Frequency of Pet or CT post surgery

I was wondering what is the typical frequency on post curative surgery PET and/or CT scans.

Thank you for your input.


  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    ct scans
    My husband had surgery 1-5-2011 and will be having ct scans every three months for the first year. I am not sure after that. I hope this helps.

  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Hi, Welcome to our family. I
    Hi, Welcome to our family. I had surgery in May 2008. I had ct scans every three months the first two years. I'm now on a six month schedule. My surgeon does barium swallows on the same schedule. The oncologists orders a pet scan only if he feels like more testing is done. Praise God, all my test have been good.
  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    Does stage affect frequancy?
    My husband had the surgery 12/2010 and was staged at T1bN0M0. We have had many follow up visits but on the last visit it was suggested no testing until a year from surgery.
  • Does stage affect frequancy?
    My husband had the surgery 12/2010 and was staged at T1bN0M0. We have had many follow up visits but on the last visit it was suggested no testing until a year from surgery.

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  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    unknown said:

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    More info
    My husband is doing well after his surgery. Only a few complications post surgery. He was on reglan which caused some depression. Reglan caused most of the post surgery problems. He has since changed to a different medication. He has also had to have two dilations and is scheduled for a third in about five weeks. He is back at work and learning to eat small portions. His weight has stabilized at a 70 lb loss. I'm very glad we decided to stay close to home for the surgery, which when very well. I cannot imagine traveling for all the follow up appointments.

    Going forward, I would like to know what to keep an eye out for. So if there is a reoccurrence we will be on top of things. Is there something specific we should watch for besides having PET/CT scans?
  • More info
    My husband is doing well after his surgery. Only a few complications post surgery. He was on reglan which caused some depression. Reglan caused most of the post surgery problems. He has since changed to a different medication. He has also had to have two dilations and is scheduled for a third in about five weeks. He is back at work and learning to eat small portions. His weight has stabilized at a 70 lb loss. I'm very glad we decided to stay close to home for the surgery, which when very well. I cannot imagine traveling for all the follow up appointments.

    Going forward, I would like to know what to keep an eye out for. So if there is a reoccurrence we will be on top of things. Is there something specific we should watch for besides having PET/CT scans?

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  • cindyhils
    cindyhils Member Posts: 27
    I think there are many different schedules for checkups. I know i am 19 months since my diagnosis and i have had a checkup blood work done with my oncologist every three months. i have had only cat scans and they have been every 6 month. i have not needed dialations so i am not sure about those. I think maybe it depends on you staging as to how often you get the scans. I was stage IIa so i had no node or distant organ involvement. i was very lucky. Thank God! I am doing well and have my next scan in 2 weeks. of course i am already getting anxious about it and hope it turns out NED.. Good Luck to you. Cindy
  • birdiequeen
    birdiequeen Member Posts: 319
    cindyhils said:

    I think there are many different schedules for checkups. I know i am 19 months since my diagnosis and i have had a checkup blood work done with my oncologist every three months. i have had only cat scans and they have been every 6 month. i have not needed dialations so i am not sure about those. I think maybe it depends on you staging as to how often you get the scans. I was stage IIa so i had no node or distant organ involvement. i was very lucky. Thank God! I am doing well and have my next scan in 2 weeks. of course i am already getting anxious about it and hope it turns out NED.. Good Luck to you. Cindy

    Thank you for all your input. Cindy I hope your scan in two weeks is good news, try not to spend too much time being anxious. If there is one thing I have learned through all this is to let go of the things I have no control over and just enjoy the day. Once you have done all the research, considered all your options, made your decision, and taken action then it's time to NOT second guess. Any new information will just have to be dealt with as it comes happens.
  • Thanks
    Thank you for all your input. Cindy I hope your scan in two weeks is good news, try not to spend too much time being anxious. If there is one thing I have learned through all this is to let go of the things I have no control over and just enjoy the day. Once you have done all the research, considered all your options, made your decision, and taken action then it's time to NOT second guess. Any new information will just have to be dealt with as it comes happens.

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