My article on exercising through breast cancer was published!



  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    natly15 said:

    Pitt I read the article. It
    Pitt I read the article. It is quite inspiring. You went thru treatment the same time I went thru treatment and I recall how physically worn you were from the chemo. Great job! Happy your are moving forward and enjoying life.

    This is cool! Congrats!

    This is cool! Congrats!
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I loved it, Liz, and even
    I loved it, Liz, and even more, your determination. Cheers to YOU!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Pitt, I loved your article. Very well written and quite inspiring. You look beautiful in your swimming suit. You've motivated me to continue to pursue swimming. I've been wanting to get back into it for some time, but haven't taken the plunge. Thanks for posting this!

  • You Inspired Me
    Before I could respond to you, i had to read your article. You wrote well. Continue to write. How exciting!!!! Having your article published in a swim magazine. WOW!

    More inspiring is your story and how swimming and hanging out with the team got you through your cancer treatment. To start at the bottom and work yourself back to where you were, that is a feat and is most encouraging to us. One of the best benefits was achieving arm range in movement.

    I am a 70 year old woman who swam on a team as a child. As a result of swimming on a team, I like to swim distance, but I only have the stamina to swim backstroke. As a child my coach did not care what stroke I swam as long as I swam the mile. Before the mastectomies I would swim 1 mile on and off over the years. Last summer while in the pool I was excited that I could raise my arms to do a beautiful backstroke. Now, Liz, you have wetted my appetite to get back in the pool to once more swim a mile.

    I am also going to talk about you and your article on my doctor's facebook. I will put the link in that article. Will do it one day this week. His name is Neil A. Fine and his practice is Northwestern Plastic Surgery Associates, S.C. located in Chicago, IL.

    Lots of Hugs,

    P.S. What a beautiful face and smile you have!
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Pitt, you are absolutely
    Pitt, you are absolutely gorgeous and an amazing inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing this happy news.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Okay Pitt... I admit I had
    Okay Pitt... I admit I had to go get a tissue at the end.... Okay this may sound hokey... but I'll say it... I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! That story was incredible... quite inspirational.. absolutely terrific... Thank you soooo very much for sharing!!! Now, I will start working on getting my butt off this couch and out there... I have printed off your article and put it on my fridge... I will.. I can.. because you showed me how!!

    Super special hugs...

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    What a great article!! And
    What a great article!! And YOU wrote it! How awesome is that???!! Congratulations you beautiful girl, I am so happy for you!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Pitt that is wonderful, I will be sure to read it and share it with others. Thanks for the heads up and a BIG CONGRATS!

  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    RE said:

    Pitt that is wonderful, I will be sure to read it and share it with others. Thanks for the heads up and a BIG CONGRATS!


    How we help each other...
    Girls, you have no idea how much I appreciate your very kind comments! Thank you.

    Mimi- you inspired me a few months ago to bring out my oils and canvases to start painting again. I wouldn't have started without your post about pursuing art again. If my story gets you back in the pool, then I am immensely happy!

    Janelle - please get back in the water and move!!! There is no doubt in my mind that you will be swimming that mile in a matter of weeks. Heck, just starting with warmup and kick board and drills will get you almost there! :-)

    Everyone, we don't know when our time on this earth is over. I sincerely believe that we have to live each day to it's fullest and fill our memories doing the things that bring us joy with the people we love. Keep it simple.
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    Hurray. You are a wonderful
    Hurray. You are a wonderful wet writing warrior. xoxoxo Lynn

    LOL @ Lynn! This is really
    LOL @ Lynn! This is really wonderful! Congratulations Pitt!
  • Findingout
    Findingout Member Posts: 132
    Hi Pitt,
    Well, as they said,

    Hi Pitt,

    Well, as they said, Congrats, but I also want to THANK YOU for posting this wonderful article. I have to admit, I've been on a bit of a pitty pot since my mastec. 4 weeks ago. My arm is driving me nuts as well as the swelling on my side. I hate feeling bad. So I've kind of retreated here, and I need to read articles like yours for a good kick in the butt! The gym is literally 2 blocks from my house. And I haven't started chemo yet, so I have no excuses, right? The lanes are beckoning... and I've feared trying to swim, feeling so lame. So thank you, reading that brought tears to my eyes... I may be in my 50s now, but I was an avid martial arts for over 20 years, and I know the benefit of exercise.. emotional, spiritual and physical... so thank you, you're an inspiration.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Hi Pitt,
    Well, as they said,

    Hi Pitt,

    Well, as they said, Congrats, but I also want to THANK YOU for posting this wonderful article. I have to admit, I've been on a bit of a pitty pot since my mastec. 4 weeks ago. My arm is driving me nuts as well as the swelling on my side. I hate feeling bad. So I've kind of retreated here, and I need to read articles like yours for a good kick in the butt! The gym is literally 2 blocks from my house. And I haven't started chemo yet, so I have no excuses, right? The lanes are beckoning... and I've feared trying to swim, feeling so lame. So thank you, reading that brought tears to my eyes... I may be in my 50s now, but I was an avid martial arts for over 20 years, and I know the benefit of exercise.. emotional, spiritual and physical... so thank you, you're an inspiration.

    Congratulations Pitt
    Congratulations Liz, well done.
    Good luck at your meet!

    Please go you the Physical Therapist before you go to the Gym since you have had mastectomy
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Great article

    what a lovely group of people you have as your team. I loved how you still
    went to the pool and just sat there. It is so representative of how you feel
    during chemo, as if you are suddenly an onlooker of your old life, you can't
    do all the things you used to. And if you do it takes you much more energy.
    But just going there, and even if you just watched kept you in touch with
    who you used to be. It made me tear up...

  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    aysemari said:

    Great article

    what a lovely group of people you have as your team. I loved how you still
    went to the pool and just sat there. It is so representative of how you feel
    during chemo, as if you are suddenly an onlooker of your old life, you can't
    do all the things you used to. And if you do it takes you much more energy.
    But just going there, and even if you just watched kept you in touch with
    who you used to be. It made me tear up...


    I admit, I was not prepared
    I admit, I was not prepared for these responses. You all amaze me with your kindness, insights, and inspiring stories. But that's the key isn't it? We are all in this together. We're a team! So thank you very much. I will tell you, my brother is a former navy seal and trains the "Heroes of tomorrow" ...meaning the future special forces, police, fire, etc. He posted my article to his newsletter and got back responses too. One rescue diver from Ohio said he was letting family issues and the weather keep him from training...and in our honor he was posting a sign on his mirror that reads, "Suck it up and swim!". I got a big kick out of that and thought you would too! On on my warrior sisters! :-)
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    fauxma said:

    Congrats on this
    Congrats on this achievement. And there are so many women that want to exercise and don't know how so it is great that you have provided this information. What a great way to give back and pay it forward.

    WTG pitt! I will have to
    WTG pitt! I will have to check it out!

  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    fauxma said:

    Congrats on this
    Congrats on this achievement. And there are so many women that want to exercise and don't know how so it is great that you have provided this information. What a great way to give back and pay it forward.


  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    that's awesome! Congrats!
  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613
    cahjah75 said:

    that's awesome! Congrats!

    It was a great article,
    It was a great article, Pitt. I read it on Facebook.

  • Brooklynchele
    Brooklynchele Member Posts: 123
    Congratulations on the publication. And, on a personal note, I couldn't even exercise BEFORE the cancer let alone through it! Inspirational.