squemas cell carciona of the neck stage 4

rldbcarey Member Posts: 4
my husband just went through 1.5 years of treatments and we thought he was in remission but it is back in his lungs dose anyone know anything about this


  • joeline12
    joeline12 Member Posts: 53
    5 years ago, my dad was
    5 years ago, my dad was diagnose with nose cancer stage 4. After going thru harsh treatment, he was in remission till recently he complain to his doc about this hoarseness in voice so the doc get him to scan his chest. Well unfortunately the result was no good. There a mass in his left lung and the doc say it rather serious but again cannot base on CT scan to cfm the diagnose so he order the biopsy. Our family had decided not to go for the test because my dad is already very skinny and if go for more chemo, its will likely to kill him. I am confuse and afraid. Anyone with bad CT scan but ended is nothing?