my quest for life retreat

pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
my quest for life retreat was an overwhelming experience.

my heart was touched and broken and healed. the support team had hearts, hands, voices, words and songs of gold and used them.

the cancer patients were matured and

the retreat was the best xmas present I could give myself. And indirectly my family and friends. and that includes all on this forum. I learned so much, but will keep this brief.

for a start we are all terminally ill. whether we have cancer or not.

life is a terminal illness.

so meeting, getting to know, sharing meals, walks and talks with 20 odd of brave men, woman young, middle and old. and to find I was praying for their recovery, survival and healing surprised me initially with how strong my empathy and sympathy was.

I thought I would have a relaxing break with great healthy food, learn meditation, yoga and relax. boy was I wrong and in for a surprise.

Was challenged physically by the big D
DIARRHEA ironically Petrea talks about the D changing life divorce, dieing, diagnosis, disability etc etc. Well I added my own the the list. Diarrhea

Was challenged emotionally by the bravery, balls, beauty and the candour of the others. they left me inspired and in awe.

they all may join this forum. I told them how supportive and wise we all are. only a few have colorectal cancer though.

if you are interested, lookup "quest for life" on the web. they are genuine, loving and caring. in my honest opinion the very best I have dreamed of meeting in this massive cancer business with greedy drug companies and dodgy peddlers of alternatives to desparate patients these guys offered simply PEACE.

Just plain simple PEACE and LOVE. Something floating around this special time of year. Oh and I forgot a dash of JOY. I cannot leave her out.

I wish us all more PEACE, LOVE and JOY than we can bare each and every moment.

PS Oh and message RELAX, just relax and live well. smell the roses etc etc etc etc
don't screw your immume system with crap food and stress. stuff we all know.

My TIP get aggressive with stressors. just elimenate them if you can, at least mentally.


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Nice, helpful and peaceful!
    Very interesting , is a shame they are so far!
  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Pete, it was so nice to read through the feelings the retreat gave you. I hope you are feeling better from the diarrhea and the ER visit. On your third line from the bottom, peace,love, and's almost my user name :) plh4gail=peace,love & happiness.. And thank you for your last line. I needed to hear that right now.

    Take care, Gail
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member

    It sounds like a wonderful time. I am so glad that you were renewed. :)

  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    not to waste time on turkeys
    thanks guys

    Got this priceless quote from my new friend on quest for life.

    Its a gem. If you like it , you can put it up as another post hint hint.
    I have enough posts.

    Remember not to waste time on turkeys of any kind! Let them all get stuffed!

    We learn so much from our friends.

    Its ironic that cancer gets when our immunity barriers are lowered.
    Now I find my emotional barriers are lowered as I am a little stronger for
    having thought the beast so hard. So now you much more open and more intimate friends
    then before. at from my perspective.

    thanks for reading about my wonderful retreat.