ANYBODY is with Breast Cancer is following "special" diet ???



  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    sparky51 said:

    When I started chemo I lost
    When I started chemo I lost my sweet tooth and only ate on those days surrounding chemo. The dr told me to be careful how much I'll eat or I'll gain weight. Chemo was the only thing keeping weight on me and I gained a few pounds. Ever since I had esophageal cancer I barely eat....I am very thin. I hate being as thin as I am because I really feel the cold. When I'm not feeling good I don't eat....I can go days without food. I have fluids all the time because they're easier to tolerate =^.,.^=

    less than 10 pounds
    I was told not to try to lose weight while in treatment but it's hard not to. I lost a couple pounds during chemo and a couple more during rads but total was less than 10. In an earlier post I suggested apples. That was my oncologist speaking. He quoted a study where a Dr. killed cancer cells growing in a petry (sp) dish with apple extract so has me eating an apple every day. I also buy dark grapes, wash them and store them in the fridge for snack attacks. They help fight off the suger cravings from my sweet tooth and help keep my mouth moist.
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    sparky51 said:

    When I started chemo I lost
    When I started chemo I lost my sweet tooth and only ate on those days surrounding chemo. The dr told me to be careful how much I'll eat or I'll gain weight. Chemo was the only thing keeping weight on me and I gained a few pounds. Ever since I had esophageal cancer I barely eat....I am very thin. I hate being as thin as I am because I really feel the cold. When I'm not feeling good I don't eat....I can go days without food. I have fluids all the time because they're easier to tolerate =^.,.^=

    less than 10 pounds
    I was told not to try to lose weight while in treatment but it's hard not to. I lost a couple pounds during chemo and a couple more during rads but total was less than 10. In an earlier post I suggested apples. That was my oncologist speaking. He quoted a study where a Dr. killed cancer cells growing in a petry (sp) dish with apple extract so has me eating an apple every day. I also buy dark grapes, wash them and store them in the fridge for snack attacks. They help fight off the suger cravings from my sweet tooth and help keep my mouth moist. All I have to do is grab a handful.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    my diet
    I have gained 10 lbs also :-( over the past 2 years. I hate the weight gain, because we all know weight is associated with a higher risk. Kick me and make me move on this now!!!

    I am trying to move more and eat less-the only thing that ever works for me. Danny and I aim to walk at least 3 miles a day--sometimes we don't quite make it, but we are pretty good about it. We have been less good about the gym--after California, I'm heading back!

    As far as a special anti-cancer diet, I try and eat healthier--including salmon once or twice a week and/or other anti-inflammatory foods. See to get the inflammation factor on each food. In general, I avoid dairy fat (skim milk only) and meat.

    I also avoid anything in a can like the plague as canned foods have the highest amount of BPA, a toxic substance that can have an estrogen-like effect.

    Rare drinking for me, because the evidence is now clear that, the more we drink, the higher is our risk.

    And organic whenever I can because the pesticides also have an estrogenic effect.

    I don't know if any of this will help as I strongly suspect I would have gotten this cancer anyway as it is probably genetic and I was 33, thin and eating pretty darn healthy. But it can't help and my body needs all of the tools I can supply it because I will never be cured now.
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member

    my diet
    I have gained 10 lbs also :-( over the past 2 years. I hate the weight gain, because we all know weight is associated with a higher risk. Kick me and make me move on this now!!!

    I am trying to move more and eat less-the only thing that ever works for me. Danny and I aim to walk at least 3 miles a day--sometimes we don't quite make it, but we are pretty good about it. We have been less good about the gym--after California, I'm heading back!

    As far as a special anti-cancer diet, I try and eat healthier--including salmon once or twice a week and/or other anti-inflammatory foods. See to get the inflammation factor on each food. In general, I avoid dairy fat (skim milk only) and meat.

    I also avoid anything in a can like the plague as canned foods have the highest amount of BPA, a toxic substance that can have an estrogen-like effect.

    Rare drinking for me, because the evidence is now clear that, the more we drink, the higher is our risk.

    And organic whenever I can because the pesticides also have an estrogenic effect.

    I don't know if any of this will help as I strongly suspect I would have gotten this cancer anyway as it is probably genetic and I was 33, thin and eating pretty darn healthy. But it can't help and my body needs all of the tools I can supply it because I will never be cured now.

    fresh vegies
    I put in a couple of new vegetable gardens in my yard last year even though I live in the city. By doing this I have some control over the amount of chemicals in my food. I live somewhat close to the highway so there is some lead in the soil the closer to the highway you get but at least I don't personally add any chemicals to my food. I also have a freezer so that I can freeze my own vegies. I was canning my own spaghetti sauce last year but I am unsure of how much energy I will have this summer as I will be going through chemo and rads. Freeezing food takes a bit less work than canning so I will try to continue that. Also since my grand children are in thier early teen years I might solicit thier help durring fresh vegie season so that I can teach them that skill. I think they would be game for that with grandma having cancer. I just planted my indoor plants that need to go into my very small greenhouse as soon as the sprout. In the summer my whole yard is a place you can just walk out into and get a snack any time of day.