Hospital bashing

nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Does anyone remember me posting something awhile back about a friend who bashed my cancer center? She spoke about my hospital receiving federal funding and this was influencing their diagnosis. A friend of her's has a spouse who had went to my well known cancer center for treatment. They told him he was terminal. She took him to a different, well advertised, cancer treatment center. They told him no, he wasn't terminal..etc, etc. Well, I just found out this gentleman died. I don't really know what the point of my post is BUT I guess any negativity makes me nervous. I should stick with what I know. I believe I am getting quality care by a great cancer center. What more can I ask for...well...I can always HOPE for a miracle!


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hospital bashing
    Just jouned a few days ago. don't let avyone confuse you ,cancer is confusing enough. If you are happy with care you recieve then stick with it. As far as I know all cancer centers are funded one way or another. I have bee figthing ov ca over a year and just started another round of chemo this month..good ole carbo and taxol. I will work while in tx. good luck to you
  • paris11
    paris11 Member Posts: 159
    Hi Nancy
    You are being cared for at a world class medical center. You are being treated by a leader in the field. Miracles happen everyday. New drugs and new treatments are being offered more and more frequently. Time is on our side. I learned long ago keep all negativity and toxic thoughts out of your life.

    Bless you and your beautiful family.

  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Do not allow anyone to undermine your faith in your drs. these people were probably coming from a place where they could not accept what was happening to them.
    I believe in miracles with the help of your drs and I believe in your miracle !
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    You betcha!
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    Don't listen to them
    Nancy, don't you let them influence you. I am praying for that miracle for you. All hospitals have those people that will say something bad about them. There is no way that I believe that a cancer center will not put every effort out for their patients.

    This has nothing to do with cancer... but everything to do with miracles. My daughter put my granddaughter down for a nap. She was 4 months old at the time. She went to check on her and he saw her leg and then looked again and saw that she was grey, cold and not breathing. When she called 911 she had her in her arms and she was just limp. She grabbed a dish towel on the kitchen sink and wiped her face. She had slimy stuff all over her face. When she did that it caused her to start crying. The 911 attendant said whatever you did that was good. The ambulance got there and took her to the hospital. She was in the hospital for 10 long days. They had her out. They couldn't hardly touch her because all her numbers would go crazy. One nurse in ICU refused to do anything because they almost lost her one night.
    The hospital was not figuring out the problem. They finally put her in a helicopter and transferred her to a children's hospital. Before they put her in the helicopter, I prayed. I told God that I realized I had been praying wrong all along. I had been asking Him to heal her each day slowly. So I prayed and asked God for a full blown miracle. I told Him she is in His hands and to take care of her. And do you know what.... before they got her to the children's hospital, the doctor in the helicopter called us on our cell phone (we were in the car following), and said she is doing fine. In fact, they had pulled her off the blood pressure medicine that the hospital had her on. She was in children's hospital for 3 days. That hospital started pulling off different things and then woke her up. She came home in 3 days. Nothing wrong with her. No cerebal palsy. They were afraid of this due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

    Now I have to tell you that my daughter took her in to the pediatrian for her followup visit. (BTW he is the greatest. He was up several nights during all of this trying to figure out how to help her.) The doctor told my daughter that there sure was a lot of people praying for this little girl. My daughter said, I know Protestants, Catholics, Baptists, etc. He said, No you don't know.... my colleague from Colorado emailed him and said... Pray for baby Camryn in St. Louis. Our doctor emailed his colleague back and said... Baby Camryn is MY patient. He said she was definitely a miracle and when she comes into his office, she gets the VIP treatment. My granddaughter is now 5 years old.

    Be positive Nancy. I am praying for you all the time.

  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    clamryn said:

    Don't listen to them
    Nancy, don't you let them influence you. I am praying for that miracle for you. All hospitals have those people that will say something bad about them. There is no way that I believe that a cancer center will not put every effort out for their patients.

