Xelox chemotherapy

djm_2010 Member Posts: 52
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello! Anyone of you had any experiences with xelox chemotx. I'm on my 2nd session of chemo and so far aside from the diarrhea which is controlled by loperamide and intolerance to cold and no appetite 5-7 days after the oxaliplatin was given I feel ok. I'm still able to work partime 5 days after the iv oxaliplatin is given and very thankful about that. Will this get worse later as the chemo goes on. I'm diagnosed with rectal ca, stage 2 all nodes were negative except I have lymphovascular invasion hence I was given chemo by my oncologist. I had my OR last nov 11 and had also finished my neo-adjuvant chemoradiation last September 23 2010. My tumor was quite low so they did an APR which is more depressing to me than the cancer. I'm still young, 45 yrs old and have a very active lifestyle which I have to give up for the meantime, I also have 3 children and the youngest is only 5 yrs old and that's the reason why I have to fight this cancer. I'm praying always that God will see me thru this toughest battle in my life and hope to live for a long time. Thanks and Godbless you all!