


  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    Praying for you
    Oh, dear.

    Roger, I hate to read this about you. I just pray that the doctor's thought that you might be around a long time comes true! You have so much living to do!

    Now I know I need to come to Winston sometime very soon and meet up with you.


    Hey Buddy
    I'm telling you. We've got the best stamp/scrap booking store East (or West) of the Mississippi right here in Lewisville. You just tell me when you can come. I'd love to meet up with you.
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    Lilmiss82 said:

    I've been thinking about you lately and I was so happy to see you post. You are so positive and I want the best for you. Keep on doing the things you love and we are here for you :) Melissa

    Thanks Melissa. I hope you are
    Thanks Melissa. I hope you are doing well. How are things?
  • Lori-S said:

    I am so sorry to hear that you are on one of those twisty, turning roads with your cancerr. Go away tumors .... damn it! HUGS to you and the family

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    hi roger MAN only advice
    hi roger,

    I am so sorry to have heard of the growth and its a setback and worry no doubt.

    I have hope, that your hope stays strong. they say it ain't oer till the fat lady sings.
    I cannot hear anyone singing hear. so hope is what we all have and its free.

    hope is one of the only free things besides sex. enjoy today, every moment as you do. soccer sounded fun, Lucky the girls did not slam a ball right into your stomach, that have have dislodged your newest tumour. (attempted humour ) keep on playing soccer or any other passionate and slightly risky endevours that keeps you blood pulsing ( i hope the girls to read this bit, I would also recommend as much sex as you can get ) I was advised it was the miracle cure. I told my wife about that one. so far so good. Being half serious here. Now being a quarter serious. If you died having sex or on the soccer field, your tomestone could read "he beat cancer and passedaway playing the game he loved with the ones who loved him."

    I thought your decision to stop chemo and go natural is the bravest move and that your courage in particular is an inspiration to me. I show my kids and few a few posts and this is one I would like to share with them.

    If my god is listening to my prayers for you especially he can see my tears as I write this. I pray for you and that my god is listening.

    i have thought about you often and your illness and your real courage in adversity.

    Not much else to say but that the onc and second opinion except they sound compassionate. Are you trying cordyseps from china, a farout alternative from the mountains of china. I am getting some today and its on special.

    Stick with your super healthy approach, I have heard of miracles and I will ask ND2
    what he thinks tonight. Strange that your healthy approach some how reaches around and motivates me to be healthier. In my big prayer for you I am offering a small one for me.

    love and hope,


    PS I am on the dex again, sorry for the post. I said dex not sex here !!
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    Nana b said:

    Time to just wish it away...
    Time to just wish it away... Stay positive! Stay active!

    I take the following herbs each morning, just an FYI, herbs for thought

    Smoothie of

    Red raspberries
    blue berries
    supreme greens powder
    supreme reds powder
    grape extract
    ginger root
    milk thistle
    and throw in some 100 berry juice to mix it all up

    evening juice or blend if you have to

    beets (a bit)
    a garlic clove

    I eat soups of blended up cooked veggies and garlic. No red meat. I eat chicken, fish.

    I also take
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin D3
    all the B's
    Vitamin E
    Fish oil

    Worth talking to your Naturopath about herbs and supplements if you haven't already. Mine told me to continue what I am doing.

    nana b
    what the benefit vit e ?
    one of my NDs asked about why I was taking vit e.
    I said no reason in particular except I read it in a book somewhere and then on this site.

    your list is awesome, and pretty close to mine.

  • Devasted
    Devasted Member Posts: 185
    Thinking of you..

    Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you, and sending healing sparks to you and your family. I hate cancer.... Take care and keep playing with those girls, they will keep you energized.

    Take care,
  • sasjourney
    sasjourney Member Posts: 395 Member
    Thinking about you!

    I have been thinking about you and your family lately. I am sorry to hear that things are not going well. I admire you for taking charge and trying the natural method...we know it has worked for some folks so why not you. Follow your heart and you will make the right decisions for you. You and your family are in my prayers. Looking forward to good news from you soon.

