Cytoxin and Taxotere

LRN715 Member Posts: 34
Hi Everyone! Had my first oncology appointment today for Stage 2, T2, Grade 3, estro/prog positive Her/Negative. No node involvement.

The plan 4 chemo treatments of cytoxin and Traxotere, 6 weeks radiation, and some type of hormone...depending on bone scan results. Has anyone had this type of cockail of chemo, and if so, what were your side effects? Were you able to work?

THANK you in advance for your info...I sure appreciate it.


  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi LRN715
    I had the same 4 chemo treatments. The side effects weren't too bad at all. I finished mine last August. Everyone was different, but some of my side effects were dry mouth, no tastebuds, constipation for a day or two after treatment, followed by diarreah for a few days. I also had a few nose bleeds.

    I guess my worst side effects were from the steroids that I took the day before, the day of, and the day after. I developed a red rash on my face and breast. I also was on a steroid high for the three days. My chemo was on Wednesday. However, by Saturday I just crashed. I knew after the first time not to plan on doing anything that Saturday but staying in bed or laying on the sofa.

    My onc told me that I would lose my hair by my second treatment. So I got it cut really short. After my 3rd treatment I still had hair. It was thin in spots, so I decided to buzz cut it.

    I didn't have to do radiation, but am HER+, so had to do Herceptin for a year. Hope this helps and let us know if you have any other questions.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Same cocktail....
    Have almost the same bc..stage 2 T2 grade 3...only I am triple no hormone treatment...I'm17 months out of all treatment...
    I was fortunate in that I don't work....I would say, if you don't have to don't....If you work, I think you need to wait and see how the chemo side effects affect you....many work right through chemo....every one is different as are their circumstances...

    For me...this cocktail with 4 infusuions, was no day at the beach but it wasn't as bad as I thought...nothing like the horror stories of chemo from years ago... I was never sick one time..not even the first wave of nausea..But, I took the prescribed anti- nausea drugs religiously..starting the day before chemo and for 4 days aterwards...easier to prevent nausea than control it once it starts... I also had a Nuelasta injection the day after each help prevent infections by boosting my white cell production...side effects from my first chemo, starting 3 days later were diarrhea,
    I would have extra strength Immodium on hand just in case...I also had bone pain, tolerable, had pain meeds for that...I had severe muscle spasms in my back and chest from the Nuelasta 4 days afterwards...never happened with the next 3. I lost my taste buds for 6-7 days following each infusion...experiment with foods...drink drink drink fluids the day before chemo, during chemo and for at least 3 days post chemo..I was tired which increases with each infusion as the effects of chemo are cumulative...I was told to eat before each infusion...I ate a bagel with peanut cancer center also feeds us...I was told not to drink any "green tea" fluids...nor anything alcoholic..... had my hair buzzed before I started...that started falling out exactly 14 days after the first chemo...I shaved my head the next day.

    I'm sure our other "sisters" that had this chemo cocktail can offer advice pertaining to their experience. I found a strength I never knew I will too! Please keep us posted and if I can offer any other only have to ask...:)
    Best wishes as you start the journey of regaining your health!
  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    Same plan for me
    I have the same plan except I will not have radiation since I had a double mastectomy. I just had the 3rd treatment today and I have done really well with it. It has surprised me in being better than I expected. I don't work but if I did, I think I could work about 2 weeks out of the 3 between cycles if the job wasn't too stressful. Some do work and do just fine but I think if you don't have to it does help to rest and give the body time to heal. My side effects were just about the exact same as the about ladies have mentioned. But as they menntioned I had all of my prescriptions bought and over the counter meds for heartburn (prilosec), constipation (Senecot c) and diarhea(immodium). Take the meds before you have the symtoms except for the immodium which I never used and its appearance for me was about day 5 or 6. My really tired days were days 3 through about day 6 and then I sort of turned around and began to feel more like me. The second weekend was when my counts were down so I was more fatigued then also but never have had Neulasta shots. The third week is my best week, food tastes great, I have more energy etc. Keep us posted and best of luck with plan of treatment.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Hi LRN715
    I had the same

    Hi LRN715
    I had the same diagnosis except i had lymphnode involement and the same chemo cocktail except i had 6 treatments.
    I think im one of those horror stories cuz me and chemo did not play well together. I was sick the whole time i was going thru it and had a long lovely stay in an isolated hospital suite cuz i had a fever they couldnt break and my WBC was critical. I had so much body pain i couldnt hardly walk, sit or felt good to lay down but that even makes you sore after awhile. I just felt like i got ran over by a big truck and to make sure i felt it, it backed up and ran me over!
    Im not tryin to scare you but im just giving you my experience with it...thankfully everyone handles it differently and i hope that chemo has some mercy on you as it has with some of these other lovely ladies.
    Keep us posted on how your doin!
  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    I had the same chemo although I was triple negative. I was only able to do 2 of the planned 4-6 rounds of chemo because I was allergic to the Taxotere. I was one of the "horror stories" with chemo so I won't share more than that. Everyone responds differently though so don't be frightened by those of us that had trouble with it. I will give you a bright note - I never had nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
    Best of luck,
  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138

