Juicing ...whoa!..... Depression question....

idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
Hey All,
Scouty (Lisa) has been such a wonderful help getting me into the world of juicing. Thank you so much Lisa! Emily...can't leave you out..your voice and constant praise of juicing is what peaked my interest. Thank you both for getting me excited enough to try it.

I don't know if these body changes I am going thru are "juice" related or if I just have that in my head. All I know...for a fact....is I have not been this healthy...EVER. I have only been juicing a little over 2 weeks.... and not full force.... I am slowly letting my body adapt to all this good stuff I am putting into it... I think it is in shock....really! I have never been one to follow nutrition... watch what I eat...exercise? Right!... pepsi addict..sugar addict....meat addict.... no wonder my intestines paid the price.

In 2 short weeks my body has done some strange....foreign...not normal stuff. My pneumonia..almost gone.... scabby nasty sores deep in my nasal passages ..... GONE!..... couch potatoe? Not no more.... can't stop doing stuff...what???? Even my brain seems to be on "highlight"... I am just having a hard time believing that juicing can do this...in this short of a time....granted I also stopped all soda...most meat... started walking the dogs...doing stuff around the house like...cleaning the closets out...what??? ya...even dresser drawer clean outs...what??? Who is this person????? Thats all the good stuff...so far.

BUT...why is there always a but????..hate that.... anyway, I have noticed a severe depression... I don't know if perhaps there is a chemical imbalance due to all the body changes?????.... but I have caught myself crying over stupid..stupid...STUPID..stuff. I am not a depressive person...quite the contrary...so this is very strange to me. I have even noticed I need an attitude adjustment.... my temper is short... I have been a major Beotch...no..that word is too kind...more like that "C" word.... ya'll know what I'm talking about..... what is that about????? BIG QUESTION..... Those of you that started a juicing lifestyle...did this happen to you??? Any ideas?? Suggestions??? I will not take meds for depression.... nope...not for me... I will deal head on.... just need to know what I am dealing with.....My life has not been this great in a long..long time...so depression just don't fit...

Thanks in advance for any help on this.... ya'll rock!



  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Well if we can get our table on the patio at the Cabo, I'll turn that attitude around with an "adjustment" alright!


    Don't know Jenny - any changes we make to our body chemistry always has some kind of reprucussion....perhaps you need more time for your body to make the switch.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    That's not depression
    It's all part of the detoxing process. Your ND will talk to you about it next week.

    When I went thru it, it scared me badly until I talked to Emily and she shared how she acted when she went thru it. Totally normal and very good that "stuff is coming out" and it will pass.

    Lisa P.
  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    I'm wondering if it could be hormone related. Are any of the foods you're juicing reactive to hormones? Are you having severe pms? Could you be entering perimenopause? May not be juice related at all.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Hi again dear!, explain me please about this wonder!
    Are you only in juicing right now, no other foods? how bowels are reacting?no diarrhea ? What amount of juice a day?.
    Sorry for the amount of questions dear Jennie!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    detox depression?
    Hi Jennie,

    I'm so glad to hear you're juicing and are reaping the benefits!
    Just one thought I had... when I was going through my detox cleanse a couple of weeks ago, I had about a day and a half of severe depression, where I was almost incapacitated- crying, couldn't get up, felt hopeless, etc. I had never experienced feeling like that before ever except for a couple of days after giving birth to my first child (that was postpartum blues & it did go away quickly for me). Anyhow, my naturopath had warned me that not only might I experience physical symptoms from the cleanse, but that I would have to watch out for my emotions too. He said that some people do experience the emotions of anger or depression while on detox. Now, I know you're not on a detox cleanse like I was, but when you stop the sugar and caffeine and start putting healthy stuff in your body, it really is like a detox. I'm just wondering if your depression you've noticed could be related to that. I think it really is a possibility.
    I don't know how long it's been going on though, so that might make a difference in whether or not it's related to stopping the junk intake or not.
    Just a thought...

    Keep on with the healthy stuff!

