Back in the battle :(

pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
Here's what my Doctor said and what the plan is. My cancer has metastasized to my bones and it looks to be localized in my spine T9 and L4, this is not common for triple negative to go to the bone, however, mine has. Today at 1pm I will check in to the hospital for an MRI of my brain (precautionary, I'm not having any symptoms). On Monday I will start radiation (10 rounds I think) mostly for pain control. After rads, back on chemo, because of my neuropathy I'm limited on the types of chemo, the IV choice is out because it's like the taxol that already fried my hands and feet, even part of my arms and legs. So Xeloda it is, this sounds like a better deal anyhow, it's in pill form and you don't lose your hair :) Thank goodness, it just started getting long and thick. In addition to rads and chemo I will go on Denosomab, which is a bone hardener. All of this is providing my brain MRI comes back clear.
The news is not the best but it sure could be a lot worse. First of all I'm triple negative and TN likes to go to the lung, liver, brain...therefore I'm fortunate it's not there (praying the brain MRI is clear), I think bone mets are really treatable. I'm not a big fan of now being stage 4 but as recently read on here, it's only a number, right....On another good note, the cancer is in it's earliest of growth (my pet ct was clear 3 months ago), Doc says the spots are very small. My original diagnosis was left breast, all nodes, inner mammary node, supraclavicular node, stage 3c, after 4 A/C, 11 taxol, bilateral mastectomy, both ovaries, immediate reconstruction, and 25 rounds of radiation, all complete last April, this next round can't be near as tough as the above.
I'm sure I will be posting all kinds of questions for all of you regarding the new treatments coming up and thank you in advance for being here for me, I love all of you and hold you all close to my heart. This news is sad for me but my heart aches much more for our dear Lorraine and the rest of my "Kindred Spirits" who are suffering at this time. I'm continuing to pray for MamaG!!
With all this being said, I'm in good spirits considering and I'm ready and willing to fight this beast one more time!! I'm only 39, my daughter gets married in June and my son will graduate next year, Mom needs to be strong, fight and stick around for those beauties of mine.
Mountains of Love,


  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    kari I hate this :(
    Fight the fight. Sounds like you and your doc are jumping on this quick. Think I have some questions for you. What were ur symptoms? Bone pain? My problems is I have back. Issues prior to cancer. Moderate scoliosis with 3 levels of bulging discs. Sciatic nerve is also impenged. It worries me cause what if cancer is hiding in there. I see a neurosurgeon on the 16th.
    Im sorry this is not about me, and you're just starting this battle. My prayers for strength and courage. From reading your posts you seem to be a strong lady. I pray for everyone here. Special love and prayers to mama. Keep us updated kari. Tight squeezes,Katz
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Katz77 said:

    kari I hate this :(
    Fight the fight. Sounds like you and your doc are jumping on this quick. Think I have some questions for you. What were ur symptoms? Bone pain? My problems is I have back. Issues prior to cancer. Moderate scoliosis with 3 levels of bulging discs. Sciatic nerve is also impenged. It worries me cause what if cancer is hiding in there. I see a neurosurgeon on the 16th.
    Im sorry this is not about me, and you're just starting this battle. My prayers for strength and courage. From reading your posts you seem to be a strong lady. I pray for everyone here. Special love and prayers to mama. Keep us updated kari. Tight squeezes,Katz

    Yikes Katz, that's a painful
    Yikes Katz, that's a painful back you have :( To be honest with you, I never thought twice about my back pain, last thing I was thinking of was cancer because, as I stated, TN don't usually go there. It was the pet scan that picked it up, thank God for those pet scans!! I was on a schedule of a scan every three months, I managed to get two clear scans and then this. As for the pain, it's like a pressure/ache that doesn't go away, it's constant and tough to get comfortable, where my typical back pain I could get comfortable and it would come and go. Rads are supposed to relieve that, that's why she is doing them right away. It's tough when you already have back trouble, but if I were you, I would pay attention to the pain being different or in another area, maybe ask your Doc to do an MRI, this would at least give you some peace of mind. What type of BC do you have?
    Tight squeezes back at ya!!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967

    Yikes Katz, that's a painful
    Yikes Katz, that's a painful back you have :( To be honest with you, I never thought twice about my back pain, last thing I was thinking of was cancer because, as I stated, TN don't usually go there. It was the pet scan that picked it up, thank God for those pet scans!! I was on a schedule of a scan every three months, I managed to get two clear scans and then this. As for the pain, it's like a pressure/ache that doesn't go away, it's constant and tough to get comfortable, where my typical back pain I could get comfortable and it would come and go. Rads are supposed to relieve that, that's why she is doing them right away. It's tough when you already have back trouble, but if I were you, I would pay attention to the pain being different or in another area, maybe ask your Doc to do an MRI, this would at least give you some peace of mind. What type of BC do you have?
    Tight squeezes back at ya!!

    Both of you ladies take care!
    Kari, I'm sorry about the bone mets news. But as always, you're coming out swinging, and I really believe you're going to win this round too. And Katz, I think Kari is right and that an MRI would be a good idea to give you some peace of mind. God bless you both!