  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hey Roger
    Hi Roger,

    I missed this post until now- man, it hits me hard anytime I hear of someone having bad scan results- I'm so sorry. Glad you're still getting out and about. Definitely talk with your ND asap, if you haven't already & ask him what his protocol for emergency/severe metastasis is. Perhaps he will change up or add some things to what you're already taking and doing. Also- look into sauna detox therapy- and do it intensely if you go with it.

    I'm thinking of you and praying for you & I do really mean that when I say it.

    Hang in there- we're all pulling for you.

    Lisa :)
  • Aud
    Aud Member Posts: 479 Member
    Thinking about you and holding you in the Light for healing and strength. Glad to hear that you're feeling good and hoping that continues.
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    nana b
    what the benefit vit e ?
    one of my NDs asked about why I was taking vit e.
    I said no reason in particular except I read it in a book somewhere and then on this site.

    your list is awesome, and pretty close to mine.


    Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage. Vitamin E also contributes to a healthy circulatory system and aids in proper blood clotting and improves wound healing.

    The chemo is also killing your skin cells, the vitamin E helps rejuvenate your skin by keeping the blood flowing.
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    Crow71 said:

    Wow Marie. It's great to
    Wow Marie. It's great to hear from you. I looked at a phase 3 trial out of Vanderbuilt. 50% of patients get the new drug; 50% get a placebo. But everyone gets enough 5FU to make them sick. The results from phase 2 were not all that great to me. I don;t know if I'm doing the right thing or not, but I really want to stay non toxic.

    It's upsetting to have a tumor I can feel, but I' not close to losing hope.

    It's so amazing that you are still with us. It means a lot. It's been about 11 months since Christina passed right? I hope her kids, and you, are doing well.

    Hugs and sparks right back at you.

    Hi Roger
    That is such a great picture. Lovely.
    Yes, I visit this board almost daily. I do not often post, but I think and pray for everyone here!
    I know what you mean about placebo and all. I am so glad you are not losing hope. I too wonder about the naturapathic way and think it has some merits. Good you are trying.
    Yes, Christina passed away 04/30/2010. It has been a tough year and there is not a day that I do not think about her. Her children are doing remarkably well, though I still worry about them. Her daughter still wonders when mommy is coming home. Soo very sad. But they are a constant reminder of the happiness and joy of my sister.
    Keep on fighting and keep in touch!
    Lots of love.
  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member
    I am glad to see your post,
    I am glad to see your post, but not happy with what is in it. I always love to read your posts your personality just really comes through with your words so well, I miss that. I hope there is something that can work for you as far as treatments are, I love the new pic you have. Stay strong, we need you here too.
  • Nana2
    Nana2 Member Posts: 255
    Crow71 said:

    Thanks Pepe
    I'm definitely

    Thanks Pepe
    I'm definitely considering a trial. The problem I have with phase 1 trials is that the trial is all about the trial - not the patient. Right now I feel like the "alternative" offers the best chance at success.

    Roger, I will be keeping you
    Roger, I will be keeping you in my prayers dear one. Do I understand that when you do clinica trials you have to stop taking vitamins and suppliments? I know Jim's oncologist is talking about trials next and I don't think Jim will go that route. We are just starting the alternative stuff. Prayers and best wishes for good news ahead.
  • luvmum
    luvmum Member Posts: 457 Member
    Hi Roger,

    Although I'm not a patient, I have been through a lot with my mum. I truly hope all of you keep up your positive spirits and will recover soon!

    I don't know if this piece of information will be of any use for you, you might want to search more information about taking Yunzhi.


    I hope you will recover soon and best wishes to you!
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member

    Roger Dodger!!!..........
    Hi sweeetheart! I would definately say you got a full plate! Man, that tumor that you can feel would friggin bother me too...... You have a great positive attitude about everything Rog...... That reminds me of a saying I heard the other nite on TV "It's not the load that breaks you down---- It's the way you carry it" Luv that saying... Luv you too!


