Got some questions on blood work - MCV, MCH and LYMPHS#

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
edited March 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
I had blood work done last week before my 6 mth appt with Chemo Dr. I got a call from VA that i need to come back in the next and get another vial drawn. Went in and my PA had ordered a B12 test. Saw Chemo Dr the next day and he said that blood work was good.

Well today I got a copy in the mail and there are a couple of things that I don't understand quite. Jan won't be in tomorrow so it'll be Friday before I can talk to her. She wrot on the paper that 2 of the higher than normal can be caused by B12 defenciecy - hence why she ordered the B12 test.
MCV is 106.7 - should be between 80 - 100
MCH is 35.2 - should be between 27 -34
Anyone know anything - the looking up i found seems to say that it has to do with size of the red blood cells and they ae bigger than should be.

Things that are below are
WBC is 4.4 - should be 4.8 - 10.8
RBC is 3.44 - should be 4.2 - 5.4

Other thing I don't understand is
LYMPHS is 19.5 - within normal
LYMPHS# is 0.9 - should be 1 - 3
Wondering if this has to do with lymphedema problems I have?

Anywho - any thoughts - i'm sure there is nothing i need to worry about til I can talk to Jan but thought I'd ask anyway in case some has some ideas.



  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Lymphs are shirt for
    Lymphocyte which is a type of white bllod cell
    lymphocytes (limˑ·f·sāts), white blood cells of the agranulocyte type, originally from stem cells, that produce antibodies and attack harmful cells. There are two categories of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells.