Need questions to ask Surgeon....7 months post op

hopeful in tally
hopeful in tally Member Posts: 56
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am so thankful for this website. It helped me through many sleepless nights. I am back ... 7 months after quadrectomy and radiation with my first follow-up appointment with my surgeon. I feel like I did not get a lot of information although the information I did get was good. Diagnosis was DCIS with clean margins. That is all I know. Can someone help me with the questions to ask during my 7 month follow up? Of course, I want to know when I get another mammogram and how often I get them from now on since this was how it was detected. I think there is something I should ask about estrogen ?? Please ... can anyone help that has been here before. I want information. Thanking you in advance for your help ................


  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    I would ask your surgeon for
    I would ask your surgeon for a copy of your pathology report, if you don't have it already. There's actually some really good websites out there that can "translate" all the information contained in it for you & that helped me out alot.
    I had IDC which is different from yours, and a little more advanced. As far as hormones, you could ask if the cancer was Er (estrogen) and/or Pr (progesterone) positive - if it was for either, there are different anti-cancer drugs that you can take to help prevent a recurrence.
    Best of luck to you!
  • Curlz
    Curlz Member Posts: 42
    A few more
    -Is there a prescription you should be taking (Tamoxifen, Arimidex, etc.)?

    -Are there any foods/vitamins you should avoid?

    -Physically, do you have any restrictions? Are there any exercises you should do?

    -How often should you have a mammo, a Pap smear, a pelvic ultrasound, breast MRI, colonoscopy...and/or any other screening exams?

    -Should your breast hurt/feel thick/be painful/whatever you're feeling...

    Agree that you should find out about the 'profile' of your tumor--that is, the size and if you were ER/PR positive or negative, and if your doc(s) don't explain that to you, there's plenty of good info on this site!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Path Report
    Here is a link to understanding what the path report should tell you:

    Contents of a Pathology Report

    This link has the info about staging, hormone receptor status, etc. Hope it helps!
  • hopeful in tally
    hopeful in tally Member Posts: 56

    Path Report
    Here is a link to understanding what the path report should tell you:

    Contents of a Pathology Report

    This link has the info about staging, hormone receptor status, etc. Hope it helps!

    As always, this site brings
    As always, this site brings the most support available. There is no one that can relate more than having lived through the experience themselves. I encourage everyone to participate. Newly diagnosed can received much needed answers to their questions while recognizing they are never alone and long time survivors can bring love and support when it is needed the most and reap the reward of helping another person. Thank you all for your help. Questions are written in preparation for my Doctor visit tomorrow!
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have had one every 3-6 mths..since surgery side then both sides..I JUST got the ok this month I can now go back to once a year...for annual one yippeee

    I started tomoxfin shortly after 8 wks radiation...not many side effect from treatments or meds..thankfully...

    good luck