I feel sorry for myself and all of us!

rockchicksurvivor Member Posts: 45
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I know there is no cure for ovarian cancer but I always try to have hope that I will beat this and be around for awhile but when you hear the words eventually you will die from this disease it hurt me so bad all I could do is cry on/off for hours!! I can longer have carbo due to 2 bad reactions and I know there are other treament options out there but this is all like a nightmare I will never wake up from!! I am getting a break from chemo right now and do not know how long or what is next. I could not find my last post on here and my nerves are shot right now... I hope everyone is doing better than me right now but I wont give up hope!This is an awful disease and more money needs to go into reseach for finding a cure instead of some of the other nonsense money is wasted on!! Have a good day. sorry but I had to vent somewhere....


  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Don't give up !
    Every day is a new chance they will find a drug or combo of treatments that will work unfortunatly our numbers are small compared to the amount of people that are affected by breast cancer. But we are an important group mothers ,sisters ,daughters , and friends ;
    We Will Not Be Ignored ! LOL
    Enyoy your chemo break if you can I am sending you best wishes. You are stong and you are not alone, we will fight this !
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Cry, cry, cry and cry some more
    It's okay. I have these days too. We have to let it out. I had my wonderful crying time about two days ago. Everything just ticked me off or bothered me and I got into it with my daughter and that put me over the edge. It was over something totally stupid. And then I think to myself... how long have I got. I have to make the most of the time I do have left. I look at my grandchildren and think .... this stupid disease is not going to take me. I am going to fight like heck.
    You are so young to go through all of this. They ARE going to find a cure. I don't mind waiting and suffering through the chemo.... but geez... can't they hurry up a bit. I think we have all put in our time. Give us a break for goodness sake.

    Get that crying out of your system and then put your armour back on. Find one of your friends that make you laugh. And the rule of the day.....NO TALK ABOUT CANCER.
  • Sandy10
    Sandy10 Member Posts: 80
    I know the feeling!
    I had my venting rant just a few days ago!! :) We all get those feelings. And the crying helps!! We have to be strong so much, sometimes we just have to break down and cry and get mad..no...PI$$ED OFF at what is happening to us.It's ok. Get pi$$ed off, cry, scream, punch a few pillows and let it out. I did. It made me feel better. :) It helps us to let out all the stuff we have built up and don't want to show to our families. We are such strong women that even in the face of cancer we still feel we have to protect out loved ones ,so, we hide it when we are scared and sick and sad. It gets to be too much. So, we let it out and we feel better and can get right back in the fight. You are a warrior!!! we all are!! We are strong and we are fighters!! You are not alone. we are all behind you. There is a treatment out there that will work for you. Enjoy your time off from chemo. Like someone else on here said. Have a girls day out with some friends, and no cancer talk. Eat fattening foods, get your nails done, see a movie, go shopping. Do a bunch of fun stuff!! You will feel better. ((((HUGS)))) to you!!!!!

  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    Yeah, it does suck. Some people respond better to chemo. Did this go round with Carbo make your ca125 go down? I was bummed I had to stop carbo too due to allergic reaction. I've been on 3 different chemos in the past year and started my 4th one today. I still have hope SOMETHING might work but have resigned myself to the fact that this disease will take my life prematurely!!! Sometimes I get scared, especially for my children. Sometimes, I cry. I feel like my family can't handle the reality of it. Where else can we turn? This is the place to vent. I understand AND feel your pain because I am there too. Are you still symptom free? If you are, ENJOY it!!!! Being symptom free is a blessing.

  • Lisa13Q
    Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
    I concur
    I couldn't agree more, and I'd like to add that I feel sorry for all the family members as well who have to watch and care about the people they love suffer. I pray there is a cure soon.
  • goatiegirl
    goatiegirl Member Posts: 16
    Yes....this disease is tough.
    Dear Rockchicksurvivor,

    Hang in there! We all have days like you are experiencing. Most of the time I can live one day at a time and not think too much into the future, but with all the pain and side effects, it can be hard. On good days, do the things you enjoy. On bad days, I think it's great to vent. We should allow ourselves the feelings that we have. I'm with you on spending less on nonsense, and focusing more on cancer research! Take care!

    Goatiegirl (Nan)