Microcalcifications and scared:(



  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    I don't have anything


    I don't have anything new to add. I just wanted to say welcome, take a deep breath, and let you know that we'll hold your hand through this. Please check in often and let us know how your doing.



    I'd like to welcome you and
    I'd like to welcome you and to send you positive thoughts, strength and prayers.

    Hugs, Jan
  • mellindy
    mellindy Member Posts: 13
    Boki said:

    Thank you:)
    My dear ladies,


    I am so feeling of being in a dark and every single word you are writing here, is giving me great courage to hang it there.

    I am still waiting on the call from my physician and will take it from there.

    I wish I could get the appointment with High Risk Breast Program sooner than March 1st, bc It is a looong time to wait until then...


    HI Boki - All the above is
    HI Boki - All the above is good advice - especially "take a deep breath". Whatever the future holds in this situation, it is good that you are paying the attention you are. One thing I would add, when you go to the appointments be sure you have your questions at hand and either use a tape recorder or write down what you hear (recorder is best). Do this even if someone goes with you - they can write or handle the recorder for you. We don't always hear everything as it is told to us when we are stressed, so back-up is helpful. Just focus on your needs. Good luck and do whatever you can to make yourself feel better. And by the way, everyone's story is different and not necessarily a prediction of what yours is or will be. So take good care of yourself and know that there are people "us" who care too.
  • Boki
    Boki Member Posts: 16
    Kylez said:

    Can't you get into someone
    Can't you get into someone else sooner than March? I can understand how tense this would be. When microcalcifications showed up on my mammo, I was sent the next day for a core needle biopsy. I don't think I could have waited.

    Praying for you and wishing you the best of luck Boki,


    Thank you all
    My physician told me that the procedure of finding another dr, getting referral and first appointment would take the same amount of time or maybe even longer.

    So, I am still waiting for March 1st:(((

  • Boki
    Boki Member Posts: 16
    Boki said:

    Thank you all
    My physician told me that the procedure of finding another dr, getting referral and first appointment would take the same amount of time or maybe even longer.

    So, I am still waiting for March 1st:(((


    I called today to see who is the Dr I will be seeing in March and it turns out it is nurse practitioner????

    With all due respect, but wtf!!!!

    Also my initial mammogram (from 7 months ago) showed scattered micro calcifications and the latest one shows grouped loose smooth benign-appearing calcifications....The first was said to be BI-RADS category 3 and the latest one (with grouped calc) BI-RAD cat 2?

    Duno what to do, should I go for someone else?

    So so confused:(

  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    I am new at this as well, so
    I am new at this as well, so don't have much advice. I am 39 and was recently diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinaoma and was given a choice of lumpectamy or mastectomy. I chose to go for a second opinion to be sure. I went to an oncology surgeon in a breast cancer clinic that is part of a womems hospital. They were very qualified and I left the place well informed and confident of my decision.
    I believe you should follow your gut feeling. Seek a second opinion, only if for peace of mind. It might not be as bad as you think. It could be some noncancerous breast condition. Good luck to you and positive thoughts coming your way.
  • EveningStar2
    EveningStar2 Member Posts: 491 Member
    Boki said:

    I called today to see who is the Dr I will be seeing in March and it turns out it is nurse practitioner????

    With all due respect, but wtf!!!!

    Also my initial mammogram (from 7 months ago) showed scattered micro calcifications and the latest one shows grouped loose smooth benign-appearing calcifications....The first was said to be BI-RADS category 3 and the latest one (with grouped calc) BI-RAD cat 2?

    Duno what to do, should I go for someone else?

    So so confused:(


    that this is happening to you and I agree with most of what has already been said. I started with microcalcs, I'm older-56 at diagnosis. But keep asking questions and see doctors/specialists/whomever until *you* are comfortable with your answers. You may not like the information but keep going until you feel that you are in the right place with the right people. This is nothing to mess with. Your situation may be benign and this will turn out to be a tempest in a teapot--I hope so. But if not, you want the best team you can find.

  • Boki
    Boki Member Posts: 16
    Cinkal said:

    I am new at this as well, so
    I am new at this as well, so don't have much advice. I am 39 and was recently diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinaoma and was given a choice of lumpectamy or mastectomy. I chose to go for a second opinion to be sure. I went to an oncology surgeon in a breast cancer clinic that is part of a womems hospital. They were very qualified and I left the place well informed and confident of my decision.
    I believe you should follow your gut feeling. Seek a second opinion, only if for peace of mind. It might not be as bad as you think. It could be some noncancerous breast condition. Good luck to you and positive thoughts coming your way.

    I got a new sooner appointment with a breast surgeon and will see him on Feb 15th, so happy.

    Will keep you updated.....

    Thanks for all wonderful words:)

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    Boki said:

    I got a new sooner appointment with a breast surgeon and will see him on Feb 15th, so happy.

    Will keep you updated.....

    Thanks for all wonderful words:)


    Glad you got your
    Glad you got your appointment earlier. Good luck and keep us updated!

  • Betsy13
    Betsy13 Member Posts: 185
    2nd opinion
    Hi Boki ~

    I couldn't read anyones reply to you because this is too close to what happened to me. They said the same thing to me and I demanded a biopsy because my friend had Stage II when she was 30 years old.

    I had what is called a needle localization that is done by the doctor who reads mammograms and then the removal of the tumor. They had to do it twice because these calcifications are so small, the first needle localization missed...however, the 2nd one came back DCIS Stage 0. That means they caught it BEFORE it went through my body. I ended up with clean margins (no cancer cells on the outside of the tissue) and radiation. A this point, my rad. onc. tells me there is no sign of cancer.

    I worked full time through my whole ordeal (teacher so summer off) and am still on track to finish my Master's this April 2011. My two children are doing great, this helped them grow and mature.

    I wouldn't request a second opinion, I would DEMAND ONE. This is YOUR body, you have to be on top of things. If you aren't, who will be?

    Good luck to you,
  • lori1961
    lori1961 Member Posts: 56
    Hi Boki,
    All my mamo's were

    Hi Boki,
    All my mamo's were negative for the past 10 years. I felt a lump in the r breast and then they did a biopsy and stage 1 DCIS .9 cm lump.. They did not mammo the left breast and said wait a few months which I scheduled time 2 months later. Went for the mamo which was normal and they recommened Breast MRI to see if the cancer was gone and turned out has 1.7 lump with cancer in lymph node in the left breast. That was a week before my first chemo. Thank God for the MRI that found the second cancer. The radiologist did not even call my surgeon, they mailed the results to her, I they had called her I would not have had my firswt chemo and had to start over again with 6 treatments instead of 4.Thank God for the MRI that found the second cancer. I would definitely be aggressive with you're care and have the biopsies if the doc recommends it.. Good luck