"Four Cups a Joe" per day, drink up!
Even more coffeestaceya said:YIPEE!!
Now I can drink EVEN MORE COFFEE!
any good studies on them??
Caffeinated hugs to you all
....and another friend I was thinking of chimes in. Lol.
Knishes??!! Man it's been like ten years since I had one of those.0 -
I loooovvvvvveeee coffee!
I loooovvvvvveeee coffee! I actually owned a coffee shop years ago, got to go to coffee shows and even worked at starbucks, loves it! I like it espresso'd, french pressed, dripped, latte'd, macchiato'd and Americano'd! Anyway I can get it as long as it strong enought to stand a spoon up in! I give it up every once in a while for a couple of weeks because I get burned out on it. Hit up the tea. Love Chai! Yummy! Nothing beats a warm cuppa joe on a cold winter's day.0 -
Chai tea.kingcole42005 said:I loooovvvvvveeee coffee!
I loooovvvvvveeee coffee! I actually owned a coffee shop years ago, got to go to coffee shows and even worked at starbucks, loves it! I like it espresso'd, french pressed, dripped, latte'd, macchiato'd and Americano'd! Anyway I can get it as long as it strong enought to stand a spoon up in! I give it up every once in a while for a couple of weeks because I get burned out on it. Hit up the tea. Love Chai! Yummy! Nothing beats a warm cuppa joe on a cold winter's day.
That would be what I am addicted to.Love all those spices. I often add extra cardamom to my cup. So good.
Kingcole, owning a coffee shop! That's a hard core coffee lover right there.0 -
Knish withdrawalsweetblood22 said:Even more coffee
....and another friend I was thinking of chimes in. Lol.
Knishes??!! Man it's been like ten years since I had one of those.
Knishes are a bit hard to come by, here in Montana..
But..If someone could make them (not me, I tried and they were awful) they would be a HIT!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0 -
What no College under your belt?sweetblood22 said:Thanks Dr. Mary for posting.
I often have people comment about my diet and tell me that I have to keep it less acidic and more alkaline and that I should cut out certain foods like yogurt and fruits.... This never seemed like it would work to me. Sometimes I feel like there is just so much misinformation out there that a person sometimes doesn't know what to think or believe any more. In this Internet age both true and false info flies around the globe at the speed of light. I try to do the best I can in disseminating information but sometimes that is not easy for an untrained or someone like me that doesn't have a college education under her belt.
I guess I still feel comfortable with my approach to food and trying to eat healthier and that is all that matters since it is my body.I usually just say thanks for the tips to the people that try to sway me to their way of eating. I just had someone try and get me to buy a book or programme the other day and they were telling me that apple seeds can cure cancer. The whole time I am sitting there thinking to myself, "Dont apple seeds have arsenic in them or something??" Sometimes I am just afraid some of this crazy stuff people throw out there as a cure can hurt people.
Mick, great to see you post! I am very glad to know you are busy and doing well.
Many of us don't have College under our belts. But we have a Degree in Life and another in Common Sense. We can sort out the IFFY stuff. We also know our bodies and how we react to certain medicines, vitimins, etc.
We do the best that we can with the information that is presented to us. What works for one, may not work for another.
My Best to You and Everyone Here0 -
Knishes and College.MarineE5 said:What no College under your belt?
Many of us don't have College under our belts. But we have a Degree in Life and another in Common Sense. We can sort out the IFFY stuff. We also know our bodies and how we react to certain medicines, vitimins, etc.
We do the best that we can with the information that is presented to us. What works for one, may not work for another.
My Best to You and Everyone Here
Stacey, I would think they would be a little scarce in Montana. They had great ones in Goldberg's Deli and actually I used to stop in there before work when I went past. That was many years ago. We stopped there about ten yrs ago when we were in staten island for a funeral. I just watched Chef Sasha make some on The Private Chefs of Beverly Hills. It really didn't look too hard.
Marine, I don't mean any disrespect to any one. I just know that sometimes when I am reading these abstracts and medical journal articles they make my head hurt. Not as bad as lawyers legalese, but close.0 -
Acidic Vs Acid producingsweetblood22 said:Chai tea.
