Prepping for lymph node biopsy on Dec 28th

charlie123 Member Posts: 14
So, my surgery is right around the corner and I'm starting to get nervous! I know you guys are warriors in this sort of thing and have been through it all, so I'm coming to you for some support and encouragement since my imagination is getting the better of me.

The surgeon talked with me about the risk of nerve damage (effecting facial muscles)during the surgery because they're cutting right under my jawline and removing an entire node. In addition to that, I'm nervous about being put under anesthesia because I have never been put under before and know there are risks to that. Guys, I know I'm totally being a baby about this, I know, I am just horrible at this stuff. Should I not be nervous, what has been your experiences with this? Thanks friends, you have been such a comfort to me..


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Perfectly normal!
    Hi Charlie,
    You are not being a's perfectly normal to be nervous and no-one here will tell you any different. The tumor I had removed was in my left groin and fairly large, so my experience with the biopsy will be different than yours since you are having a node removed from under your jawline. One thing is the same however...once you are put under you won't feel a thing and it will be fast and painless. Afterwards when you feel up to it you can share with us how you feel. Like I said before...I was a little bit sore and had slight cramping for 2 days and then felt fine. I have a small scar and haven't had any problems since the biopsy was done last July. Maybe someone else in the group had a node removed from their jawline and will give you their take on the surgery. You will be fine Charlie...keep positive thoughts and I will keep you in my prayers. Don't let scary thoughts interfere with you having a happy Merry Christmas. Try to put it out of your mind and think only happy thoughts!(easier said than done, but "TRY"!)
    Love...Sue (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)
  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    Not a baby!!

    Like Sue said you have every right to your feelings! This stuff is scary! My lymph node was removed from my groin area and I didn't have any bad pain or complications after I iced it like crazy and took the anti-inflammatory that they gave me.

    There is a lot to this stuff. There's the surgery and the aftermath and then waiting for results, etc. Not fun. But... you will get through it. If you didn't feel nervous I would think it was odd!! :) It's not every day that this kind of thing happens to a person. Thank God!!

    Just remember we are all here for you and are with you esp on the 28th.Keep us posted . Holding you in prayer.

  • truckingalong
    truckingalong Member Posts: 445 Member
    Lymph node biopsy

    When I had the lymph node biopsy, I told myself I gotta know the answer so I was willing to cross the bridge even tho it was scary. I looked ahead - sort of not thinking of the bad parts but the part that will help me in the long run so that I can be healed right. The surgeons/doctors have years of training so they do the work carefully and know what they are doing. We have to put our trust in them and chances are that they help us heal! Anyway, it had been my fifth month coping with this scary stuff - I learned that every time I anticipated something then after whatever was done, I realized it was not so bad because I learned how to breathe deeper and use more POSITIVE thoughts (for example, I used my favorite song verse to sing in my head over and over). It takes practice!! You can do it. Smile. And I pray for you with easy experiences.

  • Tracie1981
    Tracie1981 Member Posts: 125
    Hey no worries :)
    Hey I know ALOT of people on here can say been there done that and soon you can join the club. I had a lymphnode removed on the right side out of my neck too. Besides looking like the bride of Frankenstein and suffering through MINIMAL pain. It really was no biggie. They did mine in an emergency I didnt have anytime to really think about it, but I'm sure if I did I would be just as nervous as you are. I will and I know so many others on here will be praying and thinking of you through the holidays!! Take care and God Bless!
  • CiAnnaBananna
    CiAnnaBananna Member Posts: 105

    Hey no worries :)
    Hey I know ALOT of people on here can say been there done that and soon you can join the club. I had a lymphnode removed on the right side out of my neck too. Besides looking like the bride of Frankenstein and suffering through MINIMAL pain. It really was no biggie. They did mine in an emergency I didnt have anytime to really think about it, but I'm sure if I did I would be just as nervous as you are. I will and I know so many others on here will be praying and thinking of you through the holidays!! Take care and God Bless!

    lymphnode removed at neck
    i also had a huge lymphnode removed on the right side of my neck, and all the risks were there as far as nerve damage or vocal chord damage, but i think it's like all those warnings they give you for everything, they are rare risks at best. Good luck with your biopsy and let us know how it goes! Tracie and I have both been there and we're both on the other side of it now!
  • charlie123
    charlie123 Member Posts: 14

    lymphnode removed at neck
    i also had a huge lymphnode removed on the right side of my neck, and all the risks were there as far as nerve damage or vocal chord damage, but i think it's like all those warnings they give you for everything, they are rare risks at best. Good luck with your biopsy and let us know how it goes! Tracie and I have both been there and we're both on the other side of it now!