    I'm doing the same- not juicing because of diahrrea still being a big problem for me, but I am off all sugar, meats other than turkey or fish, I take an "Essential 7" shake each morning that my naturopath prescribed- has a whole bunch of good and healthy stuff in there- proteins, nutrients, lots of veggie stuff there, plus the other supplements he prescribed to me. Hard to tell if I feel better yet, because I don't at the moment- I had chemo on Tuesday & still feel kind of crappy and tired from that. The two seem to kind of counteract each other but since stopping chemo for me isn't a choice right now, my onc is okay w/ me doing all this stuff with the naturopath, but he wants me to stop doing it all 24 hrs before chemo & not to resume again until 24 hrs after I get the pump unhooked. I get it unhooked today at 2:00, so I'll resume all the good stuff again tomorrow for another week and a half till chemo again. My onc is ok w/ me doing some infra red sauna detox therapy too- I plan on doing that next week on my "off" week.

    You take care & I'm glad to see you so excited about the juicing and being healthy- yay!!
    Don't let the depression get to you- as I said, it may be related and kind of a detox thing. As nasty stuff in you is released and flushed out, it can definitely cause some symptoms/side effects until it's totally gone. If the depression lasts longer and you really don't think it's from this, then know that there are some natural solutions to depression. One thing that has worked for many is Sam-e. It works best to take it in the morning. You can get it in Costco, but it's cheaper online. 5-HTP can also be purchased in Costco and online. It works best at night and for stress/anxiety. Don't take my word for it, though, as I know we're not supposed to give medical advice, but check it out for yourself & google and read about it online.

    Take care!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    lisa42 said:

    detox depression?
    Hi Jennie,

    I'm so glad to hear you're juicing and are reaping the benefits!
    Just one thought I had... when I was going through my detox cleanse a couple of weeks ago, I had about a day and a half of severe depression, where I was almost incapacitated- crying, couldn't get up, felt hopeless, etc. I had never experienced feeling like that before ever except for a couple of days after giving birth to my first child (that was postpartum blues & it did go away quickly for me). Anyhow, my naturopath had warned me that not only might I experience physical symptoms from the cleanse, but that I would have to watch out for my emotions too. He said that some people do experience the emotions of anger or depression while on detox. Now, I know you're not on a detox cleanse like I was, but when you stop the sugar and caffeine and start putting healthy stuff in your body, it really is like a detox. I'm just wondering if your depression you've noticed could be related to that. I think it really is a possibility.
    I don't know how long it's been going on though, so that might make a difference in whether or not it's related to stopping the junk intake or not.
    Just a thought...

    Keep on with the healthy stuff!

    I'm doing the same- not juicing because of diahrrea still being a big problem for me, but I am off all sugar, meats other than turkey or fish, I take an "Essential 7" shake each morning that my naturopath prescribed- has a whole bunch of good and healthy stuff in there- proteins, nutrients, lots of veggie stuff there, plus the other supplements he prescribed to me. Hard to tell if I feel better yet, because I don't at the moment- I had chemo on Tuesday & still feel kind of crappy and tired from that. The two seem to kind of counteract each other but since stopping chemo for me isn't a choice right now, my onc is okay w/ me doing all this stuff with the naturopath, but he wants me to stop doing it all 24 hrs before chemo & not to resume again until 24 hrs after I get the pump unhooked. I get it unhooked today at 2:00, so I'll resume all the good stuff again tomorrow for another week and a half till chemo again. My onc is ok w/ me doing some infra red sauna detox therapy too- I plan on doing that next week on my "off" week.

    You take care & I'm glad to see you so excited about the juicing and being healthy- yay!!
    Don't let the depression get to you- as I said, it may be related and kind of a detox thing. As nasty stuff in you is released and flushed out, it can definitely cause some symptoms/side effects until it's totally gone. If the depression lasts longer and you really don't think it's from this, then know that there are some natural solutions to depression. One thing that has worked for many is Sam-e. It works best to take it in the morning. You can get it in Costco, but it's cheaper online. 5-HTP can also be purchased in Costco and online. It works best at night and for stress/anxiety. Don't take my word for it, though, as I know we're not supposed to give medical advice, but check it out for yourself & google and read about it online.

    Take care!

    just saw Lisa's (Scouty)'s response
    Hi again,

    I just read Scouty's reply to you after I wrote mine. I guess my thinking was right- it's related to the detox just like my naturopath warned me about.

