Bad news



  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    pipwe1 said:

    Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
    Lets us all link hands and go forth together...
    This can be beaten and WILL be beaten....
    Lisa & Joe....
    we are with you always


    Carboplatin .. treated for 18 weeks - ending in 12-09
    left a metal taste in my mouth. I tried to stay hydrated by flavoring my water with .. various juices (cranberry, raspberry - pink lemonade). All I could seem to get down were baked potatoes. Hated the taste or texture of tomato based products. French fries also helped .. hated all milk products as well.

    fatigue will surely set in. I did get blisters on the bottom of my feet - but, I don't know if this was from the Taxotere or carboplatin.

    Strength, Courage and Health.

    Vicki Sam
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Praying for Moopy and
    Praying for Moopy and Aortus. This is not the news we want to hear. Cancer Sucks! Hang in there Moopy. Postive vibes being sent your way.
  • calvertcrafts
    calvertcrafts Member Posts: 93 Member
    natly15 said:

    Praying for Moopy and
    Praying for Moopy and Aortus. This is not the news we want to hear. Cancer Sucks! Hang in there Moopy. Postive vibes being sent your way.

    I will pray for you both and keep you in my heart!!
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Liver mets
    This is SO not the news we were all hoping for. It is just not fair. My heart goes out to you both. This @!#%*&! war never seems to end. Please know that we are thinking OF you and praying FOR you.
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Liver mets
    This is SO not the news we were all hoping for. It is just not fair. My heart goes out to you both. This @!#%*&! war never seems to end. Please know that we are thinking OF you and praying FOR you.

    I am so sorry. I will pray
    I am so sorry. I will pray for the both of you.
    Keep fighting.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    I am so sorry. I will pray
    I am so sorry. I will pray for the both of you.
    Keep fighting.

    Moopy, Joe please hang in there and
    accept our prayers, feel our hugs and support and hear our words of encouragement,hope and love.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    natly15 said:

    Praying for Moopy and
    Praying for Moopy and Aortus. This is not the news we want to hear. Cancer Sucks! Hang in there Moopy. Postive vibes being sent your way.

    Praying for you Moopy and
    Praying for you Moopy and Aortus!

  • LVG
    LVG Member Posts: 128
    I am absolutely praying for
    I am absolutely praying for Moopy during this time.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Darn it!
    Oh Joe and Lisa this is certainly not what I expected to hear, I am so sorry this is happening! You can count on my prayers for strength, comfort and yes healing. Moopy I know how hard this is to deal with, but I also know how strong you are and what great love and support you get from Joe who are all so greatful is there for you!

    Sending a ton of hugs to you both,

  • PinkPearl
    PinkPearl Member Posts: 280
    oh man..
    oh man... this is not what I was checking in to find. So very sorry for another go round with this beasst! Hugs to you both.
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    PinkPearl said:

    oh man..
    oh man... this is not what I was checking in to find. So very sorry for another go round with this beasst! Hugs to you both.

    Sorry to hear about the liver mets, it's never a good sign. You do have love in your corner though and that is a real positive. Continue to fight and enjoy your time together, and remember it's not the fight but the person who counts. Thinking and sending positive vibes your way.

  • cookie97
    cookie97 Member Posts: 200
    I am so sorry....
    I am sosososo sorry, there really are no words in the english language that can express what I am feeling right now and I'm sure you are feeling the same. So many of the other ladies here have said it way better than I can. Just know that you are in my heart and prayers.
    Peace and Love,
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    mom62 said:

    Sorry to hear about the liver mets, it's never a good sign. You do have love in your corner though and that is a real positive. Continue to fight and enjoy your time together, and remember it's not the fight but the person who counts. Thinking and sending positive vibes your way.


    Dear Joe and Moopy, I don't
    Dear Joe and Moopy, I don't know either of you very well but I can tell from the outpouring of love here that you are both beloved by many. I was hoping for good news and am so sorry that Moopy has to do battle again. She seems to have an inner strength and is such a positive person, I know she won't give up but will fight once again and win. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Much love and hugs coming to you both.
  • Snowkitty
    Snowkitty Member Posts: 295
    My prayers are with you and
    My prayers are with you and Moopy. Sending positive waves your way.