  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    Thank you so much Joe
    It's so good to hear form you on here!! Hope you are doing well, at least as well as you can be :) And yes, swinging I am, all those years of taekwondo (not to mention 2006 SD state champ in sparring) I will be kicking too :)
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    You the very best Kari...and sending good thoughts and prayers...this sucks! I'm triple negative also..question reading your above post, were all of your lymph nodes Positive when you had your surgery?

    Kari, I know words can seem hollow but please know we do care...hoping that brings some small comfort...
    Hugs and prayers,
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877 Member
    MAJW said:

    You the very best Kari...and sending good thoughts and prayers...this sucks! I'm triple negative also..question reading your above post, were all of your lymph nodes Positive when you had your surgery?

    Kari, I know words can seem hollow but please know we do care...hoping that brings some small comfort...
    Hugs and prayers,

    Hi Nancy and Thank You
    To answer your question, yes, all of my nodes were positive.
    All of the words do bring me great comfort and I'm so grateful to have all of you!!
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member

    Hi Nancy and Thank You
    To answer your question, yes, all of my nodes were positive.
    All of the words do bring me great comfort and I'm so grateful to have all of you!!

    Your attitude is inspiring,

    Never lose hope. Sounds like they have a plan to put bc back in it's place. You have two motivating events coming up and that's great.

  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431
    roseann4 said:

    Your attitude is inspiring,

    Never lose hope. Sounds like they have a plan to put bc back in it's place. You have two motivating events coming up and that's great.


    So sorry you have more of a battle but you know what?? You can do this...I love you and your determination. You are a true inspiration to me and I'm sure many others on this board.

    Take good care of yourself...get ready to be the mother of the bride and watch your son graduate. Two wonderful, fun things to look forward too.


  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    Aww Sweet Kari
    I was hoping for better news but like you said there are many positive points and I love how you pick up on those and plow ahead. I think that is soooo important. Your daughter and son are just super inspirations and they are going to have a wonderful momma around for a long time! I know that in my heart.
  • midnight10
    midnight10 Member Posts: 74 Member
    I'm triple negative also and Taxol did a job on my feet. Oncologist put me on a medication that is beginning to help. Have you tried any meds? I did 4 A/C 4 Taxol, bilaterial mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and start radiation today.
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    PinkPearl said:

    Aww Sweet Kari
    I was hoping for better news but like you said there are many positive points and I love how you pick up on those and plow ahead. I think that is soooo important. Your daughter and son are just super inspirations and they are going to have a wonderful momma around for a long time! I know that in my heart.

    I wish you didn't have to go
    I wish you didn't have to go through this. I'm glad it was caught early. As you know attitude is everything, so kick cancers butt and we'll be there cheering you on.
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Kari thanks for letting us know
    so we can all gear up, you didn't think we'll let you go into battle
    alone, did you?

    You are one strong lady and we are all here for you. I am glad the
    pet scan detected it early. Still it's not what we are hoping to hear.
    But let's gather all out positive vibes and focus it on your brain
    scan, you have a wedding and a graduation to get to for heaven's sake!!!

    LOTSA love,
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Kari thanks for letting us know
    so we can all gear up, you didn't think we'll let you go into battle
    alone, did you?

    You are one strong lady and we are all here for you. I am glad the
    pet scan detected it early. Still it's not what we are hoping to hear.
    But let's gather all out positive vibes and focus it on your brain
    scan, you have a wedding and a graduation to get to for heaven's sake!!!

    LOTSA love,
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kari, I'm sorry to read this
    Kari, I'm sorry to read this news, too. I'm so glad that you found your way back to the board so we can hold you hand and assist in getting you through round 2. You have the BEST attitude and if that counts, you're a winner already. Plus, you have some pretty important dates coming up so let the fight begin. Sending strength, courage and much love to you.
  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    I am just so sorry that you have to go through even more treatment. And yes, I know several stage 4 sisters, who are going strong and ever-so-willing to share their optimism and fighting spirit with all! That is very comforting!

    I will keep you in my prayers and will ask that your upcoming MRI be CLEAR!

    Mountains of love back at ya!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I am sorry to hear the news of bone mets. However, I think there is a lot of positive in this as well. As you said, TN is usually more aggressive and hits the organs and brain. Your met areas are small and radiation is usually effective. Many bone mets survivors live with it as a chronic disease to be manaqed. My good thoughts for you as you begin your new treatments. Hopefully this will knock out the areas of concern and allieviate your back pain, too.

  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    So sorry
    Kari - so sorry to hear of this development. You have such a positive attitude and you are always giving support to everyone else on here. Please know that we are all pulling for you and we know that if anyone can manage this, you can! Hugs and prayers - Linda
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Your positive attitude is truly inspiring. I'm so sorry you have to gear up again so soon, but of course you will have us all with you every step of the way.

    Big Hugs,
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Dear Kari,
    Sorry that you have to go through this. Stay strong and keep your positive attitude. You have a lot to fight for. Congratulations on your daughter's upcoming wedding. You need to be around to see your Grandchildren. That is a true blessing and something to look forward to, even if it's years in the future. I will keep you in my prayers.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm sorry that you have to
    I'm sorry that you have to buck up for battle again Kari. Your strength and determination and attitude are inspiring, and they will get you through this. I'm in your corner, sister. Sending hugs :) Now i'm gonna go send u some love on FB ;)