What Now?

scorpio37 Member Posts: 20
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello my name is Cindy, diagnosed with bc dec 2009 finished chemo on July 8 2010, radiation finished on Aug 28! Best news is I am CANCER FREE!! My question is What Now? what will all those things do to my body now? I am now on generic Arimidex anybody out there having any difficulties? My surgeon also wants to do a test to see if I have lympodema.

thank for any input



  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    I can share what I did.
    I finished a year and a half ago. I have been on arimidex (now generic) without any serious issues.

    I started a get healthy campaign. I started walking and eating well. I also went to a naturepath and had my nutritional levels checked. I do my best to handle stress and to keep my immune system strong.

    Most of all, I started to appreciate every day. Life is good.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Great News!

    I'm unaware of a 'test' to see if you have lymphedema. At least I had none. It reveals itself via the swelling. Mine started about 5 weeks after surgery, about 2 weeks into the second batch of Chemo. Got worse after Rads. Not doing too good now so I'm seeing my Lymphedemologist next week.

    I've been on Femara for 8 months and have had no problems at all on it.

    I can only speak for myself as we are each so unique and are dealing with different types of the multi-headed beast. For me - every day is a better day than the one before and has been since a week after the last Taxol - (Taxol was a real nasty bum). No, I don't have the strenght or stamina that I had before being DX'd Aug 8, '09 but then I'm a year older and at 64, the years do start to take their toll (LOL).

    Great News!
