
terry p
terry p Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
This is my 3rd treatment for OC, I was less than 6 months in remission when my numbers flew off the chart. I had my CT Scan and it showed 3 small tumors 1 in the pelvic, 1 in the Lrg intestine and 1 in the omentum. the Dr has me on Doxil now since I can't go back on Carbo/Gemzar or Carbo /Taxol ( due to nerve damage in my hands and fingers)and also because I have a reaction to the carbo from the last treatment I had.

there are so many things that I have to avoid from at least 2 days before treatment to a week after, It's so hard to break old habits but I know that it has to be done in order to prevent the side affects.

There are times when I feel like just giving up and saying to hell with this I have too many other problems to deal with and I don't feel that I have time to deal with my own disease.

My teeth feel horrific, my mouth tastes of metal (so i use plastic silverware) certain foods go right through me as though i never ate them, i am so fatigued that there are times i can't sleep (one of which is now i've been up since 4:30)

I joined this group once but with the memory loss i suffered i can't remember what my old password or email was so i had to register again.


  • Bizzyyee
    Bizzyyee Member Posts: 12
    In much the same boat
    I am having a recurrence of my ovarian cancer and they want to put me on gemzar only because of the side effects of carbo/taxol that I had in 2009. I have canceled 5 port placement appointments because of the neurological side effects of these drugs. Google the name Kelley Eidem and the word cancer for knowledge and relief. Never Give Up.
  • Bizzyyee
    Bizzyyee Member Posts: 12
    In much the same boat
    I am having a recurrence of my ovarian cancer and they want to put me on gemzar only because of the side effects of carbo/taxol that I had in 2009. I have canceled 5 port placement appointments because of the neurological side effects of these drugs. Google the name Kelley Eidem and the word cancer for knowledge and relief. Never Give Up.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    It's a tough journey,
    Terry, and I'm sorry that you are having so many issues. I have had bad patches, but oveall have a pretty good QOL. I just keep plugging along.

    Hang in there, the doxil won't be as bad. I felt pretty good on it, had 7 infusions (I keep forgetting if it is 6 or 7, LOL) other than the eventual foot and hand thing. I could have prevented the blisters by wearing softer shoes from the beginning (like a fur lined croc). Don't kill yourself trying to do the preventive stuff, just think, "Keep cool", and watch the feet. And maybe you will be one of the lucky ones who doesn't get any of the side effects from Doxil. I know a Japanese lady who takes hot baths every night, and was on it for a year and was fine. She had good results too.

    Let us know how you are doing, when you feel up for it

    Hugs and prayers,
  • Linn1
    Linn1 Member Posts: 47
    doxil effects
    I am approaching my 6th trmt of Doxil. I've been on carbo/taxol and a Phase I clinical trial for the PARP Inhibitor.
    All I can say is I feel your pain. I've suffered with mouth sores from Doxil and very sensitive hands and feet. Swallowing is difficult at times.
    I do avoid gripping anything tightly after trmt, very little walking and I keep ice packs on hands and feet before, during trmt and after. I avoid salty or acidic foods. Fatigue and pain are a constant and my cognitive processing is delayed, I have a hard time retreiving words, but that can be from months and months of chemo too.

    Having said all that, I do have good days and weeks and I maximize those days.

    I have no clue what follows Doxil, I'll find out tomorrow if there is heart damage and that will determine if I get treatment tomorrow.

    Please stay strong, I wish you the best. You do have to follow a lot of rules to manage this treatment - but, I feel it is still worth it.

    Best of luck to you.
  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    I have had 4 infusions of Doxil and am to have my 5th today if counts are okay. I am one week behind.

    I have had the mouth sores. They were the worse after my 3rd infusion. The last time I used salt/baking soda mouth wash before and after my 4th infusion the mouth sores were not nearly so bad.

    My feet and hands are starting to experience the hand and foot stuff, but I will say I still take a somewhat hot tub bath when I want too! My bad! ☺ And I do use lotion, lots.

    I also watch the acids, spicy stuff, etc. before chemo. I too have the metallic taste with doxil. Ugh!!

  • nancy591
    nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
    Yes Terry Doxil can be harsh for some. I too suffered mouth sores. A prescribed oral rinse really helped and cleared them right up. I also had an itchy rash and hyper pigmentation. Some food passes right through me too. Not sure if it is chemo realted or just a side effect of the surgery. I had 5 infusions of Doxil before moving on. Good luck!!!