Folfox #5 delayed due to low platelets...again.

okthen Member Posts: 232
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi Everyone! It's been a while since I've been able to get on, hope everyone is doing well and had a great holiday!
We closed on our house on Monday, so it's been crazy.

Jack was scheduled for chemo yesterday, they refused to give it to him because his platelets were in the 60's.
How is chemo going to have a chance to work if he can only get two treatments before he has to take a break?
This happened after treatment 2 also.
He goes back on Monday of next week for lab.

Need to crawl over some boxes and into bed, just wanted to say Hi and update on Jack.
You're all on my mind daily,


  • HeartofSoul
    HeartofSoul Member Posts: 729 Member
    has Jack had platelet
    has Jack had platelet transfusion to elevate his count as to not miss a scheduled treatment of chemo? I had 3 platelet blood transfusions three different times in oder to stay on schedule for chemo and the treatments were 5 days a week every 2 weeks over 4 rds.

    i had my blood work done daily just 30 min before treatmet during those weeks i was sch for chemo and on off weeks i was in every other day to see where my levels of WBC, RBC, platelets and other vital readings were to stay ahead of any anticipated drop in bone marrow levels. i had 4 red blood cell transfusions and 15 neupogen shots in course of my treatment.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    hope jacks levels pickup
    I hope his levels pickup and you can back on the schedule.
    We are all getting different chemos, we are different ages and health status and dna.
    If you can try not worrying about missing a cycle, as worry is contagious.
    I really believe in relaxation and rest and having peace in our lives gives our bodies the best opportunity to be healthy.
    goodluck relax and be healthy