Help with Diagnosis?

dayemdom Member Posts: 28
My mom had a surgery last week to remove part of a tumor from her backbone that is approacher her spine.The pathologist report came out today. We didn't see the oncologist yet but the diagnosis in the pathologist report says that my mom has an invasive Adenocarcinoma favoring Breast cancer Carcinoma primary. The report didn't say what is the cancer stage. They also noted lung tumors. Anyone here can help me understand the situation.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry I can't give any input
    Just good thoughts...sorry your family is going through this..

    could you ask for advocate? with in hospital or social worker?

    i'll be thinking of you..

    Denise W
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    Well I'm certainly no expert
    Well I'm certainly no expert , but what it sounds like from what other ladies have posted
    is that the primary cancer site was breast cancer, and it has spread to the spine and lungs. It would still be called breast cancer. Staging when it has spread is usually stage 4, but this is certainly something your Oncologist will have to determine. There are several ladies on this board who have "mets" (metastisis) to the spine, liver, lungs,or bones, which just means the cancer has spread from the primary site. Most are responding well to treatment. Don't panic. There is treatment available for most breast cancers now. Please keep us posted after you have spoken to your oncologist. You can find a lot of information on this site and all the ladies will be happy to share their experiences.
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Diagnosis help
    I would have to agree with what dyaneb123 (Dee) said both as to diagnosis and staging.

    Since it sounds like no tumor has been found in the breast tissue find out if a tissue sample is available and have it sent to Pathwork Diagnostics (in Redwood City,CA) for a Tissue of Origin test. They are the only lab in the country performing this type of test.
    It is a gene expression–based test that uses a tumor's own genomic information to aid in identifying challenging tumors, including metastatic, poorly differentiated and undifferentiated tumors. This was done for me and was the only way we were able to find out that the cancer in my lymph nodes originated in my breast and not my lungs, liver, thyroid or elsewhere. Makes a difference in treatment.

    My best wishes to you and your mom. I know what a difficult time this must be.
  • Findingout
    Findingout Member Posts: 132
    When I got my pathology
    When I got my pathology report I found an online site that explained all the parts of it. Now I can't recall where it was, but it was a major U.S. cancer source, which I just found by googling my question. It helped a lot in understanding the terminology. The doctor should tell you the stage. There is also a "grade" that determines its aggressiveness, which helps then determine which type of treatment will be best. Good luck! I hope you find what you need.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    dyaneb123 said:

    Well I'm certainly no expert
    Well I'm certainly no expert , but what it sounds like from what other ladies have posted
    is that the primary cancer site was breast cancer, and it has spread to the spine and lungs. It would still be called breast cancer. Staging when it has spread is usually stage 4, but this is certainly something your Oncologist will have to determine. There are several ladies on this board who have "mets" (metastisis) to the spine, liver, lungs,or bones, which just means the cancer has spread from the primary site. Most are responding well to treatment. Don't panic. There is treatment available for most breast cancers now. Please keep us posted after you have spoken to your oncologist. You can find a lot of information on this site and all the ladies will be happy to share their experiences.

    The oncologist should
    The oncologist should explain all of this to you. Write down your questions and insist that he explains fully so that you understand and feel more empowered by knowing.

    Sending hugs,

  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Best to let the doctors explain what the pathology reports mean.....I know it's so very hard to wait, but they're the experts who can best explain it all. Eveyone's pathology is totally unique to their particular cancer.. Don 't be afraid to ask them any and all questions that you have...always make sure someone goes to each and every Appointment your mom has...two sets of ears better than one!!

