Late last night I clicked on the board and saw a post by someone named Victoriaphillips. It was a post talking about there already is a cure for cancer but it is being suppressed by the government. It was late and there were numerous articles to click onto,but being so late I decided to wait til this morning to check them out. I get on this morning and its been removed. I don't know if it was reported as offensive or the administrator removed it. Anyway articles such as this are of interest. I do not think it was a post to promote anything. We do not know what the government is hiding from us. I do not know about you but I would discount nothing when it come to this government. Its all about money in the end and if you do not believe that just check where our country is today.I am not going to get into a political speech here,but I think the removal of the post was wrong. We need to see our options and read these hidden articles from the public. I assume this post may be reported as offense or just removed by the administrator as well. If it is and you have had a chance to read it before it happens I think I have made my case. John


  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    Oh oh you might be next Cobra, lol
    Well isn't that interesting. It was probably removed as it sounded controversial maybe but what do I know, I didn't read it so might have had some other issue raised in it that wasn't kosher. So to speak. Oh oh I hope I don't get accused of being anti-semetic for the kosher remark - me and Charlie Sheen eh? lol. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    If you find the article somewhere I would like to see it.

    Blessings and if I never see you again, take care. lol. I might be next. lol.
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    bluerose said:

    Oh oh you might be next Cobra, lol
    Well isn't that interesting. It was probably removed as it sounded controversial maybe but what do I know, I didn't read it so might have had some other issue raised in it that wasn't kosher. So to speak. Oh oh I hope I don't get accused of being anti-semetic for the kosher remark - me and Charlie Sheen eh? lol. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    If you find the article somewhere I would like to see it.

    Blessings and if I never see you again, take care. lol. I might be next. lol.

    You may be right they might make me disappear too. I just do not understand why they removed the post. The person that posted it already had several post from before. In her post she was talking about Marijuana for medical use. She was saying several lab studies have been performed and continue to be carried out. It was found that something in the herb was destroying the cancerous cells. They did not know exactly why but had a pretty good idea. The article she had posted (about 40 of them)had to be clicked on. Some were from medical journals. It was discovered by accident. When I go to history it says page was removed and can not be displayed. I will be watching for any big black SUV'S coming down the driveway.LOL. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
  • bluerose
    bluerose Member Posts: 1,104
    COBRA666 said:

    You may be right they might make me disappear too. I just do not understand why they removed the post. The person that posted it already had several post from before. In her post she was talking about Marijuana for medical use. She was saying several lab studies have been performed and continue to be carried out. It was found that something in the herb was destroying the cancerous cells. They did not know exactly why but had a pretty good idea. The article she had posted (about 40 of them)had to be clicked on. Some were from medical journals. It was discovered by accident. When I go to history it says page was removed and can not be displayed. I will be watching for any big black SUV'S coming down the driveway.LOL. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)

    Big Black SUV you say?
    Oh rats, a big black SUV you say? One just drove slowly past my apartment. Yikes. I'm skeered. lol

    It's been nice knowing you John, gulp. LOL

    Later Kid, um I hope,

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    You may be right they might make me disappear too. I just do not understand why they removed the post. The person that posted it already had several post from before. In her post she was talking about Marijuana for medical use. She was saying several lab studies have been performed and continue to be carried out. It was found that something in the herb was destroying the cancerous cells. They did not know exactly why but had a pretty good idea. The article she had posted (about 40 of them)had to be clicked on. Some were from medical journals. It was discovered by accident. When I go to history it says page was removed and can not be displayed. I will be watching for any big black SUV'S coming down the driveway.LOL. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)

