detection of colon cancer

hopeful and optimistic
hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
As a person with prostate cancer, I am aware that early dectection for all cancer types is critical.

I am 67, eat a low fat, high fiber diet. I've had a colonoscopy in Jan 2005 with no growths detected.........I wonder what is an appropriate time period between colonoscopies.....I live in south there a skill set that I need to look for in a doctor when getting a colonoscopy.

I recently saw on TV, that there is a new test; one that looks at the genes in the stool and may be used to detect colon this procedure considered investigational, or is it appropriate to substitute for a colonoscopy.

By the way , my brother is 62 and has never had any testing for colon cancer......what do I need to tell him?



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Hi and welcome
    I don't know what the docs recommend, but I think that you are due for the colonoscopy since it has been almost 6 years.

    I am not aware of the new test you referenced. I am not sure that all cancers 'shed' and if not would not be found in a test like that.

    As for your brother, if he buys insurance of any kind (car, life, health, home) then he should take the time out for a colonoscopy and get a bit of insurance on his body. Not all persons who have colon cancer have any visible signs or symptoms.

    Just a suggestion, why don't you and your brother make it a 2 for one...schedule the procedures for the same day, then afterwards celebrate.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am wondering
    is the test you are talking of the fecal occult test - it can be used as to detect blood in the feces. I don't think it is a substitute for a colonoscopy, however. Here in Canada most agree once every 5 years for colonoscopies at age 50 + up. Good luck!
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