Update on Mom, she is in the hospital

Luv2lunch Member Posts: 270
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone.
I'll try and make this quick. We did get good news on the PET scan, thanks for the prayers. There was a shadow in her rectum, however, the oncologist called the surgeon to confirm, that she does not have one of those anymore. He removed it all. So the thought is that it is just maybe from the radiation? There was nothing else on the scan. Yeah. She will need a repeat PET in 3 months just to follow it.
So we went to have lunch to celebrate, which happened to be next door to the radiologist. We decided to stop in and get a copy of the scan and wish him Merry Christmas. He put us in a room and we were chatting and he wanted to know if we had any further questions about the scan. We said no, but I asked him to take a look at her left leg. It has been kind of swollen for a few weeks now. It started in the foot and now the ankle and calf are involved. Not terribly bad swelling, but you can see the difference in the two legs.
He was immediately concerned about a blood clot and sent us to the hospital for an ultrasound. Well, you guessed it, she has a blood clot. She will need to be in there for 4 to 5 days, off her feet completely, and need more bed rest when she comes home for a few weeks. They are giving her a Heparin like shot (can't think of the name of it) in her stomach and she will start a Coumadin pill which she will need to take forever.
So that is the latest. Good and bad news. But at least we were able to catch the clot before something bad happened.
Thank you all again for the well wishes. They worked :) I guess Mom's prediction came true, just not on what she was thinking it was.
Take care,


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  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Sending Mom best wishes
    Like you said...good news is that the scan was clear...bad news about the blood clot...but then again good news that you were right there and she is now getting it taken care of.

    Hope that she can get some rest while they work their magic at the hospital and that she is home to celebrate the holidays.

    Sending her love and best wishes and prayers for speedy recovery.


    Marie who loves kitties
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    That's good
    Well, that's good news and not so good news, but I'll take it! Glad they caught the blood clot and got started on getting rid of it right away.

  • plh4gail
    plh4gail Member Posts: 1,238 Member
    Glad you got the good news
    Glad you got the good news on the PET results. I hope the hospital stay goes smooth, short, and easy.

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    You are a good daughter!

    Good for you for asking about the leg; I am glad it is being taken care of. I know it isn't fun to be in the hospital but it sounds like your Mom will be out for the holidays. I am glad you got good scan results - yippee!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Good News/Good News :)
    Hey Linda,

    Well, it all depends on interpretation but I'd say this was definitely a Good News/Good News day!! The first good news is that the scan was clear... that is not just good news, that's wonderful news!! Now, the next scan won't be for 3 months and basically, it's just a follow up. Routine... that just goes with the territory :)

    As for what I see as the second Good News... so you and Mom were off to have lunch and just happened to be next door to the radiologist. Imagine if you had decided to go to lunch somewhere else... you would never have thought to come back and visit the radiologist. But, you did and because of that visit, you got him to look at her leg and voila... the blood clot was caught before it could do any damage. Imagine if you hadn't gone when you did. It would slowly have made it's travels until it either did something devastating with no warning... or, in a week or so became so noticeable that you couldn't ignore it. So it would be a rush trip to the hospital, at a time when they are short staffed and using relief help. No, today happened for a reason and thank goodness it did :)

    This way, she will get treated, put on her meds and be home before Christmas :)

    I'm happy for both of you!!


    PS: I owe you a PM and I will do it, honest!! Just catching up (hahahaha) with all my Christmas panic here at home. Still wrapping and baking, wrapping and baking! :D
  • Luv2lunch
    Luv2lunch Member Posts: 270
    Thank you
    Thank you Marie, Gail, Gail, Anne, and Cheryl. Thank you ladies for responding to me. It means a lot that you guys care.
    Happy holidays!


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