CP9 Location is Chicago



  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    pluckey said:

    Buzzard,It was 70 Degrees
    It was 70 Degrees through the first week of November this year!!!!
    Fall is truley the best Season in chicago!


    Yeah it was..........in your house maybe.........
    hehehe...I just love this kinda stuff...HI PLUCKEY !!! Love ya !!! LOL.......Buzz
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    pluckey said:

    Who Organizes Colon Paloozas?
    What organization? CCC?

    Semi Colons
    from these boards. The ones who go are the ones who get to choose the next location. Someone who has attended before volunteers to "host" and does the planning.

    I've never been able to attend yet but plan on it for this one since I am right over the border in WI. GO PACKERS!!

    peace, emily
  • ninetoes
    ninetoes Member Posts: 81
    I live in the burbs and work
    I live in the burbs and work at Rush and Pearson, sounds good to me!!

  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    pluckey said:

    Who Organizes Colon Paloozas?
    What organization? CCC?

    Some history for Peggy

    Emily is correct, no organization, just a few of your fellow semi-colons do it. It started in 2005 when some of us decided that we wanted to meet in person. Spongebob volunteered to host it in Biloxi and since it was in Jan it was a warm place too! Stacy hosted the next one in the fall in Vegas and we have kept it going since.

    At first we had them semi-annually since we were the semi-colons but we changed to annually in 2007. There is a host who takes input and picks a location and then negotiates a discount rate at a hotel committing to a block of rooms. The host/hostess will get help if they need to find fun things to do, good places to eat, etc. for the group to do. The cool thing is that no one is ever expected to everything on the agenda, you do what you want when you want. In Nashville one day we had one group go to the Grand Ole Opry, another to a wine tasting, and still another on 2nd St band/pub crawl but we all met back at the hotel to go to dinner together.

    At one of the Paloozas there was talk about trying to get sponsors who would help defray the cost but we decided we didn't want it commercialized or made like a educational weekend. Yes you are "educated" but mostly it is much more about emotional support and being able to meet some of the people you have come to trust, admire, and love thru this board.

    As an example of that, this year I am going to finally get to hug Emily in person. We have been close friends for 7 years now, emailing and talking on the phone often but have never met. I can't wait!!!! And I will tell you something else, you will laugh more than you have in a long long time. Semi-colons have wonderful senses of humor especially when we get to have a period of time when we don't really think about cancer.

    Any other questions?

    Let us know.

    Lisa P.
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    ninetoes said:

    I live in the burbs and work
    I live in the burbs and work at Rush and Pearson, sounds good to me!!


    Hey Ninetoes.......
    Is "Mothers" still open downtown ?
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    George and I visit Chicago frequently, our daughter lives very near the downtown area and works downtown, only about a 4 hour drive from our door to hers.

    Buzz when I talk to Christy I will ask her about "Mothers".

    Take care - Tina
  • ninetoes
    ninetoes Member Posts: 81
    Buzzard said:

    Hey Ninetoes.......
    Is "Mothers" still open downtown ?

    Hey Buzzard, yes it is. See
    Hey Buzzard, yes it is. See link below.

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    geotina said:

    George and I visit Chicago frequently, our daughter lives very near the downtown area and works downtown, only about a 4 hour drive from our door to hers.

    Buzz when I talk to Christy I will ask her about "Mothers".

    Take care - Tina

    LOL.....Tina.......its a bar we all use to go to .............
    30 years ago.....I can't believe its still there.....gotta get me another shirt from there....2 big red hearts with Mothers on the bottom.....

    Thank you Ninetoes........:)
  • pluckey
    pluckey Member Posts: 484 Member
    scouty said:

    Some history for Peggy

    Emily is correct, no organization, just a few of your fellow semi-colons do it. It started in 2005 when some of us decided that we wanted to meet in person. Spongebob volunteered to host it in Biloxi and since it was in Jan it was a warm place too! Stacy hosted the next one in the fall in Vegas and we have kept it going since.

    At first we had them semi-annually since we were the semi-colons but we changed to annually in 2007. There is a host who takes input and picks a location and then negotiates a discount rate at a hotel committing to a block of rooms. The host/hostess will get help if they need to find fun things to do, good places to eat, etc. for the group to do. The cool thing is that no one is ever expected to everything on the agenda, you do what you want when you want. In Nashville one day we had one group go to the Grand Ole Opry, another to a wine tasting, and still another on 2nd St band/pub crawl but we all met back at the hotel to go to dinner together.

    At one of the Paloozas there was talk about trying to get sponsors who would help defray the cost but we decided we didn't want it commercialized or made like a educational weekend. Yes you are "educated" but mostly it is much more about emotional support and being able to meet some of the people you have come to trust, admire, and love thru this board.

    As an example of that, this year I am going to finally get to hug Emily in person. We have been close friends for 7 years now, emailing and talking on the phone often but have never met. I can't wait!!!! And I will tell you something else, you will laugh more than you have in a long long time. Semi-colons have wonderful senses of humor especially when we get to have a period of time when we don't really think about cancer.

    Any other questions?

    Let us know.

    Lisa P.

    Thanks so much for the
    Thanks so much for the info!
    I can't wait to meet you all in person

    I lie in teh burbs and work downtown, so let me know if you need any help/recon etc...

    OH, and one big favor I WANT SUNDANCE and KIM here.....can we make that happen?????
