venlafaxine (effexor)

VictoriaSF Member Posts: 165
my doctor prescribed to me venlaflaxine for hot flushes , even though it is anti depression/anxiety medication,
please let me know if any of you Ladies know anything about it or taking it,
what are the positive effects, and negatives. Side effects?
thank you


  • childofthestars
    childofthestars Member Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Victoria
    I have just been prescribed Venlafaxine for my hot flushes and also as an anti depressent (i have been on Prozac prior to this). The BIG side effect from this drug can be high blood pressure and i am going to be checked monthly for this. However if it can stop the hot flushes i honestly don't care lol!
    Michelle x
  • VictoriaSF
    VictoriaSF Member Posts: 165

    Hi Victoria
    I have just been prescribed Venlafaxine for my hot flushes and also as an anti depressent (i have been on Prozac prior to this). The BIG side effect from this drug can be high blood pressure and i am going to be checked monthly for this. However if it can stop the hot flushes i honestly don't care lol!
    Michelle x

    blood pressure going up
    hi, it helped me for hot flashes, few days ago my doctor increased dozage - double it,
    it used to be 0.5 now it is 1. i have been checking blood pressure - it is up, not crazy up but still. need to watch it. please keep me posted how it does for you