    Hang in there!

  • dianetavegia
    dianetavegia Member Posts: 1,942 Member
    I'm doing a class for a large group of teens tonight on the dangers of energy drinks. Caffeine withdrawl causes 'depression'.

    Keep up the good work! Glad you're doing so well!
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Maybe some chamomile tea in
    Maybe some chamomile tea in the evenings. Some Ginseng in your juice. Google herbs for depression, and anxiety. Hope you find that missing link. I'm sure you are going through some withdrawals.

    Keep it up!! Get some Vitamin D3, or go out in sun, that helps the mood alot! Of course, Google that too, hee, hee.

    Just saw all the repsonses....got you covered!
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    Juicing never turned me into
    Juicing never turned me into a "B" word, or a "C" word, a "D" word, or even an "H" word.

    When I started my naturo treatments a month and a half ago, I spent a week and half in bed with the cold, barfy, snotty, stinky sweats. The rapid detox was caused by the large amount of powdered Kamut and Alfalfa grass juice. I also think having an ileostomy really hindered the detox process. It's hard to get rid of toxins without the use of your large intestine.

    I don't think you need to worry about taking meds. Give it some more time, and see if things level out. What Lisa said makes good sense.

    Keep on rocking and cleaning.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    That is so awesome! I love all your new found energy. Isn't it just the BEST!!??

    What you are experiencing is typical DETOX symptoms. It's wild isn't it? I would just sit and cry only no tears would come out--weird. And the yawning....holy cow. Non stop. Don't be surprised if you go through "healing crisis" mode during your pro-juicing anti-sugar time. Your body is releasing years of toxic gunk. Just keep juicing and cleaning out: closets, drawers and your tissues. My "detox" included spiritual and emotional detoxing as well as physical (and I drifted away from toxic people too).

    You're ROCKIN' IT girl!

    May I use your story at my juicing workshop next week? I use Scouty's all the time. I even named a juice after her that I give to my attendees.


    peace, emily
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    scouty said:

    That's not depression
    It's all part of the detoxing process. Your ND will talk to you about it next week.

    When I went thru it, it scared me badly until I talked to Emily and she shared how she acted when she went thru it. Totally normal and very good that "stuff is coming out" and it will pass.

    Lisa P.

    Thanks ... that was just what I was going to tell her. During detox you'll get all kinds of emotional and even sometimes silly. Just stick with it and you'll even out. You're body's been used to all those chemical additives and has to come down from them. It's part of the cleansing process. Keep it up. And you can come clean out my closet if you run outta things to do.

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    lisa42 said:

    just saw Lisa's (Scouty)'s response
    Hi again,

    I just read Scouty's reply to you after I wrote mine. I guess my thinking was right- it's related to the detox just like my naturopath warned me about.

    Hang in there!


    You hit it Other Lisa
    It's called emotional detoxing. And I guess it could be compared to post partem since both are after some serious physical changes (to say the least). I've never heard of someone depressed cleaning out closets and enjoying it though. The crying spells are just pent up emotions coming out. I can't tell you the TV shows, songs, heck even commercials I would boo hoo over. Your reaction and Crow's are very similar but his were much more intense and I totally agree with him about the impact of no large intestine to aid in the detoxing.

    Y'all are all doing so great and being so brave. I hope you know how much I am with you.

    Lisa P.
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Crow71 said:

    Juicing never turned me into
    Juicing never turned me into a "B" word, or a "C" word, a "D" word, or even an "H" word.

    When I started my naturo treatments a month and a half ago, I spent a week and half in bed with the cold, barfy, snotty, stinky sweats. The rapid detox was caused by the large amount of powdered Kamut and Alfalfa grass juice. I also think having an ileostomy really hindered the detox process. It's hard to get rid of toxins without the use of your large intestine.

    I don't think you need to worry about taking meds. Give it some more time, and see if things level out. What Lisa said makes good sense.

    Keep on rocking and cleaning.


    Hey Neighbor
    I think you are right on about the lack of a large intestine and how it would impact the releasing of the bad stuff.

    I had forgotten how bad my BO was back then until you mentioned stinky sweats.

    Are you seeing someone local to help you? Just curious cuz I think my ND is around your area these days.