    I read it...
    Hi John,
    I saw the post your talking about last night also and immediately after reading it I figured it would be pulled off. I think the moderator took it down because it might have been considered spam of some kind. You can e-mail the moderator and ask "why" she took it down and I'm sure she would answer you back. My own personal opinion about "why" we don't have more cure's for cancers is because there is too much money to be made off of cancer. Follow the $$$$$. I think all of the research is being done to "manage" cancer, instead of "cure's". Makes more sense to keep folks on all of the drugs to keep the $$$$ coming in. There's no incentive to cure...thats just my personal opinion. I mean...why cure FNHL when you can keep someone on maint drugs in between recurrance's to the tune of 5 to 6 thousand dollars a pop? If we're cured we go away and no more $$$$$...if we stay diseased the $$$$$ will alway flow towards treatment. It's a no brainer for me. It's not so much a conspiracy type thing...more a business thing...sucks "big time", but it is, what it is. It's all about the MONEY!
    Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

    P.S Don't forget...think of all the jobs that would be lost if they found a cure...aint ever gonna happen...sad, but true.
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    allmost60 said:

    I read it...
    Hi John,
    I saw the post your talking about last night also and immediately after reading it I figured it would be pulled off. I think the moderator took it down because it might have been considered spam of some kind. You can e-mail the moderator and ask "why" she took it down and I'm sure she would answer you back. My own personal opinion about "why" we don't have more cure's for cancers is because there is too much money to be made off of cancer. Follow the $$$$$. I think all of the research is being done to "manage" cancer, instead of "cure's". Makes more sense to keep folks on all of the drugs to keep the $$$$ coming in. There's no incentive to cure...thats just my personal opinion. I mean...why cure FNHL when you can keep someone on maint drugs in between recurrance's to the tune of 5 to 6 thousand dollars a pop? If we're cured we go away and no more $$$$$...if we stay diseased the $$$$$ will alway flow towards treatment. It's a no brainer for me. It's not so much a conspiracy type thing...more a business thing...sucks "big time", but it is, what it is. It's all about the MONEY!
    Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

    P.S Don't forget...think of all the jobs that would be lost if they found a cure...aint ever gonna happen...sad, but true.

    A lot of sense (CENTS)
    I can't agree with you more. The bottom line is always the $$$$$$. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 237 Member
    Spamming is a violation of site terms and conditions. The post in question was posted on 9 different CSN boards. This constitutes spamming. The content itself was not the issue.
    Your CSN staff
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    greta said:

    Spamming is a violation of site terms and conditions. The post in question was posted on 9 different CSN boards. This constitutes spamming. The content itself was not the issue.
    Your CSN staff

    Well,if thats the rules....thats the rules. A good rule to go by too. I did not realize it was posted on other sites. Thank you for responding. John
  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    Well,if thats the rules....thats the rules. A good rule to go by too. I did not realize it was posted on other sites. Thank you for responding. John

    I told ya...
    Hey John,
    See...ask and you will receive...ha! Seriously though, I can usually tell when a post seems fishy and as soon as I read that post I got a gut feeling about it. Many times "snake oil" sellers creep on the boards giving out false information. Low lifes preying on vulnerable cancer patients. I'm glad Greta got back to you. Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    allmost60 said:

    I told ya...
    Hey John,
    See...ask and you will receive...ha! Seriously though, I can usually tell when a post seems fishy and as soon as I read that post I got a gut feeling about it. Many times "snake oil" sellers creep on the boards giving out false information. Low lifes preying on vulnerable cancer patients. I'm glad Greta got back to you. Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

    Oh yea,I have seen the spammers many times. Everything from watches to shoes. I get on in the morning and see all the spam and it messes up the order of the posts. I have learned to check the responses by how many posts were left. When someone puts spam on the site it throws everything out of whack. I have reported it myself at times and wait till it is removed before readIng the post. After it is removed everything goes back in order. Thanks for the help. John(FNHL-1-4A-5/10)
  • Danboy
    Danboy Member Posts: 9
    greta said:

    Spamming is a violation of site terms and conditions. The post in question was posted on 9 different CSN boards. This constitutes spamming. The content itself was not the issue.
    Your CSN staff

    Hi Greta,
    I was wondering if you could email me the contents of the post. I am curious to look at the studies and testimonials that was listed in the post regarding the benefits of Cannabis.