That would be what I am addicted to.Love all those spices. I often add extra cardamom to my cup. So good.
Kingcole, owning a coffee shop! That's a hard core coffee lover right there.
I have to disagree strongly with DrMary about food and body/blood acidity. It a well established fact that diet plays a major part in body acidity (that would be most body fluids incl. blood). If your body is in an acidic state, you are at an increased risk of a multitude of illnesses and diseases, including cancer.
The lungs and kidneys do work to neutralize the pH of the blood, but one must assume that the lungs and kidneys are working at 100% efficiency. and that the quantity and supply of the other minerals and substances (bicarbonate etc) which are used to facilitate the pH level, do have a large impact on the efficacy of this process.
If you overload your body with 'Acid Producing' foods, your kidney's are under stress and there is excessive depletion of the stuff required to do the neutralizing, which is needed elsewhere in the body to perform a myriad of other important tasks. As a result, other things start to go wrong.
It's a bit like putting dirt in your engine. The oil will be working to bind up the dirt to keep it away from the moving parts, but eventually if you continue to put dirt in, the good juicy oil molecules will all be tied up looking after the dirt and there will be insufficient oil molecules left to lube the cylinders, and your engine will cease. Our body is not that different.
It is well understood that some foods are inherently acidic, like citrus fruits, but these actually have an alkalizing effect in the body once digested. The list of alkalizing foods is available in one click and are covered in most good 'Cancer books', that treat nutrition as a as an important factor. It is important to note the difference between 'acidic' and 'acid producing' foods.
As for the acid producing foods, no surprises but the main offenders are : Red meats, sugar, dairy, sodas and processed foods (white breads, white pastas etc). I was told for years to 'drink milk' to settle the acid stomach. No bloody wonder the condition never went away and I was forced to use a PPH medications for years. Ignorant Doctors.
I found out the hard way, and after suffering acid reflux for 35 years, joint and muscle pain (inflammation), gout, headaches and then cancer, I made very serious attempts to change my bodies pH with diet and things to boost kidney, liver & digestive function. The result, no more of any of the above.
So where was I ?? Oh yeah Coffee. Well the bad news is coffee is an acid producing food (bummer). This affect is diminished if you use organic, fresh and freshly ground coffee (grow you own). The good news is about the antioxidants - so coffee is a case that puts a card on each deck.
Off to make a fresh brew of 'Green Tea'.
Scam0 -
Well we all knowScambuster said:Acidic Vs Acid producing
I have to disagree strongly with DrMary about food and body/blood acidity. It a well established fact that diet plays a major part in body acidity (that would be most body fluids incl. blood). If your body is in an acidic state, you are at an increased risk of a multitude of illnesses and diseases, including cancer.
The lungs and kidneys do work to neutralize the pH of the blood, but one must assume that the lungs and kidneys are working at 100% efficiency. and that the quantity and supply of the other minerals and substances (bicarbonate etc) which are used to facilitate the pH level, do have a large impact on the efficacy of this process.
If you overload your body with 'Acid Producing' foods, your kidney's are under stress and there is excessive depletion of the stuff required to do the neutralizing, which is needed elsewhere in the body to perform a myriad of other important tasks. As a result, other things start to go wrong.
It's a bit like putting dirt in your engine. The oil will be working to bind up the dirt to keep it away from the moving parts, but eventually if you continue to put dirt in, the good juicy oil molecules will all be tied up looking after the dirt and there will be insufficient oil molecules left to lube the cylinders, and your engine will cease. Our body is not that different.
It is well understood that some foods are inherently acidic, like citrus fruits, but these actually have an alkalizing effect in the body once digested. The list of alkalizing foods is available in one click and are covered in most good 'Cancer books', that treat nutrition as a as an important factor. It is important to note the difference between 'acidic' and 'acid producing' foods.
As for the acid producing foods, no surprises but the main offenders are : Red meats, sugar, dairy, sodas and processed foods (white breads, white pastas etc). I was told for years to 'drink milk' to settle the acid stomach. No bloody wonder the condition never went away and I was forced to use a PPH medications for years. Ignorant Doctors.