    AND you keep on rocking and cleaning!

    Lisa P.
  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    scouty said:

    Hey Neighbor
    I think you are right on about the lack of a large intestine and how it would impact the releasing of the bad stuff.

    I had forgotten how bad my BO was back then until you mentioned stinky sweats.

    Are you seeing someone local to help you? Just curious cuz I think my ND is around your area these days.

    AND you keep on rocking and cleaning!

    Lisa P.

    Hey Lisa
    My ileo is really hindering my treatment plan. It's hard to stay hydrated. I have to be careful about eating patterns or I'll find half digested vitamins and enzyme pills in my bag. It really sucks, but I'm not sure reversal is a good idea right now.

    Yes - nothing stinks quite like chemo/chemical gunk oozing out of your pores.

    I'm working with a guy in New York. I got hooked up with him through a very trusted family friend who is using alternative/natural treatments to beat her breast cancer. I've seen a few local folks, but no one I'm thrilled with. I'd love to talk to to your ND. Please post or send me his/her info.

    I hadn't realized until reading Jennie's post and the responses, that I've been on a bit of a cleaning kick lately too. Got to get rid of this junk; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

    Thanks for the support.

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    2bhealed said:


    That is so awesome! I love all your new found energy. Isn't it just the BEST!!??

    What you are experiencing is typical DETOX symptoms. It's wild isn't it? I would just sit and cry only no tears would come out--weird. And the yawning....holy cow. Non stop. Don't be surprised if you go through "healing crisis" mode during your pro-juicing anti-sugar time. Your body is releasing years of toxic gunk. Just keep juicing and cleaning out: closets, drawers and your tissues. My "detox" included spiritual and emotional detoxing as well as physical (and I drifted away from toxic people too).

    You're ROCKIN' IT girl!

    May I use your story at my juicing workshop next week? I use Scouty's all the time. I even named a juice after her that I give to my attendees.


    peace, emily

    Hey Em
    I'd love to get the recipe for a "Scouty."
    Hope you're doing great.
  • Sigma34
    Sigma34 Member Posts: 203
    Crow71 said:

    Hey Em
    I'd love to get the recipe for a "Scouty."
    Hope you're doing great.

    Detoxing for sure. I've been
    Detoxing for sure. I've been juicing 20 years, it still happens to me. I'm
    getting ready to do a cleanse and I'm sure I will experience some.

    Keep it up!!

    Peace, calm and stillness~

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Sigma34 said:

    Detoxing for sure. I've been
    Detoxing for sure. I've been juicing 20 years, it still happens to me. I'm
    getting ready to do a cleanse and I'm sure I will experience some.

    Keep it up!!

    Peace, calm and stillness~


    Thanks For All Comments!!!!....
    Scouty- WHEW! Thanks for explaining. Makes sense now and I know what to expect and this will remedy itself in time. I thought I was losing it when cleaning those closets.... so darn happy to be off my butt and doing something yet crying at the same time for some stupid reason and then laughing and asking myself.."what the heck are you crying about...what is wrong with me???" NOW...I know..thank you!

    Craig- I would so love to be there with you and Kim getting an "adjustment"....especially at our special place..CABO! Love the new pic!!

    Other Lisa-lol- We seem to be going down the same road at the same time....as are others like Rog..... i am so glad we can all share our experiences and have the Pro's chime in with their years of experience. I feel so very lucky to have you all.

    Roger- You funny Dude! And you the "A" word.... NO..not that... AWESOME! thats you!

    Diane- So good to hear from you!!! I have heard that withdrawal from soda can cause headaches but never depression...wow!

    Nana- TY and I will try the tea!

    Emily- Of course you can use my story.... YOU inspired it!!! I sure would like to know the Scouty juice too!

    Christine- 20 years of juicing...wow.... that rocks!
    Lori, Pepe, SisterSledge..and anyone I forgot..... thanks for chiming in ... I so appreciate all your comments!

