

  • johannel
    johannel Member Posts: 2
    jazzy1 said:


    I'd be interested in the company you're a distribututor rep for as I was involved in one for a few years.  Not today, as it just wasn't a good setup for any type of income, but that's just my take,

    Do agree about the western medicine --- docs not trained or schooled in nutritional benefits, and more about symptom perspective, then treatment.  That's been going on for a zillion years, and it's more about we as an individual realizing this and coming forth to learn on our own about how to treat our body.  I for one avoid any type of meds, and outside of chemo drugs, never been on any type meds for any extended period of time (yes consider myself lucky).  I live with the belief our bodies can heal ourselves, but am realistic that at times the meds are necessary.  

    Agricultural practices are truly changing our food base and we're more about fast and easy eating vs. what's the most natural and nutritional to keep us healthy.  I tend to not agree that the ONLY ALTERNATIVE is take quality nutritional supplements to help our bad agricultural practices.  I'm to believe if we get away from the COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS which are what you call the BAD AGRICULTURAL products, and go with the organic, grass-fed, pastured raised animals products this will help.  From my past experience if we continue to consume the regular COMMERCIAL products and simply feel a nutritional supplement pill or powder will suffice, that doesn't always work in our favor.  Remember those supplement pills must be absorbed into our bodies, otherwise, they're never ingested, simply end up in our sewage system.  Wasted!

    As you mentioned the great foods such as carotonoid rich, flavonoids, cruiciferous vegetables are wonderful and I consume them almost every day.  I've over the past few years gotten away from reliance on pill supplements and gone with more good quality foods from non-commercial animals or non-pesticides fruits/veggies.  Don't get me wrong I still take supplements, but gotten away from the zillion I used years ago.  

    You bring a lot of great insight here and just wanted to throw out my thoughts.  Are you a cancer patient or family member of a cancer patient?

    Thanks again for your information.





    I agree 100% with your statements.  When I said ONLY ALTERNATIVE is to supplement I was referring to more general worldwide.  Not everybody lives in the first world where organic produce are available, even in South Africa it is available, but not as readily outside the bigger cities.

    To answer your question:

    No I am not a cancer patient, however my grandmom (breast cancer), mother (abdominal) and father (prostate) were all diagnosed with cancer.  Also some heart disease, diabetic and blood pressure issues in family and a sister who is allergic to preservatives (sodium benzoate).  I was therefore from an early age aware of reading labels on the products you buy and the "poison" we made to eat.


    Regards and thank you very much for your feedback.



  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 244 Member
    Sorry it has taken so


    Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to your response, but my newer laptop crashed and trying to post on my dinosaur took forever.

    I did want to thank you for your support and information on the topic of nutrition...again...lol. I did read The Anti-Cancer book while I was out on medical leave, but it was tons of information and I have not processed it all. I think my problem is that I have never really dieted or really made an effort to change my eating habits my entire life resulting in me ballooning up to well over 200 pounds after I had my children andas I got older. I was pretty healthy and active until a few years ago when I really began to feel the weight was a hindrance, and I was diagnosed with borderline HBP.

    Consequently, I know very little about basic nutrition that many women learn in their teens!I never drank diet beverages so I am shocked at all the artificial sweetners and other junk they have in them. I thought it was pure tea I was drinking! Silly me! I also thought if I cut out fat by reducing fat grams I was doing good, but then it seems they make up for the loss of fat by adding sugar. I do enjoy fresh fruit more than vegtables, but like you mention there is the problem of sugar there.

    I feel like I am being chased down by SUGAR!!!

    Anyhow, I need to go back and highlight in the Anti-Cancer book and continue to build a 'safe' list of menus and snacks.

    Two of my daughters lived and worked at the Omega Institute in New York and have told me it takes years to learn about a healthy vegan diet which is the direction I want to get in, but it is going to take time!

    So thank you for all you shared with me and all that you post on other subjects to help me and other ladies on this site.

    Good thoughts to you!