I found out the hard way, and after suffering acid reflux for 35 years, joint and muscle pain (inflammation), gout, headaches and then cancer, I made very serious attempts to change my bodies pH with diet and things to boost kidney, liver & digestive function. The result, no more of any of the above.
So where was I ?? Oh yeah Coffee. Well the bad news is coffee is an acid producing food (bummer). This affect is diminished if you use organic, fresh and freshly ground coffee (grow you own). The good news is about the antioxidants - so coffee is a case that puts a card on each deck.
Off to make a fresh brew of 'Green Tea'.
just how pissy Dr. Mary gets when you disagree with her (brave man!)
Anyway, I think we do not disagree totally - the bladder infection researchers(my cousin's one) have pretty clearly established a link between what you eat and the pH of your urine, and I think it is not far-fetched that it would also affect the pH of your saliva. And I think we are agreeing that it is not necessarily acidic foods that cause acid reflux. However, blood pH really is a different story, and I find it hard to believe that anyone has measured actual pH changes in blood in a person who is not seriously ill.
The above is based on my knowledge of biochemistry, which I studied many years ago (had to do a refresher a few years back) and would never claim to have done any real research in (I did do some biodeterioration work a ways back, but that's as close as we get - my area is polymer chemistry). I would like to see the research, and you seem to have looked into this pretty well. Could you PM me some links? (Yes, I'm lazy and also a bit too overloaded to go looking these days. . .) So far, all I've found is claims, lists and such, but no citations to actual research (as in, published in medical/scientific journals, with data and such).
I do enjoy reading your posts and am always looking to learn something new. . .0 -
Blood pH Vs Body pHDrMary said:Well we all know
just how pissy Dr. Mary gets when you disagree with her (brave man!)
Anyway, I think we do not disagree totally - the bladder infection researchers(my cousin's one) have pretty clearly established a link between what you eat and the pH of your urine, and I think it is not far-fetched that it would also affect the pH of your saliva. And I think we are agreeing that it is not necessarily acidic foods that cause acid reflux. However, blood pH really is a different story, and I find it hard to believe that anyone has measured actual pH changes in blood in a person who is not seriously ill.
The above is based on my knowledge of biochemistry, which I studied many years ago (had to do a refresher a few years back) and would never claim to have done any real research in (I did do some biodeterioration work a ways back, but that's as close as we get - my area is polymer chemistry). I would like to see the research, and you seem to have looked into this pretty well. Could you PM me some links? (Yes, I'm lazy and also a bit too overloaded to go looking these days. . .) So far, all I've found is claims, lists and such, but no citations to actual research (as in, published in medical/scientific journals, with data and such).
I do enjoy reading your posts and am always looking to learn something new. . .
Hi DrMary and folks,
Well I was hiding behind a large boulder expecting a full frontal attack but am pleased with your response.
So,onto the subject. I think the difference we view is that of Blood pH Vs the overall body pH. pH as measured in the saliva and urine, give an indication of body pH and is easy to do (just buy a booklet of litmus test strips from your drugstore ... and pee on it, match the color to the pH chart in the booklet).
Our blood requires very tight control of pH as you say, because of it's vital function, it gets to have superior pH equalizing mechanisms than the other body parts. It's a bit like the body giving priority of blood supply to the vital organs such as brain first, and less priority to the extremities - in time where rationing is required.
The effect of acid producing foods is well documented and there are many books on this subject and the usual few profiteers selling 'systems'. The earlier studies were lead by a Dr. Warburg who found through experiments that cancer cells thrived in acidic environments , and died in alkaline environments.
http://www.chimachine4u.com/AA.html (LIST OF A & A Forming Foods)
As for the Acid Vs Alkaline diet recommendation, the general rule is if we are healthy people, we should consume 60% Alkaline producing foods and 40% other foods, including some acid producing foods and neutral foods. If we are sick (or have had cancer) this should be more like 80/20. We are best to be slightly Alkaline.
