People magazine article on C. Applegate with new baby

waffle8 Member Posts: 234
Wondering if anyone read this article and what thoughts you had? She talks about having breast cancer with double masectomy but had no other treatments...But doesn't say what type of cancer... Just wondering why nothing else was done? Does anyone have any other info on this? Why did.'t she have to take tamoxifen or something?I know it isn't really any of my business but I find it quite interesting!


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    I think she had very early,
    I think she had very early, DCIS found on mammo. Her mom had breast and ovarian. when she found out she was Braca positive she had the double mastectomy.
    I have a friend who had two children after treatment.
  • Punkindo
    Punkindo Member Posts: 113
    I am guessing her cancer must not have been estrogen possitive??? Mine was and the doctor told me not to have any more children because it would increase my estrogen and could cause the cancer to grow again.
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    I had early stage dcis but
    I had early stage dcis but widespread with two types of precancerous cells only in the ducts and was hormone positive. i had a double mastectomy, i am not taking tamoxifen. the oncologist said there is no need for it that the bad possible side effects far out weighed the good it would do. he sat down and told me all the scientific numbers and surgeon told me to take it because even though i had the mastectomy, not ALL breast tissue is removed (my oncologists argument for that was, mine was only in the milk ducts and since the milk ducts were gone, again the same argument as above), that i should take it and that there may be one or two cancer cells floating around. they both had very good arguments for and against. fortuneately, i say that sarcastically, i found out in the mean time that i have a blood disorder that makes me at risk for blood clots. that pretty much made my decision. but even if i didnt have that, i may not have taken it anyway. i didnt take the brac test. i have so few women in my family alive (mom, one grandma, two cousins)and so i have no history of family cancer so my surgeon said she doubted that insurance would pay for the $3000 test unless i drove 45 miles to see a genetisist to try and prove my case. then i realized i didnt want the test because i would live my life waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak. but this is all based on my cancer, my treatment, my case, every one has their own reasons to make their treatment her not taking tamoxifen makes perfect sense to me, given my cancer of dcis, stage 0, grade 0.had i had a lumpectomy with radiation i would have had to take tamoxifen, prior to the blood clot disorder knowledge.