bruins1971 Member Posts: 227
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Ok so I sat down with my oncologist today and asked him a few questions. First was the question about why don't I get scans done more often. My last scan was done after the surgery in August and it looked good. He stated that for a person who does not have any known tumors he usually only does scans every six months unless blood work shows something going on. Like CEA numbers climbing then he will order a scan to see what's up. As for the CEA not being tested so often again he said that with NO tumors in your body the CEA number should be low and that he would usually test that every three months. I asked him why he felt that I had such a good chance of seeing a cure one day and he stated that I should have at least a 50% chance due to the fact that I didn't have a lot of tumors and the ones I did have were able to be removed by surgery. Also that my KRAS test came back as me being KRAS-Y which is a good thing. The CEA test will be run today and I will have the results tomorrow. I asked him what number it could come back at to make him worried and he said it's really about it he sees a pattern of increase. Like if it's up tomorrow from the 1.8 from September then he would test it again in three weeks at my next chemo to see if it's up or down. He said it's normal for it to go up and down by a small amount but that we just don't want to see it going up and up. He said he did not expect this to be my case that it will probably still be low due to the fact that there should not be any more tumors in there. Can't wait till tomorrow to celebrate my birthday by hearing the CEA number is still in the normal range.



  • JoyceSteele
    JoyceSteele Member Posts: 145
    Happy Birthday
    Bobby, thank you for letting us know. I hope you get great news about your CEA and I hope you have a very Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day. My best, Joyce
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member

    Happy Birthday
    Bobby, thank you for letting us know. I hope you get great news about your CEA and I hope you have a very Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day. My best, Joyce

    Happy birthday Bobby !
    l Prey for good results about CEA!
  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member
    Your update
    Thanks, Bobby. That all makes sense and it sounds like your oncologist has a plan. 3 months is not unusual to go between CEA tests if one is not on in treatment. I think that is what concerned everyone is that he was telling you you were cancer-free, even though you were still on treatment... and you had mentioned not having any CEA tests because he figured you were cancer-free.

    But, it does sound like he is going to be monitoring you and that's great :) Yes... CEA can fluctuate, so if say tomorrow your CEA results say you are 2.5. There is no need to get excited because that could just be a fluctuation... and in 3 weeks it could be back down to 1.0. But if it was, say, 2.5 tomorrow, and then 3.2 in three weeks, and then 4.0 three weeks later... well, this would indicate a rising trend. And that's when the scans would start up again. It's not the numbers that would cause concern... it's the upward trend.

    So let's hope tomorrow you are happy with your results and there is nothing to indicate an upward trend :)

  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Here's to great CEA results and a very Happy Birthday
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Good Job
    I'm glad you brought it up to your onc, and asked questions and got answers.
    In this little world we live in, we have a need to know basis on most aspects of our lives, especially when held in the hands of the onc, (yes, I know and God as well)just saying here on earth, our onc, is the one that can give us verbal answers, the one that orders the tests, etc.
    What I'm trying to say, is, I'm proud of you for questioning and getting answers.
    You go guy!!!!
    Winter Marie
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am glad that you talked to your onc. I hope you have a Happy Birthday!
  • tina dasilva
    tina dasilva Member Posts: 641
    Happy B-DAY
    and here's hoping for low CEA counts hugs Tina
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Happy Birthday!
    Hope your CEA count stays low. Have a wonderful birthday!
