Surgery Postponed

Will_10_2010 Member Posts: 43
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Surgery had been scheduled for Dec. 1, however, the nurse called today notifying me that surgery had to be rescheduled due to the doctor's assistant not being able to be present. Needless to say I jumped on the PC emotional roller coaster. I was prepared emotionally and physically for the da vinci date. I am now scheduled for Dec. 15. I'm over my first reaction. Now I have to communicate the change to my friends and family. I have to make new arrangements for transportation, other doctor appointments, update some of the blood lab work, etc. The difficult part is knowing the extra stress my wife and kids will undergo waiting for the surgery.

My concern is the doctor originally told me there is usually a window of 3 months from the biopsy to the operation. After that the degree of the prognosis may have changed. This new date is within parameters, but pushing that window: hopefully two weeks will not make a difference. The nurse reassured me that we are still within that time frame. I guess I will just have to wait to become a member of the "club".

It is what it is and there is a reason for everything, even if we don't know it at the time. The positive thing is that I will have more time to do those wonderful Kegel exercises. Thanks for "listening". I'll keep you posted.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Surgery Postponed
    I sense anxiety in your post, which surely you should avoid at this stage. Two weeks of extension would not change the out came from surgery. You surely are a low risk patient with a low Gleason pattern; otherwise you would be heading for other type of treatment. PCa is a slow growing "bandit" giving us plenty of time to learn about it and treatment's side effects that will follow later. Take this opportunity to check the list of necessities and relax.
    Wishing you the best
  • CharlieG
    CharlieG Member Posts: 67
    Try to relax
    I hear you on the anxiety. I waited all summer long after my diagnosis before I had surgery in Septmeber. I don't think that the two weeks will be more than just a major scheduling headache and add to your waiting stress (not to minimize that).
  • Will_10_2010
    Will_10_2010 Member Posts: 43

    Surgery Postponed
    I sense anxiety in your post, which surely you should avoid at this stage. Two weeks of extension would not change the out came from surgery. You surely are a low risk patient with a low Gleason pattern; otherwise you would be heading for other type of treatment. PCa is a slow growing "bandit" giving us plenty of time to learn about it and treatment's side effects that will follow later. Take this opportunity to check the list of necessities and relax.
    Wishing you the best

    Thanks to both you and Charlie. I got over my anxiety and just wanted to as Larry the Cable Guy would say: "get'er done". My Gleason score is 8 with possible extra prostatic extension. My surgeon is very good at what he does and is confident that I've chosen the correct path. The Radiation Oncologist also agreed that either procedure would be correct. Thanks again for your support, it means great deal to me. The good news is I don't have to repeat any of the pre-opt lab tests except for the blood test to type my blood. Got that done today. Now I have two weeks to apply to the "honey do list".
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Its an emotional roller
    Its an emotional roller coaster! Hoping for the best on the new date.

    What was your Gleason and PSA ?

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    That sucks for sure preparing yourself for surgery
    That sucks for sure preparing yourself for surgery and then they postpone the procedure...but the added weeks should not be an issue...Take care
  • Doug Lamborn
    Doug Lamborn Member Posts: 1
    I found out in July


    I found out in July after a biospy had Prostate cancer.

    Just had the DaVinci operation on Nov. 16.

    My after surgery results showed no change in the Gleason scale.

    I have been very happy with my after surgery results.

    Feel about 90%

    Don't worry about delay.

    Good Luck

    Doug Lamborn