angiosarcoma mastectomy

SLeigh Member Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2014 in Sarcoma #1
Question to any Angiosarcoma of Breast survivors-
Had mastectomy 2 months ago -
All was good for 6 weeks -chest wall and incision looked good.
7th week out -
Had new lesion - bruising on chest wall - all around incision.
Have had 5 punch biopsies - all clear ...
Has anyone experienced these symptoms?
Doctors do not know what and why ... just have to biopsy each
new area...


  • eileent54
    eileent54 Member Posts: 5
    go to also facebook page angiosarcoma awareness. A number of young women there with primary breast AS. My daughter also. Are you going to a sarcoma center? I know that 2 of the ladies had a similar problem and it was AS but the sample either wasn't good enough for an accurate biopsy or the pathology department wasn't skilled enough. Please don't take a chance- I'm sure you must be very worried. Where are you located? Do please go to our site. Eileen
  • survivor9yrs
    survivor9yrs Member Posts: 57 Member
    i also posted on angiosarcoma... again, go somewhere else or have your drs. send sample to mayo clinic or another large cancer center.. surgical biopsy.. remove alot more tissue. keep insisting.. don't let it go.. keep posting..