU Buckwirth, for sharing this