12 Lymph nodes are positive,is it bad

renukagowda Member Posts: 29
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My mother is done with mascetomy,now the doc is telling that her 12 lymph nodes are positive
is it very bad
im very scared
kindly advice


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Please stay positive
    Sorry tha your mother had positive nodes. I had 11 positive nodes in June of 2008, undergone 6 cycles and radiation treatment and doing ok. Please do not be scary, stay positve. She needs your support. As far as I know Chemotherapy is required in this situation.
    Sending positive thoughts
    New Flower
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    so sorry you mom is going through this
    as well as you and your family....I wish her the best...
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Hope this helps
    I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. You have come to the right place as everyone here will help however they can.

    My prayers are with you. Lymph node status is only one of the ways that breast cancer is classified. And, although 12 nodes are a lot, please remember that many with multiple nodes do go on and do well. The type of cancer, the size, whether it has spread to distant sites--all these factors also affect prognosis.

    What helped me the most after I was diagnosed, were the folks who were "cheerleaders"--the ones who were determined that I get better. My stepmother kept crying every time she saw me and I had to tell her enough already--she wasn't helping. She then became one of the most positive and that was more helpful for me.

    And, just to let you know, I had a large tumor with 4 nodes. I had a mastectomy, chemo, radiation and tamoxifen. And that was in 1987--my 24th anniversary is next month. So please don't give up!

    Lymph Node Status
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    I had sixteen
    Removed in June but only 8 were positive and the cancer was contained to that area so it hadn't spread,don't let cancer scare you so so bad before you find out and understand the details because part of healing and beating this is being positive.I had Mastectomy and have almost finished have 2 more treatments and then another pt/scan and then radiation.when you have lymph node involvement you have to have chemo so it can kill all the bad cells put it kills the good ones to.get and ask questions to understand your moms pathology report it took me all summer to understand everything I was giving a book called "BREAST CANCER SUPPORT PARTNER HANDBOOK" It has everything you want to know in it about breast cancer call to order1.800.849.9271 or e-mail www.breasthealthcare.com the author is:Judy C. Kneece,RN, ocn
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    Please stay positive
    Sorry tha your mother had positive nodes. I had 11 positive nodes in June of 2008, undergone 6 cycles and radiation treatment and doing ok. Please do not be scary, stay positve. She needs your support. As far as I know Chemotherapy is required in this situation.
    Sending positive thoughts
    New Flower

    Sorry your mom has positive
    Sorry your mom has positive nodes. Are the doctors recommending chemotherapy for her?

    Sending prayers and hugs.

  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    Now that the mastectomy is over
    your mother will recover and her doctors will help make a plan to treat her cancer further. Cancer scares all of us but especially when it hurts someone we love. I was more upset with my mother's and sisters' cancers than I was with my own diagnosis. Just keep learning about it and support her. You are a good daughter.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    I know it's scary,
    and never good to have positive nodes, BUT...that doesn't mean it's the end. I know of several women who've had 12, 13, 13 positive nodes and are still living life to the fullest 10, 12, 15 years later! Everyone is different and there are so many other factors to consider.

    Try to keep positive and keep fighting. Yes, it's kinda of bad, but doesn't mean there is no hope!!! :)

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    PinkPearl said:

    Now that the mastectomy is over
    your mother will recover and her doctors will help make a plan to treat her cancer further. Cancer scares all of us but especially when it hurts someone we love. I was more upset with my mother's and sisters' cancers than I was with my own diagnosis. Just keep learning about it and support her. You are a good daughter.

    Having positive lymph nodes
    Having positive lymph nodes is always a dissapointing result for all of us. We always hope our status will be negative. but having this, many women with positive nodes do very well. It probably will mean she will need chemo and rads to save her life, which stinks. So after you get over the initial shock and dissapointment you move on to treatment and hope. she can be well, remember this. HUGs
  • renukagowda
    renukagowda Member Posts: 29
    sal314 said:

    I know it's scary,
    and never good to have positive nodes, BUT...that doesn't mean it's the end. I know of several women who've had 12, 13, 13 positive nodes and are still living life to the fullest 10, 12, 15 years later! Everyone is different and there are so many other factors to consider.