My own experince, and the results of freinds and family who have tried the diet change, is my testament to the effectiveness of this approach. I was quite acidic (thru repeated urine testing) suffered for 30+ years from Acid Reflux, Gout, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headaches and then cancer. My body is now slightly alkaline and 'all' of these symptoms and problems are gone.
My father nearly died just before christmas with pneumonia, was on permanent doses of Prednisone, Insulin (D2) and BP medications. I convinced him to eat low GI foods and alkaline foods (and eliminate a lot of crap he was eating) and within just 2 weeks, he stopped the Prednisone, insulin and BP meds. His Doctors are confused.
The conflict between conventional medicine /science, and the alternatives is the usual dilemma. Lack of funding for research (into something that actually works), the incredibly complex reactions involved in our metabolism where reactions are long, occur in great numbers and in a multitude of combinations, so to isolate and 'scientifically prove' is a challenge. The usual spray from the medical community of "Show me the scientific evidence." is perhaps better answered with "Show my evidence why not".
As for the overall 'Acid Vs Alkaline' debate - I have seen it, experienced and, and it makes sense. I have benefited greatly from the results. I therefore recommend people give this a try. Test your pH, try the diet changes, see the differences, then make a choice. Then you can also share your experience and hopefully help others in this fight.
Regds and goodwill
PS I just started drinking Reishi Coffee. www.lgreenhealth.com0 -
Full FrontalsScambuster said:Blood pH Vs Body pH
Hi DrMary and folks,
Well I was hiding behind a large boulder expecting a full frontal attack but am pleased with your response.
So,onto the subject. I think the difference we view is that of Blood pH Vs the overall body pH. pH as measured in the saliva and urine, give an indication of body pH and is easy to do (just buy a booklet of litmus test strips from your drugstore ... and pee on it, match the color to the pH chart in the booklet).
Our blood requires very tight control of pH as you say, because of it's vital function, it gets to have superior pH equalizing mechanisms than the other body parts. It's a bit like the body giving priority of blood supply to the vital organs such as brain first, and less priority to the extremities - in time where rationing is required.
The effect of acid producing foods is well documented and there are many books on this subject and the usual few profiteers selling 'systems'. The earlier studies were lead by a Dr. Warburg who found through experiments that cancer cells thrived in acidic environments , and died in alkaline environments.
http://www.chimachine4u.com/AA.html (LIST OF A & A Forming Foods)
As for the Acid Vs Alkaline diet recommendation, the general rule is if we are healthy people, we should consume 60% Alkaline producing foods and 40% other foods, including some acid producing foods and neutral foods. If we are sick (or have had cancer) this should be more like 80/20. We are best to be slightly Alkaline.
My own experince, and the results of freinds and family who have tried the diet change, is my testament to the effectiveness of this approach. I was quite acidic (thru repeated urine testing) suffered for 30+ years from Acid Reflux, Gout, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, headaches and then cancer. My body is now slightly alkaline and 'all' of these symptoms and problems are gone.
My father nearly died just before christmas with pneumonia, was on permanent doses of Prednisone, Insulin (D2) and BP medications. I convinced him to eat low GI foods and alkaline foods (and eliminate a lot of crap he was eating) and within just 2 weeks, he stopped the Prednisone, insulin and BP meds. His Doctors are confused.
The conflict between conventional medicine /science, and the alternatives is the usual dilemma. Lack of funding for research (into something that actually works), the incredibly complex reactions involved in our metabolism where reactions are long, occur in great numbers and in a multitude of combinations, so to isolate and 'scientifically prove' is a challenge. The usual spray from the medical community of "Show me the scientific evidence." is perhaps better answered with "Show my evidence why not".
As for the overall 'Acid Vs Alkaline' debate - I have seen it, experienced and, and it makes sense. I have benefited greatly from the results. I therefore recommend people give this a try. Test your pH, try the diet changes, see the differences, then make a choice. Then you can also share your experience and hopefully help others in this fight.
Regds and goodwill
PS I just started drinking Reishi Coffee. www.lgreenhealth.com
are reserved for folks who don't play nice.
