Need input please!

mukamom Member Posts: 402
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Been away for a week or two or three...trying to catch up on everyone. Glad to find all are still kicking. :-}

Robert had his reversal and hernia repair Dec 21. One month later, his appetite is still not back. He's lost over 20 lbs. We have seen the surgeon 3 times since surgery for follow ups..the reversal was left open and we are having to pack the hole three times a day.

The thing is..he is having night sweats. PJ and bed soaking sweats. Feeling cold when the house is warm. Headaches too. Doesn't feel like doing much of anything. He's been running a low fever of 99.5 or so. (His normal temp is around 97.6)

We have brought these symptoms to the surgeons attention. Our last visit yesterday he ordered a CT of the abdomen thinking there was an infection around the surgical area..but both the radiologist and the dr didn't see anything. We also saw the oncologist yesterday for monthly visit and he ordered a blood culture thinking there was an results yet and of course we won't find out anything until Monday.

What gives?? Could it be his reversal has a leak? The surgeon's nurse said to go to ER if his temp goes up..been running around mid 100s this eve. And that was after taking some advil.

I guess I will pester Robert all nite taking his temp and if it is still in the 100s we will visit the ER.

On a brighter note....CEA was down from 10 last month to 1.9 (following cyberknife in Nov)
for that we celebrated!! even though he felt like sh*t.

Hugs to all



  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Angela -

    "What gives?? Could it be his reversal has a leak?"

    A week after my initial surgery to remove the tumor and resect
    the colon, the connection leaked. I had to be re-opened and
    resected, leaving me with an Ileostomy.

    The stink from the infection could be noticed by anyone coming
    into the room, but it took a week for them to do anything about it.

    If it wasn't for Robert's high temp, it could be anything, including
    dehydration. But with the temp up to 100? I'd assume it's from
    an infection and find a physician that knows more than the one
    you presently have.

    The ER is an option, but it's a weekend.... Still, you have to do,
    what you have to do! Don't let it go too long..... trust me.

    Best hopes,

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    I would assure that he goes to the er and have it checked out...
    but I would also ask if his temp stayed up there has to be infection somewhere...Has he been checked for MRSA perhaps....Hard to detect but yet causes all these symptoms...and it normally picked up in hospital situations.
    I would also recommend that he ask the Dr about the medicine "Megace" will make him feel as though he is starving all the time causing him to pick his weight back up...
    I certainly feel like he has an infection that they are missing....stay vigilant with him as well as the Drs...sometimes they need a little "push" themselves.....Love and Hope, Buzz