    This has nothing to do with cancer... but everything to do with miracles. My daughter put my granddaughter down for a nap. She was 4 months old at the time. She went to check on her and he saw her leg and then looked again and saw that she was grey, cold and not breathing. When she called 911 she had her in her arms and she was just limp. She grabbed a dish towel on the kitchen sink and wiped her face. She had slimy stuff all over her face. When she did that it caused her to start crying. The 911 attendant said whatever you did that was good. The ambulance got there and took her to the hospital. She was in the hospital for 10 long days. They had her out. They couldn't hardly touch her because all her numbers would go crazy. One nurse in ICU refused to do anything because they almost lost her one night.
    The hospital was not figuring out the problem. They finally put her in a helicopter and transferred her to a children's hospital. Before they put her in the helicopter, I prayed. I told God that I realized I had been praying wrong all along. I had been asking Him to heal her each day slowly. So I prayed and asked God for a full blown miracle. I told Him she is in His hands and to take care of her. And do you know what.... before they got her to the children's hospital, the doctor in the helicopter called us on our cell phone (we were in the car following), and said she is doing fine. In fact, they had pulled her off the blood pressure medicine that the hospital had her on. She was in children's hospital for 3 days. That hospital started pulling off different things and then woke her up. She came home in 3 days. Nothing wrong with her. No cerebal palsy. They were afraid of this due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

    Now I have to tell you that my daughter took her in to the pediatrian for her followup visit. (BTW he is the greatest. He was up several nights during all of this trying to figure out how to help her.) The doctor told my daughter that there sure was a lot of people praying for this little girl. My daughter said, I know Protestants, Catholics, Baptists, etc. He said, No you don't know.... my colleague from Colorado emailed him and said... Pray for baby Camryn in St. Louis. Our doctor emailed his colleague back and said... Baby Camryn is MY patient. He said she was definitely a miracle and when she comes into his office, she gets the VIP treatment. My granddaughter is now 5 years old.

    Be positive Nancy. I am praying for you all the time.



    Hi there.

    I had a similiar experience that shook my confidence earlier in my treatment for uterine cancer 3C (I finished my 6th chemo on Nov 2nd). I went to a support group at a wellness center in the area for gyno cancers after my first chemo-and there was some negative buzz about my doctor, who is actually very reknowned and respected in his field and is also at a leading cancer center/hospital. There was really nothing solid provided as to what caused the negative feelings--I can only assume it is because he is in such high demand he is often double or triple booked, he is a professor, a surgeon, etc and his schedule is extremely busy. I don't know how he does it. So the visits are not always as long as we would like but he will answer your questions. One woman even said she saw him for her recurrence, he cured her, but that if it happened again, she would not hesitate to see someone else-which I thought odd.

    I am very pleased with him, he was a brilliant surgeon, and he is very compassionate.

    I think it's good to be aware of any negative cases just to be informed, but if we feel confident and have faith in our medical team that is what matters.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Nancy....I have issues with
    Nancy....I have issues with that "well advertised" treatment center. They sell hope. That's not the same thing as encouraging hope, or being hopeful. They trade on fear; they take advantage of people who have been given a less than perfect prognosis. I know because the same thing happened to a former foster child of mine. He - a young man with a wife and 3 daughters - was diagnosed with lung cancer. Doctors in East Texas and as far away as Dallas did not hold out much hope. In Tulsa, however, he and his wife were told an entirely different story. He started treatment there, and for a brief time, he did seem better. Sadly, however, he died, within the exact same time frame that his original doctors had given him. He spent long weeks away from his family and thousands of dollars, essentially for nothing.

    At the time your friend voiced her opinion, she likely thought it was a valid one. She had been sold a miracle, and who doesn't want to believe the best case scenario? She may feel very differenly now.

    The comment about "government funding" is a standard ploy, used by the other guys, to discredit large teaching hospitals. That is not to say there aren't some questionable practices in medicine, and especially chemotherapy. There are so many $$$ to be made off chemo, there is a lot of shady stuff that goes on behind the scenes. And none of it is for our benefit.
