Today is my 1 year post surgery anniversary -March 3

bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
Happy to be alive and healthy (knock on wood), blessed to have a great family and good friends (funny how a few friends disappeared when you have health issues) blessed to have all Zeros so far…I’m in the best shape of my life since about my mid 30’s…

It is true that I do not get erections on “demand” but my therapy is progressing and I see positive results…. But my orgasms are more intense than before (go figure that out)…

There are mixed blessings for me on this journey as I have no clue what the future will bring but the cancer “scare” for me placed life into a perspective most folks do not share with us… now at 55 a job would be nice after 3 years of unemployed but for me, I enjoy life and the ones I love to the fullest…

The best to all of you in your separate journeys with PCa-B


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Raising a glass to celebrate your anniversary
    I will raise a glass to celebrate your anniversary.
    You have been a fighter and a winner of your case. I hope for more years in that good shape and that you get to your 100th healthy and fit. Please keep posting about the benefits of physical exercise and good diets but include the red wine.
    Work? Yes I agree it would help in beating your routine. But stress no.

    Wishing you a continuous positive progress in your fate.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    Raising a glass to celebrate your anniversary
    I will raise a glass to celebrate your anniversary.
    You have been a fighter and a winner of your case. I hope for more years in that good shape and that you get to your 100th healthy and fit. Please keep posting about the benefits of physical exercise and good diets but include the red wine.
    Work? Yes I agree it would help in beating your routine. But stress no.

    Wishing you a continuous positive progress in your fate.

    Thank you for your well
    Thank you for your well wishes...yes my motto is to die healthy...and yes let the red wine flow!
  • YTW
    YTW Member Posts: 67
    bdhilton said:

    Thank you for your well
    Thank you for your well wishes...yes my motto is to die healthy...and yes let the red wine flow!

    Best wishes
    bd: You should only drink red wine on two occasions: When your alone or when your with someone.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    YTW said:

    Best wishes
    bd: You should only drink red wine on two occasions: When your alone or when your with someone.

    I'm working on that...funny

    I'm working on that...funny
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Congratulations on reaching ths important milestone
    your discipline toward living a healthy life style is an inspiration to me.

    Also, by the way, this is two years for me after initial diagnosis.
  • jminnj
    jminnj Member Posts: 129 Member

    Congratulations on reaching ths important milestone
    your discipline toward living a healthy life style is an inspiration to me.

    Also, by the way, this is two years for me after initial diagnosis.

    BD, Congratulations on the
    BD, Congratulations on the milestone!!!! Not sure about you but for me it is amazing how quickly the last year has gone by (Jan 2010 surg for me), I have learned to take everything one day at a time and not to sweat out the little stuff. I have also learned that continuing a strict exercise program was a key to a quicker recovery.
    Take care, best of luck going forward.
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    WAy To Go BD!
    Congrates on anniversary!

    I'm on a new journey to reduce weight and get into better shape myself. I am hoping to have lost 54lbs by August 2011. I am starting by learning to eat correctly and add exercise into the rountine. Just finished a week long scuba live-aboard in the Bahammas and found if I was in better shape I would have had an easier time on the 19 dives completed as well as probably wouldn't have gotten stuck in a dive through hole to boot!

    Yes, I find it odd your orgasms improved as mine definetly did not...and in fact went the other way...somehow my prostate seems it must have played a role in the intensity ....but I'd take cancer free over intensity in orgasms any and every day!

    Take care all... Peter I sent you a private message on Viagra sourcing.

    Randy in Indy
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Congrats on the one Year
    Congrats on the one Year mark! Its a good feeling and milestone to reach! Wishing you many more!

  • zakpaga
    zakpaga Member Posts: 69
    Congratulations BD!
    Congrats BD on your first anniversary! It has not been an easy ride for none of us but we should count our blessing on being cancer free.

    I will also reach on March 15 my first year anniversary and I could say that the PSA is still ZERO (had last reading two weeks ago).

    Congrats and enjoy yourself with the love ones.

  • dakotarunner
    dakotarunner Member Posts: 102 Member
    Atta boy!
    Congrats BD. In life, there are few times it is good to get a zero on a test, but this is one of them. Haven't seen your name on the board for a while, so good to see you are doing well.

    Yes, we do look a life a little differently than before. We see that things aren't as bad as we thought BC (before cancer). Here's to all cancer survivors world wide. God bless you all. DR
  • kgkon
    kgkon Member Posts: 2
    Very encouraging
    Very encouraging. I had my RP January 17, 2011 and anxiously awaiting my first post op PSA test at the end of April. I'm very much wanting to see nothing but zeros!!
  • CharlieG
    CharlieG Member Posts: 67
    Congratulations on your one year! I am about 6 months behind you and looking forward to my 6 month PSA test (not).

    Here's to 10 full years of zeros. My brother just hit his 10 year mark...
  • BOBfromNJ
    BOBfromNJ Member Posts: 32
    Great Job! Good Luck

    Just wanted to wish you congratulations. That's one test you always want to get a zero on. Of course your teachers from your school days wouldn't like it. I wish you good luck and continued success. You have to do all you can to beat this monster.

    Take care,
  • BRONX52
    BRONX52 Member Posts: 156
    Congrats--and keep up your
    Congrats--and keep up your current lifesyle-----it's working !!
  • Will_10_2010
    Will_10_2010 Member Posts: 43
    Your good news gives all of
    Your good news gives all of us hope. Thanks for posting and please keep us up to date.
  • griff 1
    griff 1 Member Posts: 114
    bdhilton said:

    Thank you for your well
    Thank you for your well wishes...yes my motto is to die healthy...and yes let the red wine flow!

    one year
    i have not been on for awhile, that is great bd. my one year post op is in june. or let the beer flow. griff
  • JR1949
    JR1949 Member Posts: 230
    Congrats on your zeros
    Congrats on your zeros, BD. As someone said this is one time you want to get a zero.

    I had RP March 09 and so far I have had zeros (0.008)and I am confident my next uro visit in April will continue to give me a zero.

    My wife and I are both cancer survivors and we both find that after surviving something that, except for the grace of God, could have taken your life has given us a whole new perspective on life. You appreciate nature more and you are more tolerant and you enjoy the little things in life more now.

    BD I wish you luck in getting a job and hope you have many more ZEROs.
