Just Venting

Sandy10 Member Posts: 80
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I am feeling pretty crappy lately. It's kind of hard to explain and most of my friends and family don't understand. My ca125 is 8.7 and ct shows no sign of disease. I AM very happy about that!!!! But I am experiencing alot of other things that make me feel bad. Like aches all over. like you've been hit by a truck or something. and i'm ok for a while energy wise, then all of a sudden it's like i hit a wall and feel completely drained. This will last for a few days to a week. then it starts over. I take neurontin for the neuropathy in my legs and toes. I still take percocet for the joint pain and aches. It's been almost 4 months since my last chemo. I thought at least some of this would have faded by now. I want to go back to work so badly. It sounds weird, but i want to go back to my "normal" which is working and being active. I am a nurse in the emergency room so I am very busy.I feel like I'm whining. I know it takes a while to get back and I have already thought about the idea that I may not be able to go back to the ER at all. When i tell my doctor that I still have the joint pain and body aches and that i need a refill on the percocet, i feel like he thinks i am a drug seeker or something.He never says anything but i guess because of my line of work, i just assume he thinks that. Everyone tells me "give it time" "you've been through a lot" "it takes time for your body to get over this" Am i just impatient? I feel like I'm wasting my NED time sitting around. I want to live my life and feel like i can't do it because of all this. I knew if I came here, you guys would understand better because you have all been through this too. My friends and family are wonderful but i just don't think they can fully understand this like i know the ladies on this board will. Thank you so much for listening!!!! You are all in my prayers everyday!!!



  • hopeful girl 1
    hopeful girl 1 Member Posts: 454
    Are you able to do moderate exercise?
    Congratulations on your NED! That is wonderful. I guess the aches and pains which continue are what they call the "new normal."

    If ok with your oncologist, I would try to incorporate some moderate exercise into your routines.

    I try to walk 30 minutes, or ride stationary bike. And eat a balanced healthy diet-and drink plenty of water.

    Our bodies have been thru' a lot and it takes time to recover.
  • Venting
    this is how it is with me. I have not had a chemo treatment in over a year. I have been NED for 17 monthes. My joints still ache and I still get tired. For example, if I go shopping all day and then out to dinner, it will take me all of the next day to recover or mayby 2 days. I have done several 2,3, and 4 mile hikes this year in Shenandoah National Park and it has taken me as much as 3 days to recover. One time my husband was pulling me back up the mountain with a shirt, but I conquered that mountain. When I got done proving to myself that I could still accomplish these things, I slowed down. I realized that my new normal is not the same as my old normal. I don't know if you ever go back to the same. I still also take a nap sometimes. Some of the other girls that have been out of chemo longer might be able to give you some more information. Congratulations on your NED!!!!!

  • zinaida
    zinaida Member Posts: 221
    Hi Sandy!I am 4 month after
    Hi Sandy!I am 4 month after my last chemo and my body very much like yours. My legs and bottom of feet and toes, joint pain and aches.I have stomack problems also, pain and gas. I take all most every day one vicodein pill, most time after 6 pm. I know what you mean by go to work to feel normal. Only for this reason (and some extra money) I work too, but I cut my hours to 4 a day and 3-4 days a week. I trided to do more, but it was to tiering for me.Can not do it. And when I work or go fishing I don't feel my body, and I am happy. Then come back home and lay down an couch to rest, I feel all my pain again. Some times too much, and vicodin helps with it. We realy dont know what will be better time for us or worse, so for this matter I try to injoy my time now with little help of pain pill. I hope you wiil find a way to make yourself comfortable as much as possible. So I do uderstand you soooo much and I wish you the best, Zina. (((HUGS))) PS. all my doctors say to me when I talk of my pain ( take a pain pill)
  • kikiz
    kikiz Member Posts: 94
    zinaida said:

    Hi Sandy!I am 4 month after
    Hi Sandy!I am 4 month after my last chemo and my body very much like yours. My legs and bottom of feet and toes, joint pain and aches.I have stomack problems also, pain and gas. I take all most every day one vicodein pill, most time after 6 pm. I know what you mean by go to work to feel normal. Only for this reason (and some extra money) I work too, but I cut my hours to 4 a day and 3-4 days a week. I trided to do more, but it was to tiering for me.Can not do it. And when I work or go fishing I don't feel my body, and I am happy. Then come back home and lay down an couch to rest, I feel all my pain again. Some times too much, and vicodin helps with it. We realy dont know what will be better time for us or worse, so for this matter I try to injoy my time now with little help of pain pill. I hope you wiil find a way to make yourself comfortable as much as possible. So I do uderstand you soooo much and I wish you the best, Zina. (((HUGS))) PS. all my doctors say to me when I talk of my pain ( take a pain pill)

    Hi Sandy
    Just to let you know you are not alone. Paula is right. I had my last Chemo 16 months ago and still get worn out. I have realized I have a new "normal" I exercise, eat right and keep up with my kids but I try to plan better and take rests even if I don't think I need it. Even a half hour in the middle of the day can help. I even say to the kids that a certain day is "Mom's no on the go day" and sandwhiches will suffice. Wish I had done that before I got sick. (LOL)
    Hope for the best for you
  • Sandy10
    Sandy10 Member Posts: 80
    Thank you!!
    Thank you guys so much!!! I knew I came to the right place to vent!! :) I guess I have to give myself some time and take this one day at a time. I have to TRY not to be so impatient. I am glad I'm not crazy with the joint pain and the body aches. Sometimes i feel like no one believes me when i try to tell them about the body changes and the continued pain. I knew you guys would understand and have good advice. You all made me feel better. Thank you so much!!!!

  • joan60
    joan60 Member Posts: 89
    The new norm
    Hi Sandy
    I know what and how you feel. It is hard to explain to someone who hasn't gone through it. I once told my doctor that I had less pain during chemo. I to have been told to be patienced that my body has been put through a lot. My mind says lets go, but my body says "I don't think so." I tried going back to work a month after, but was unable to stand 8 to 9 hours at a time without my ankles swelling and my feet becoming extremely sore. I never thought of myself as a inpatient person. I have gone back to the gym it gets me out of the house, it does make you feel a little better, plus you get to see all your friends. Now my poor husband dosen't know what to expect when he comes home from work, as I am always cleaning out some area of the house. I guess for the first time in my life my house will be organized, oh what a price to pay! LOL

    P.S. I'm also 4 months out and patiently getting used to the new norm!?!