    But wait and let her physicians interpret the pathology report for you both..
    Wishing you both the best!
  • dayemdom
    dayemdom Member Posts: 28
    It was confirmed today (breast cancer stage 4)
    Thank you all for your input about my mom case. She saw the oncologist today with my sister and he told them that she has breast cancer stage 4. The MRI and the CT scan didn't show any breast tumor but tumor on her lungs and her backbone. He wants her to do a breast monogram tomorrow. He believes that chemotherapy is the best treatment for her and wants her to start by next week. He is saying that radiotherapy at this stage doesn't help that much. I am not sure if this means that her situation is very bad or that is normal. Any additional information or comment will be highly appreciated. God bless you all.
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950
    dayemdom said:

    It was confirmed today (breast cancer stage 4)
    Thank you all for your input about my mom case. She saw the oncologist today with my sister and he told them that she has breast cancer stage 4. The MRI and the CT scan didn't show any breast tumor but tumor on her lungs and her backbone. He wants her to do a breast monogram tomorrow. He believes that chemotherapy is the best treatment for her and wants her to start by next week. He is saying that radiotherapy at this stage doesn't help that much. I am not sure if this means that her situation is very bad or that is normal. Any additional information or comment will be highly appreciated. God bless you all.

    Hi Dayemdom
    So sorry about

    Hi Dayemdom
    So sorry about your Mom's dx. I know this is a scary time for her and for you, but most of us have been through chemo, and while it's no picnic, it is doable, and if she has you and your sister to help her through it, I'm sure it will be a great help to her. We are so glad that you found our site. It will be a wealth of info and support for you and your mom as she goes through this trying time in her life.Let us know how things are going.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    When I got my pathology
    When I got my pathology report I found an online site that explained all the parts of it. Now I can't recall where it was, but it was a major U.S. cancer source, which I just found by googling my question. It helped a lot in understanding the terminology. The doctor should tell you the stage. There is also a "grade" that determines its aggressiveness, which helps then determine which type of treatment will be best. Good luck! I hope you find what you need.

    My oncologist explained my
    My oncologist explained my path report to me in detail. I had lots of questions too, which he and the surgeon both answered. Leave this to the professionals. Sometimes the internet can scare you and not be true.

    Good luck!
  • dayemdom
    dayemdom Member Posts: 28
    dyaneb123 said:

    Hi Dayemdom
    So sorry about

    Hi Dayemdom
    So sorry about your Mom's dx. I know this is a scary time for her and for you, but most of us have been through chemo, and while it's no picnic, it is doable, and if she has you and your sister to help her through it, I'm sure it will be a great help to her. We are so glad that you found our site. It will be a wealth of info and support for you and your mom as she goes through this trying time in her life.Let us know how things are going.

    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your support. I will surely come back with more questions and update. Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    dayemdom said:

    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your support. I will surely come back with more questions and update. Hope you all have a great weekend.

    I am so glad to hear that her doctor has confirmed the diagnosis for you. I too got my PT Scan and Path report online b4 talking to my doctor. I can tell you that I understand the fear and questions that you were asking, but each persons cancer is different so it is so hard to respond, other than to say that we are with you in thought and prayer!

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    dayemdom said:

    Thank you all for your
    Thank you all for your support. I will surely come back with more questions and update. Hope you all have a great weekend.

    Come back anytime as we are
    Come back anytime as we are always here to help! Good luck!

    Hugs, Kylez
  • dayemdom
    dayemdom Member Posts: 28
    Kylez said:

    Come back anytime as we are
    Come back anytime as we are always here to help! Good luck!

    Hugs, Kylez

    How to choose between two oncologists?!
    My mom saw an oncologist last Friday and they talked about her treatment. He told here that he prefers that she starts with chemotherapy not radiation since the cancer has already spread to the lungs and the spine. He was still waiting for more tissue test results and asked her to do a mammogram. I am not sure why the MRI didn't show any cancer in her breasts. She received the rest of her tests today and is going to see tomorrow another oncologist who is specialized in breast cancer. I am not sure now how to choose between the two oncologists. One oncologist is very close to where she lives and the second one is almost an hour from where she lives but he looks like he is more specialized in treating breast cancer. If both recommended that she starts with chemotherapy, what else should be looking at to choose between the two oncologists. Any advice?.Thank you.
