holistic/integrated medicine for leukemia?

clairmccormack Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Leukemia #1
Has anyone tried a holistic way of healing their leukemia? My mom was told that she has no more options to cure her disease because chemo no longer has an effect on her leukemia. She has a very aggressive rare form of leukemia that is a mixture of AML and ALL she also had a mediastinal mass in her chest that is now pretty much gone. She went into remission for the first induction chemo but the cancer came back in two weeks... the second round had no effect on her cancer. They offered us a phase I clinical trial that everyone who has tried is now dead.. so we refused.

We are now looking into the holistic or integrated approach to curing cancer. I know there are many doctors who have cured cancer through the holistic approach in manahattan. I am curious if anyoone here knows of anyone who has tried this route and what the outcome was and who the doctor was?

Also has anyone been treated in germany or other countries around the world for their leukemia?> I;ve heard that germany has different types of therapies including low dose chemo and hypothermia that have had great results.

PLLLEASE someone help... if anyone has any suggestions please respond.. we are desperate!



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