trouble with keeping food and fluid down even with patch

Good morning to the night owls on the board and everyone else as well . I slept for 4 hours and am unable to rest anymore. My daughter has been going through this for 2 weeks or more. She eats and drinks very little but no matter after a a half hour or so it is all vomited back up almost looking untouched. She has a fenatol patch for pain in her back. Before and during her drain she was vomiting green and yellow fluid. I am afraid she will lose all her vitamins and minerals causing confusion and pain as well. She is waiting word to see if a gastro would take her in and locate if there is a blockage somewhere in her esophagus and stomach juncture. I imagine that can not happen before next week. I am afraid she can not go that long without some form of water and nutrition. I am thinking should we go to the oncologist for hydration and minerals before she goes on the road to a new gastro so he can put a scope down and see if she needs a stretching of the esophagus or what is going on. The local hospital sends all its EC patients to a gastro from Yale or Boston. If a person needs a stretching what are the symptoms that lead you to that decision? My next question is could this be the body shutting down not letting any food stay in the digestive track to nourish her body? If that is so we might just as well stay close to home and make her comfortable among friends and family. I am crying as I type this please ignore any mistakes.I have just read the latest posts on when to stop the chemo and she is in that position right now. Our next chemo if she says yes is iriontecan. I have been researching all yesterday and it seems to be a harsh drug on the small intestine which is about all she has left,also hair loss, vomiting , nausea and all the other horrible things she has now. Our family is leaving this to her to decide and will support her in any decision made. I am grateful for any information shared with me. I want some respite for her from the pain and hunger she has. Please say a prayer for our family in our hour of need. Bless all of you in your journey through this living hell. Kind regards Grandma Jo