    I had the same chemo although I was triple negative. I was only able to do 2 of the planned 4-6 rounds of chemo because I was allergic to the Taxotere. I was one of the "horror stories" with chemo so I won't share more than that. Everyone responds differently though so don't be frightened by those of us that had trouble with it. I will give you a bright note - I never had nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
    Best of luck,

    Here too
    I had the same chemo as you, ER/PR+ HER- also. Mine was stage 1 grade 1 IDC.No node involvement. I did well with the chemo. I too had the constipation and then some diahrea. The steroids made me have hot flashes and really crave junk food. I had tx on Fridays and Sunday was alway my crash day. I did work all through except tx days. I never had any probs with nausea, I was really tired for a few days but it was doable. I am 8 1/2 months out of chemo and have a good head of really curly hair. My hair started coming out on day 13 after 1st tx. I had my head shaved the next day. I think like a lot of the sisters I wanted to have control over something. Remember to drink lots and lots of water. God Bless
    (((hugs))) Janice
  • anetnut
    anetnut Member Posts: 3
    I had Taxol, Cytoxin and
    I had Taxol, Cytoxin and Adrimycin. Given in a couple of rounds. I had IBC, stage III, grade 3 I think it was. I started with chemo, then surgery, then rads and now Tamoxifen. I'll agree, while it wasn't a walk in the park, it wasn't as bad as I pictured. The first couple of treatments made me nauseated, even with the meds they gave me. Then I started EMEND and it was smoothe sailing after that. No further nausea. I would feel the worst two days after my treatment. I worked 8 hour shifts instead of my usual 12. I also got the Neulasta shots, which did cause a little bone aches, but not too bad. Stay hydrated before, during and after and try to eat before chemo. It made me tired mostly and food didn't taste good. I lost a lot of weight due to the lack of appetite, but thankfully I had some to lose. They put me on Megace for my appetite which helped a lot. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. It seemed to me like a long time to go when I started treatment back in June, but it went by fast and I can't believe I am at the end of treatment.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    I also had C/T 4 rounds
    And was one of the lucky ones, in that my side effects were not that bad. I work in an office, and was able to work through most of my chemo. My treatments were on Wednesdays, so I took Wednesday through Friday off (I could have worked Thursday and Friday if I really pushed it, though) and was back to work on Monday. My worst days were Saturday and Sunday, so I would try to get whatever errands I would usually do on the weekends done on Thursday and Friday, then would just pretty much sit on the couch over the weekend.

    I didn't totally lose my taste buds, but some foods just tasted horrible to me (unfortunately, this included water, which I knew I HAD to drink anyway). This is something that is very different for each person, so you'll just need to experiment to see what works for you.

    In addition to making sure to drink lots of water, I'd have a variety of foods available to eat since you don't know what you'll want, and have remedies on hand for constipation (I had a problem with this) and diarrhea since you don't know if you'll get one or the other or both.

    I did start to lose my hair about 14 days after my first chemo and had it buzzed as soon as it started to come out in handfuls.

    It's no walk in the park, but I know you can do this! Don't worry too much about the Taxotere. Some do have a bad reaction, but they will start that drip very slowly at first and keep an eye on you just in case you're one of the unlucky ones. Most are fine with it, and I sure hope you will sail through this as easily as possible.

    Keep coming here for questions, or just to have a shoulder to cry on - Someone is always here to listen and respond!

  • Katmy
    Katmy Member Posts: 93
    I had my first infusion of
    I had my first infusion of Taxotere and Cytol on 1 March. The first day was uncomfortable with bone pain and general malaise. Day 3, I awoke with a red rash over my face, right breast and shoulders. I had prolonged bleeding from my period that was not heavy, but would not stop. Day 5, diarrhea started and I have had it since. I was put on Immodium, and antibiotics to be sure I did not get infected during my low blood count. I actually went to .4 total count and had to isolate myself from my children. My blood count went up 5 days later with the Neu... medicine that they give in tiny doses daily.

    Personally, I would not be able to work. They try to curb some of the side effects the second time around. Hopefully, my next treatment won't be so hard. I went to the hospital daily for a long time for fluids and/ or blood tests.

    Hope yours goes well and that you have support.