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    had the same odd response
    at dx went ultra healthy diet and juicing and was an emotional wreck.
    at the time i thought it was just getting used to having cancer.
    now i think it was detox.

    i would cry everyday driving the kids to school.
    its my go in chess with my son, if he wins i have to get him some lego.
    so i goto go

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Thanks For All Comments!!!!....
    Scouty- WHEW! Thanks for explaining. Makes sense now and I know what to expect and this will remedy itself in time. I thought I was losing it when cleaning those closets.... so darn happy to be off my butt and doing something yet crying at the same time for some stupid reason and then laughing and asking myself.."what the heck are you crying about...what is wrong with me???" NOW...I know..thank you!

    Craig- I would so love to be there with you and Kim getting an "adjustment"....especially at our special place..CABO! Love the new pic!!

    Other Lisa-lol- We seem to be going down the same road at the same time....as are others like Rog..... i am so glad we can all share our experiences and have the Pro's chime in with their years of experience. I feel so very lucky to have you all.

    Roger- You funny Dude! And you the "A" word.... NO..not that... AWESOME! thats you!

    Diane- So good to hear from you!!! I have heard that withdrawal from soda can cause headaches but never depression...wow!

    Nana- TY and I will try the tea!

    Emily- Of course you can use my story.... YOU inspired it!!! I sure would like to know the Scouty juice too!

    Christine- 20 years of juicing...wow.... that rocks!
    Lori, Pepe, SisterSledge..and anyone I forgot..... thanks for chiming in ... I so appreciate all your comments!


    Scouty's Juice
    Hi all,

    This is the recipe that Scouty's Naturopathic doctor gave her when she was curing her Stage IV cancer. I named it Scouty's Juice for my juicing workshop that I put on at my coop. This week I'm presenting it for the first time in my hometown where I moved last summer.


    1 beet with 2" diameter
    2 carrots
    1" wedge cabbage (alternate red & green)
    2 celery stalks

    The beets pack a punch so be careful they're small, otherwise use 1/4 of the beet if it's a bigger one. The cabbage will do wonderful things to your skin. I swear it's helped rid my body of cellulite.

    My own personal recipe that I call EMILY'S CANCER CONCOCTION:

    2-4 juicing carrots (they're much bigger than table carrots)
    1 granny smith apple
    1 celery stalk
    1 handful parsley
    1 handful spinach
    1 small piece ginger (this also packs a punch so when I say small I mean small)

    This one I chose purely on digestive strength and colon health. To this I added my flax seed, protein powder, fruit pectin and green powders. I drink a different drink now.


    4-8 juicing carrots
    2 large kale leaves
    4 large romaine leaves
    1 small wedge of cabbage

    (plus ground flax seed)


    1/4 lemon
    4 apples

    BEST lemonade in the world I promise! Your kids will love it!


    peace, emily
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Scouty's Juice
    Hi all,

    This is the recipe that Scouty's Naturopathic doctor gave her when she was curing her Stage IV cancer. I named it Scouty's Juice for my juicing workshop that I put on at my coop. This week I'm presenting it for the first time in my hometown where I moved last summer.


    1 beet with 2" diameter
    2 carrots
    1" wedge cabbage (alternate red & green)
    2 celery stalks

    The beets pack a punch so be careful they're small, otherwise use 1/4 of the beet if it's a bigger one. The cabbage will do wonderful things to your skin. I swear it's helped rid my body of cellulite.

    My own personal recipe that I call EMILY'S CANCER CONCOCTION:

    2-4 juicing carrots (they're much bigger than table carrots)
    1 granny smith apple
    1 celery stalk
    1 handful parsley
    1 handful spinach
    1 small piece ginger (this also packs a punch so when I say small I mean small)

    This one I chose purely on digestive strength and colon health. To this I added my flax seed, protein powder, fruit pectin and green powders. I drink a different drink now.


    4-8 juicing carrots
    2 large kale leaves
    4 large romaine leaves
    1 small wedge of cabbage

    (plus ground flax seed)


    1/4 lemon
    4 apples

    BEST lemonade in the world I promise! Your kids will love it!


    peace, emily

    Hey Emily or Scouty-

    My ND told me to avoid carrots, as they are fungus feeders and also have too much natural sugar. He's wanting me to even avoid sugar in the natural form. So, I did avoid carrots during my initial cleanse, but have had a couple lately. Just wondered if you ever heard about avoiding carrots?