    Take care, Cindy
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    I'm so sorry! Keep fighting. And I hope you still look into the Theraspheres treatment!

    I'll be praying the next chemo cocktail works and that Moopy has few side effects!

    Day at a time. Keep the faith :)

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    chenheart said:

    Where is the word to give
    Where is the word to give you love, encouragement and express fear and discouragement at the same minute??? I don't think that such a word exists, and yet, it is obvious that this is what we are all feeling at this moment in time.

    Although I am not triple negative, you 2 know that I had my gallbladder out in May, 4 days before before Mother's Day, and I did the Revlon 5K that same Saturday. You also know that it turned out it wasn't gallbladder at all, but liver mets, coupled with mets to lining of the lung and bones! I was thinking just last night ( contemplating the new year and all) that I have had liver mets for at least 10 months now. And you know that it has not stopped me, nor my activity level, nor my zest for life. Not to say that the "what if's" don't pull me by the short hairs, not to say I haven't cried, not to say anything at all...except, Step On The Rollercoaster Again. You know which one; the rollercoaster with no seatbelt, an oil-spill on the tracks and it's starting to not just rain, but sleet! You hold on to each other, you scream as you go around the loops and horrendous curves,and OMG, just when you thought it wasn't possible, the ride comes to a stop. You are both battered and bruised,hating the damned carnival, but because you were together, you got off of the ride!
    It should go without saying that I look ahead to seeing you both step off that coaster...

    Hugs and love in abundance,

    The rollarcoaster ride
    that Claudia describes is terrifying, but such joy and peace when it stops. I know how strong you are dear, since we went through this together not to long ago. I will be here with all of our sisters in pink forming a circle of protection around you.

    I know what a rock Joe is for you and I truley believe with all my heart that you will survive this. It is sooo not fair and I am very angry right now.. angry at the beast.. angry enough to kick its **** to nothing! and you will kick its **** Moops! if you or Joe need anything at all please let me know..

    I willbe praying harder than ever my sweet friend.

    all my love and hugs, Jackie
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Jeanne D said:

    don't even know what to write to you Joe and Lisa. Our Christmas Girl, Susan, posted on Facebook about this devastating news that you received. Susan wished for a magic wand, and, I didn't know why. Now I do...... I wish she had that magic wand! I wish all of us sisters in pink had one to wave it over you Lisa and to rid you of the beast.

    I have fought breast cancer twice, and, I know that the news of having cancer again knocks you to the floor. But, I just know Lisa, that with your dear Joe and all of your family, friends and your sisters here, that you will once again be victorious in this fight.

    You are an amazing, loving and courageous woman. One that I have always admired and loved. You supported me so much in my second battle with cancer, and, for that I will always be so grateful!

    So, please allow me to return that gift, the gift of love, encouragement and support. I will do anything, and, I mean anything to help you!

    My heart broke upon reading this news about you, and, the tears just won't stop. But, I know you will beat this. I know how strong you are and how determined all of us are to help you.

    Take my hand Lisa and feel the love that I am giving you...accept my prayers Lisa and believe in the strength in them.

    God bless you my sweet friend,

    ♥ Jeanne

    I can't add much more than
    I can't add much more than what Jeanne D wrote to you and the others Moopy. I will be praying for you and I am sending you hugs and positive thoughts.

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    damn this cancer. you guys
    damn this cancer. you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. i hope Moopy handles the chemo well, and most importantly, that the chemo does it's job. sending big hugs your way. we're here for you.
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member
    sal314 said:

    I'm so sorry! Keep fighting. And I hope you still look into the Theraspheres treatment!

    I'll be praying the next chemo cocktail works and that Moopy has few side effects!

    Day at a time. Keep the faith :)


    Have I mentioned that I HATE CANCER!!!
    I am so very sorry, I was so hoping it was fatty and not mets, but you know me I am forever optomistic and remember how resilient the liver is!!! Prayers for you both daily and nightly!!!

    I fought the liver mets and won and so will you!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    So Sorry
    Joining the prayer team here and engulfing You both with Love, Hope, and Strength. Your fellow Sister Warriors are here fighting along side You every step of the way!

