Need advice on coping post treatment

Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi! I have finished my 6 rounds of TAC, had bilateral mastectomy and am now waiting to get exchange surgery. When I first finished chemo, after I started to feel better I was so happy! THen the surgery came up and was stressed out, huge fights with my husband, 12 days after surgery hemotoma (emergency surgery). Less than a month later my father-in-law died unexpectedly. I have a history of depression, but when off Zoloft because I need to go on Tamoxafin. So now Im going to start Exeffor. I know I should be happy that I've gotten through it all, but can't get past the "what if?", I should be grateful that my prognosis is really good (Stage 2a, no lymphnodes), but still what if? Then I think well if the worst does come, I'm wasting what time I have left on worrying. Any advice?


  • CR1954
    CR1954 Member Posts: 1,390 Member
    Cancer and its treatment are extremely stressful. We all (I think I speak for all of us here) have felt the way you feel right now, at some point in our journey.

    On top of that, you have had additional worries and sadness. I hope the Effexor works for you. There is absolutely no shame, in my opinion, in taking help from anti-depressents and/or anti-anxiety drugs.

    What if.... Well, I have not yet gotten over the "what ifs", and I doubt I ever will.
    With time, cancer won't occupy your mind nearly as much as it does now. You will be able to just forget about it for periods of time, and make it secondary in your life.

    Coming here and talking or venting will be of great help to you. At least, it was for me.

    Hang in there and sending hugs your way,
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Jennifer, hopefully this is
    Jennifer, hopefully this is just a short term set back with the changing of your meds. You have been through a lot and I can promise you that the exchange surgery is going to make your smile. No more rocks on your chest and finally a good night's sleep. So, stay positive and try to look at what you have already accomplished. You are getting to the end of the tunnel and that's cause for celebration. We are here 24/7 so stop by anytime you feel the need. Someone is always home. Sending strength, hugs and love to another sister.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    CR1954 said:

    Cancer and its treatment are extremely stressful. We all (I think I speak for all of us here) have felt the way you feel right now, at some point in our journey.

    On top of that, you have had additional worries and sadness. I hope the Effexor works for you. There is absolutely no shame, in my opinion, in taking help from anti-depressents and/or anti-anxiety drugs.

    What if.... Well, I have not yet gotten over the "what ifs", and I doubt I ever will.
    With time, cancer won't occupy your mind nearly as much as it does now. You will be able to just forget about it for periods of time, and make it secondary in your life.

    Coming here and talking or venting will be of great help to you. At least, it was for me.

    Hang in there and sending hugs your way,

    vent away...
    sorry so stressed....I have ulcertive colits (have for 18 yrs) while going through cancer surgery and radiaton..OMG it was the worst ever.......i think from stree...

    but on good side since on tamoxifen...19 mths or so...colitis is like non existant..

    curious when I go off of it in 2 yrs..will it flare up again..big time?