We seem to be mostly of accord, so I'm not going to keep going back and forth (fun as it is) - I was objecting to the pH-of-blood issue, as I've seen websites that conflate blood pH with saliva/urine/other secretions pH, and they contain other inaccuracies but promise a cure to everything if you follow their diet (money is usually involved somewhere).
We all are beneficiaries of the Warburg effect, and I am pleased that new cancer drugs are based on it. However, I am always wary of making too much soup from one oyster - both cancer cells and healthy cells depend on glucose for energy. I think it's really neat that we can exploit the fact that healthy cells go through the Kreb cycle while cancer cells do the anaerobic route - you can interrupt one without interfering with the other, is the hope - but I don't see that simply avoiding sugar will necessarily prevent cancer. As you pointed out, it is probably more complicated than that.
You can't argue with success, however, and I am happy that your current diet works for you. I'd like to slap your doctor upside the head (the one who told you to drink more milk for your reflux - if he also knew about your gout issue, he should never have suggested that) as it's folks like that who push people away from trusting "conventional" medicine.
I was really pleased that Doug's doctors were always willing to hear my thoughts and work with me during his treatment. I'd like to think this reflected their belief in the importance of the caregiver, but maybe they were just afraid of me. . .0 -
Shuck more oystersDrMary said:Full Frontals
are reserved for folks who don't play nice.
We seem to be mostly of accord, so I'm not going to keep going back and forth (fun as it is) - I was objecting to the pH-of-blood issue, as I've seen websites that conflate blood pH with saliva/urine/other secretions pH, and they contain other inaccuracies but promise a cure to everything if you follow their diet (money is usually involved somewhere).
We all are beneficiaries of the Warburg effect, and I am pleased that new cancer drugs are based on it. However, I am always wary of making too much soup from one oyster - both cancer cells and healthy cells depend on glucose for energy. I think it's really neat that we can exploit the fact that healthy cells go through the Kreb cycle while cancer cells do the anaerobic route - you can interrupt one without interfering with the other, is the hope - but I don't see that simply avoiding sugar will necessarily prevent cancer. As you pointed out, it is probably more complicated than that.
You can't argue with success, however, and I am happy that your current diet works for you. I'd like to slap your doctor upside the head (the one who told you to drink more milk for your reflux - if he also knew about your gout issue, he should never have suggested that) as it's folks like that who push people away from trusting "conventional" medicine.
I was really pleased that Doug's doctors were always willing to hear my thoughts and work with me during his treatment. I'd like to think this reflected their belief in the importance of the caregiver, but maybe they were just afraid of me. . .
Hi DrMary,
Good points and I agree with your Oyster Soup analogy, and in doing so I have simply added more oysters and maybe some clams and crab to my soup. While much of the cancer research leaned on these days is by no means perfect, there appears several paths that cancer follows and needs certain environment in place to thrive. Many ducks need to be lined up. Certain proteins to activate the switch gear on cancer cells, food supply, under-active enemy (immune system) etc. If we remove those paths and interrupt it's passage in as many ways possible, then our numbers should improve. We start to dissamble the ducks.
If we make our bodies Alkaline, reduce the amount of easy sugar available, reduce or remove inflammatory conditions in the body, remove stress and toxins, get our immune system working and only give the body the good stuff, then this must go a long way to disrupting cancers trek. The overall effect is likely to be as effective as Chemo or Rads in many cases and there are plenty of people running around now to prove this. This statistics are hard to find because there is little infrastructure or incentive ($$) to gather such data.
As for Doctors giving bad advice, well I gather they make errors about 40% of the time, but it's legal. They also get to bury their mistakes. Sadly when one Naturopath treats a terminally ill person who has been abandoned and sent home to die by the conventional crew, and that person dies while trying some desperate treatment, the naturopath is labeled a killer. Charlatans aside, this is a common occurrence.
I will keep pitching and hoping the Twains shall meet and we can get a more comprehensive treatment of Cancer and many other diseases on thye map. Call me a dreamer but there is always hope.
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