    Thank you!
    You guys are so amazing, your encouragement and personal strength spills over to me. I will try to keep all your tips in mind when I go in, I am just bad at this stuff! I can see that there are a great deal of extraordinary people on this board, I am blessed to have the chance to witness that.

    I will be keeping you posted!

  • sparkygirl
    sparkygirl Member Posts: 5
    onlytoday said:

    Not a baby!!

    Like Sue said you have every right to your feelings! This stuff is scary! My lymph node was removed from my groin area and I didn't have any bad pain or complications after I iced it like crazy and took the anti-inflammatory that they gave me.

    There is a lot to this stuff. There's the surgery and the aftermath and then waiting for results, etc. Not fun. But... you will get through it. If you didn't feel nervous I would think it was odd!! :) It's not every day that this kind of thing happens to a person. Thank God!!

    Just remember we are all here for you and are with you esp on the 28th.Keep us posted . Holding you in prayer.


    low grade nhl
    Hi everyone, im a newbie, i was diagnosed on 25th 0ct with low grade non hodgkins lymphoma, i had a ct scan which showed two small nodes in armpit but everything else ok. I had my bone marrow biopsy on 6th december, it shows slight traces of lymphoma in bone marrow which is common in newly diagnosed cases, im on watch and wait i need no treatment yet. I was scared on day of bone marrow biopsy but i had a lovely lovely nurse who did it and i had a few whiffs of gas and air (entonox) towards the end, i had plenty of local and it wasnt as horrific as i thought, it was done via needles, i decided to just go floppy in the hope it wouldnt be as painful and it wasnt, i understand youre being scared its totally understandable. You may be able to ask if you can have a general though you may be kept in til youre fit to go home, if you ask in advance they may do that for you or some form of sedation, at least here in the uk you can ask, also over here if youre having an mri scan you can ask in advance if you feel youd like to be sedated. My nhl kicked off in sephis year, i went for a routine mammogram and was recalled, the mammogram was fine but enlarged lymph nodes were found in right armpit, i had a lymphnode biopsy done and i was diagnosed with low grade nhl, i had my ct scan 18th nov and have had blood tests and bone marrow biopsy 6th dec, ive seen the dr re the results, my blood is fine and the scan detected 2 small armpit nodes and have very slight traces of lymphoma in bone marrow which he said is common in newly diagnosed cases, its nothing to worry about he said and i need no treatment for now but will be watched up, i go and see him again in 3 months time, i'll go in every 2-3 months and may need more ct scans to have it watched up, i wish you all the best and will be thinking of you on the day of your bone marrow biopsy, i dont think anyone understands totally unless theyve been through it too. Sparkygirl
  • sparkygirl
    sparkygirl Member Posts: 5
    Hi charlie 123 as in my previous post im a newbie and joined today, i got bid muddled when i was saying about bone marrow biopsy but hopefully it will help others, i had a lymph node biopsy in my armpit when i was recalled after a mammogram, the breasts i was told were fine just picked up on mammogram i had enlarged lymph nodes in right armpit, i had a chat with the doctor and she said that if the radiographer had a slot they'd do the lymph node biopsy then. It was fortunate in a way as it didnt give me time to think about it, i had a local injection i just felt a scratch but i didnt feel the cut at all i was told id hear a crunching noise as the lymph node or part of it was removed, it didnt take all that long, i didnt feel a thing, they then put a couple of paper stitches over the would and a large plaster which came off after 5 days, you are not being a baby youre scared and its only human to be scared. I too have worried about anaesthetics, i had an op 3 years ago for a hysterectomy (endometrial cancer) and i came through, you will be monitored when you have a general, blood, gases etc, when i woke up i said "im still here" the nurse said of course you are i think a lot of people have that fear. I hope this helps, i will think of you on the 28th and my prayers are with you. I had my low grade non hodgkins staged today i have b cell stage 3a but dont need treatment as yet.