What a day!

jo jo
jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well today was Gpa's funeral and it was a private service just for family. We had so many family members there it was like a family reunion. Most came in from out of town. I seen some of my cousins, aunts and uncles (on my moms side) that i havent seen since i was a little girl. They still looked and acted the same just older. It seems like with some of them we just picked up where we left off thou's many years ago.
Anyway after the service we all hung out and we had alot of laughs and shared some good memories and some even brought old photos of all the family members and we all had fun tryin to figure out who they were and making fun of the style of hair and cloths...even had pics of my Gpa as a young man when him and my Gma first met.
Although my Gma passed away when i was maybe 5 years old of ovarian cancer...it was hard to bury Gpa today cuz now they share the same head stone and the last time everyone was there at that grave site together was at her funeral.
One other thing that hit home for me was, seeing everyone after my BC. Cuz it happened to be brought up alot and everyone seemed to be very careful of what they said around me. Some even came up to me and didnt say anything they just cried while they hugged me to death. Strange how they reacted so differently towards me.
Ok i will stop now cuz i could go on and on about things that happened tonight but this is already long enough and im going to bed now since i didnt get home from visiting with the family till 3:30 A.M.


  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    People had similar reactions to me.
    Hi JoJo,
    Sorry about GPa. I saw some cousins at an event after my diagnosis and they were hugging and crying. They wanted to be sure I knew how much they loved me and what I meant in their lives. I finally said that this isn't my funeral and that they'll have many years ahead with me in their lives...hopefully. I guess it is always good to express our love but that felt creapy. I wondered if they knew something about my health that I didn't.

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    People had similar reactions to me.
    Hi JoJo,
    Sorry about GPa. I saw some cousins at an event after my diagnosis and they were hugging and crying. They wanted to be sure I knew how much they loved me and what I meant in their lives. I finally said that this isn't my funeral and that they'll have many years ahead with me in their lives...hopefully. I guess it is always good to express our love but that felt creepy. I wondered if they knew something about my health that I didn't.

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm sure it was an emotional time. Not only were you burying your Gpa the memories of your cousin were still fresh. And with your journey with bc sometimes the best thing is to just hug one another. I know you'll keep happy memories of him in your heart.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Annette 11
    Annette 11 Member Posts: 380
    Sorry that your gpa passed but those wonderful memories will always be with all of your family. How nice for you to see everyone. It sounds like it was a bitter/sweet occasion.
    Hugs to you JoJo.
  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    Sorry that your gpa passed but those wonderful memories will always be with all of your family. How nice for you to see everyone. It sounds like it was a bitter/sweet occasion.
    Hugs to you JoJo.

    Gpa & Gma are together again
    I'm sure they were watching all of you. I'm sure your gpa would be happy that all his grandkids were together.
  • Different Ballgame
    Different Ballgame Member Posts: 868
    Good Memories
    Jo Jo

    Good memories, conversation, laughter, and photos give us closure at the loss of a love one. The bonding of family and friends make it easier. It sounded like it was a "good" funeral, more smiles than tears.

    I am guessing that those who cried or hugged you to death do not see you often and therefore did not know exactly what to say. Just as those who treaded carefully as to what they said when they were around. What they are doing is saying that they care and love you and want to make sure that they say and do nothing that will upset you. They don't know where you are mentally so they are careful or may not know where you are with the treatment of breast cancer.

    I found that if I initiated a conversation relating to breast cancer in a positive way, it relaxed them in how they related to me. It works like magic.

    By way, I love this photo of you and I love your smile. It always makes me feel good when I see it, so don't change this photo.

    Lots of Hugs,
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175

    Good Memories
    Jo Jo

    Good memories, conversation, laughter, and photos give us closure at the loss of a love one. The bonding of family and friends make it easier. It sounded like it was a "good" funeral, more smiles than tears.

    I am guessing that those who cried or hugged you to death do not see you often and therefore did not know exactly what to say. Just as those who treaded carefully as to what they said when they were around. What they are doing is saying that they care and love you and want to make sure that they say and do nothing that will upset you. They don't know where you are mentally so they are careful or may not know where you are with the treatment of breast cancer.

    I found that if I initiated a conversation relating to breast cancer in a positive way, it relaxed them in how they related to me. It works like magic.

    By way, I love this photo of you and I love your smile. It always makes me feel good when I see it, so don't change this photo.

    Lots of Hugs,

    You are so right Janelle,
    You are so right Janelle, they were tryin to be careful and i did tell them that im in a place were its ok and i can talk about it and it doesnt bother me. Thats when it kept coming up. One of my aunts even said to me "I have never seen boobs with no nipples...can i see them?" Everyone waited for my reaction as i laughed, then they all started laughing...then i took her back so she could see them along with a few others that wanted to join in too. Hey education right!
    Janelle your so sweet, im glad you like my pic...this was taken at my daughters wedding, i was freezing in my spaghetti strap dress and my boyfreind gave me his suit jacket to wear.