    Try to keep positive and keep fighting. Yes, it's kinda of bad, but doesn't mean there is no hope!!! :)


    thanks for the guidance frm all of u
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    I am sorry
    I am sorry that you are scared and that comes with loving so much. I too had 11 positive nodes but I had stage 3 of a very aggressive form and I am still here after 14 years, though I was probably as scared as you are right now.
    Your mother's first amazing thing is she has people around her who care about her and that is you. The support a cancer survivor can get can change the coarse of one's life. It isn't easy and I know that your mother will try and shield you because she is scared and doesn't want to hurt those she loves as well.
    One can just be there to listen and be there for them and that is the best one can do.
    Your already there and your mother should be proud...
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Ima a positive too...
    Stage 3c with 18/20 positive nodes. Er, Her2 positive also. Im about the positive person I know. lol Take one step at a time. Guess chemo and rads are in order? I like to use Winston Churchills line. "If you're going through hell, keep walking." Thats all any of us can do. Im 50 and was diagnosised almost 2 yrs ago. I do, sometimes go to the pity party, but dont stay to long. A lady always knows when to leave :)
    Your mom is very lucky to have you as her daughter. Remember one step at a time. Least you are past the surgery and have a diagnosis. So arm yourself and fight.
    Were here 24/7. Come more often. Hugs to you and your mom, Katz
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    thanks for the guidance frm all of u

    I am sending prayers and
    I am sending prayers and hope to your mom renukagowda.

    Hugs, Susie
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    24242 said:

    I am sorry
    I am sorry that you are scared and that comes with loving so much. I too had 11 positive nodes but I had stage 3 of a very aggressive form and I am still here after 14 years, though I was probably as scared as you are right now.
    Your mother's first amazing thing is she has people around her who care about her and that is you. The support a cancer survivor can get can change the coarse of one's life. It isn't easy and I know that your mother will try and shield you because she is scared and doesn't want to hurt those she loves as well.
    One can just be there to listen and be there for them and that is the best one can do.
    Your already there and your mother should be proud...

    I am sorry too that your
    I am sorry too that your mom's nodes were positive. Please don't be scared. It happens to so many of us. Her oncologist will recommend whatever treatment he feels is the best for you mom. Ask questions and feel comfortable with what he says.

    Wishing your mom good luck,

  • renukagowda
    renukagowda Member Posts: 29
    Katz77 said:

    Ima a positive too...
    Stage 3c with 18/20 positive nodes. Er, Her2 positive also. Im about the positive person I know. lol Take one step at a time. Guess chemo and rads are in order? I like to use Winston Churchills line. "If you're going through hell, keep walking." Thats all any of us can do. Im 50 and was diagnosised almost 2 yrs ago. I do, sometimes go to the pity party, but dont stay to long. A lady always knows when to leave :)
    Your mom is very lucky to have you as her daughter. Remember one step at a time. Least you are past the surgery and have a diagnosis. So arm yourself and fight.
    Were here 24/7. Come more often. Hugs to you and your mom, Katz

    thank u
    thank u so much guys for ur supporting words
  • pinkkari09
    pinkkari09 Member Posts: 877
    Hi renukagowda :) First I
    Hi renukagowda :) First I want to say welcome and that you will find all of the support you need right here. I just turned 39 last month, I was diagnosed August of 2009, Stage IIIC Triple Negative BC, through all nodes into my inner mammary node (inside chest wall), into my supra clavicular node (near my collar bone). After several treatments, surgeries, and radiation I'm doing ok, another pt scan this Thursday will reveal more. Your Mom is in my prayers and remember that this beast can be beat at ANY stage. You'll find all the support you need right here and plenty of experiences in all types of treatment. Welcome again and remember it's ok to be scared but stay strong for Mom and come her often to get rejuvenated.
  • kmenurse
    kmenurse Member Posts: 217
    Positive nodes

    I am also new to having breast cancer.   After my bil. mastectomy my family and friends were astound to the fact that I was doing so well. I think that the fact I was determed to not let cancer steel any part of my life was the big factor in my well being.  Right from the beginning, I tried to have a positive out look.  And when I would get upset about the cancer I told myself to knock it off!, you don't have time to have self pity, life is to short to wallow in self pity...  I will be starting my Chemo Tx's soon and I am sure that my Tx's will save my life.  Please keep a positive attitude because if your positive, she will be as well.  Stay strong.... Kathy