    Thanks Jennie - You always
    Thanks Jennie - You always lift me up.
    Luv right back to you.

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    mom_2_3 said:

    I am very saddened to hear you are facing these challenges. I am glad that you are feeling good and enjoying your family. I think I would go a clinical trial route but understand that you may not want to. I keep you in my thoughts Roger.


    Hey Amy - I'm not sure what
    Hey Amy - I'm not sure what I will do. Duke called today and said they had a spot for me. I have until Monday to decide. They sent tons of info so go through. I'll be busy this weekend.

    I just love those cheeks!!!!!!

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    Lori-S said:

    I am so sorry to hear that you are on one of those twisty, turning roads with your cancerr. Go away tumors .... damn it! HUGS to you and the family

    Thanks for the hugs Lori.
    Thanks for the hugs Lori. I've tried yelling at the tumor and it just sits there and mocks me.
    I hope you are doing well.
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    Nana b said:

    Time to just wish it away...
    Time to just wish it away... Stay positive! Stay active!

    I take the following herbs each morning, just an FYI, herbs for thought

    Smoothie of

    Red raspberries
    blue berries
    supreme greens powder
    supreme reds powder
    grape extract
    ginger root
    milk thistle
    and throw in some 100 berry juice to mix it all up

    evening juice or blend if you have to

    beets (a bit)
    a garlic clove

    I eat soups of blended up cooked veggies and garlic. No red meat. I eat chicken, fish.

    I also take
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin D3
    all the B's
    Vitamin E
    Fish oil

    Worth talking to your Naturopath about herbs and supplements if you haven't already. Mine told me to continue what I am doing.

    Hey Nana. I always
    Hey Nana. I always appreciate when you post specific things that you juice/blend/cook/take etc. I've learned a lot from you.

    I'm currently taking lots of supplements, herbs, vitamins etc. I haven't found a Naturopath here that I like yet.

    Take care. Stay Healthy.

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    unknown said:

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator

    Thanks Graci
    You are right. All we can do is our best. So let's enjoy the hell out of feeling good and energetic right now.

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member

    hi roger MAN only advice
    hi roger,

    I am so sorry to have heard of the growth and its a setback and worry no doubt.

    I have hope, that your hope stays strong. they say it ain't oer till the fat lady sings.
    I cannot hear anyone singing hear. so hope is what we all have and its free.

    hope is one of the only free things besides sex. enjoy today, every moment as you do. soccer sounded fun, Lucky the girls did not slam a ball right into your stomach, that have have dislodged your newest tumour. (attempted humour ) keep on playing soccer or any other passionate and slightly risky endevours that keeps you blood pulsing ( i hope the girls to read this bit, I would also recommend as much sex as you can get ) I was advised it was the miracle cure. I told my wife about that one. so far so good. Being half serious here. Now being a quarter serious. If you died having sex or on the soccer field, your tomestone could read "he beat cancer and passedaway playing the game he loved with the ones who loved him."

    I thought your decision to stop chemo and go natural is the bravest move and that your courage in particular is an inspiration to me. I show my kids and few a few posts and this is one I would like to share with them.

    If my god is listening to my prayers for you especially he can see my tears as I write this. I pray for you and that my god is listening.

    i have thought about you often and your illness and your real courage in adversity.

    Not much else to say but that the onc and second opinion except they sound compassionate. Are you trying cordyseps from china, a farout alternative from the mountains of china. I am getting some today and its on special.

    Stick with your super healthy approach, I have heard of miracles and I will ask ND2
    what he thinks tonight. Strange that your healthy approach some how reaches around and motivates me to be healthier. In my big prayer for you I am offering a small one for me.

    love and hope,


    PS I am on the dex again, sorry for the post. I said dex not sex here !!

    Thanks Pete.
    Your positive

    Thanks Pete.
    Your positive attitude and humor always lift me up.