Frustrated after 4 months of TX

cb girl
cb girl Member Posts: 56 Member
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
My husband has had good results from his 6 cycles of cisplatin/gemzar. 30% shrinkage of the tumors in both lungs and his latest PET scan came back with a decrease in SUV- 23.7 down to 13 and 16 down to 13. We met with our regular onc. who said lets talkto radiation onc and see what she can do- maybe combo of radiation/chemo-carboplatin/taxol. We meet the rad onc and she says, yes, radiation would be good-can do both tumors, but lets get a a consult from the thoracic surgeon to see if he can do a lobectomy on the RUL. This where I am frustrated. We had a consult in April 2010, when this all started,for thoracic surgery-went in for surgery May 19th, they did a mediastinoscopy and a lymph node came back positive so they discontinued surgery and left the lung intact. My question is why would we revisit this again? I would assume (and you know what that means) the lymph situation is the same as before. We do have a call into the doc and a meeting with our regular onc. Monday morning. I just feel like we're at the beginning and feel frantic all over again. Any thoughts? Also, has anyone done the concurrent rad/chemo and how did you fare? We try to remember we are doing great and making forward progress and not to get all worked up over a consult that may or may not change the course we are headed on. I feel better all ready. Thanks for listening.