Ovarian Cancer Symptom Question

ssfbeagle Member Posts: 50
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I am 53 years old. For the past 2 months my periods have bee a little "off". One month very light, the next month month a little heavier. The only other unusual occurrence was the lack of any usual cramping that I have had with every period. My last period ended a week ago. For the past 5 days I have had the cramping that I usually get with my period but no other pains. I took ibuprofen like I always do and it gets rid of the pain. I will be going to the gyn but can't get in until next week due to the holiday. Could this be a symptom of ovarian cancer or just menopuase? I guess I'm looking for some reassurance to tide me over until next week. I also lost my Mom to uterine cancer earlier this year and am a bit apprehensive.


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    doesn't sound like ovc
    I am guessing your symtoms sound like menopause to me ,Is your stomach bloated like you are pregnant or do you have urinary discomfort..these are a few symtoms of ca. only an exam and ct scan along with ca-125 can confirm ca. I pray to god you do not have to go through what many on this site have. keep up posted please and my prayers are with you ;;;;;val
  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    menopause has blood test
    53 and just missing periods! I started skipping them at 47, and was out the other side of menopause by 50. Only two months is not much to be off, though. Seems like they just kind of tapered over over 6-8 months for me.

    Fortunately, there's a blood test your gyn can do that will tell where you are with menopause by looking at your hormones.

    The symptoms of ovarian cancer are different from what you describe, and isn't uterine and cervical cancer screening what PAPs are all about? Please don't worry so much about this...and bless your heart as you pull yourself through your first holiday season without your Mom. I'm in this forum for my Mom, who's been fighting a long time. It's tough.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    probably not OVCA but..
    why not speak to your GYN? A simple CA-125 blood test (although not foolproof) could relieve your fears. Best of luck....... Maria
  • jepsj5
    jepsj5 Member Posts: 18
    Sounds like...
    I would say menopause as well....i am 35 and my periods(AFs) were what you are describing and more. I was very irregular, crampy, hot flahes, night sweats, bloated, cysts, bleeding at ovulation to my period, etc. I just had my tubes and ovaries removed (I carry the BRCA 2 Gene), glad no signs of cancer. HTH.
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    jepsj5 said:

    Sounds like...
    I would say menopause as well....i am 35 and my periods(AFs) were what you are describing and more. I was very irregular, crampy, hot flahes, night sweats, bloated, cysts, bleeding at ovulation to my period, etc. I just had my tubes and ovaries removed (I carry the BRCA 2 Gene), glad no signs of cancer. HTH.

    i also think it is menapause
    probably nothing to worry about
    get the ca 125
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    They sound just like the menopause. You can get a simple kit (like a pregnancy kit) from the pharmacy to do a test. They may not always work though ifyou have only jst begun the menopause. Good look Tina