Regardless of your political philosophies, please answer one or all of these questions



    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    coolvdub said:

    We need an uprising

    What it all boils down to in my opinion is greed. Now I'm an American and love my country, but greed and looking out for number one have turned this country into what it is now. Everybody is always in such a hurry to get someplace first. I notice this on the roads every weekend while I'm out and about. I could be doing 100 mph and somebody would want to pass me. I am trying to learn to just let it go and not let it get to me.

    Also we are regulating ourselves to death literally. The FDA is to slow and a typical bueracratic dinosuar. It truly is sad when a person such as yourself has to travel to Guatemala to have a procedure done that can be done here in the US. If the machine was purchased with grant money, which means we all paid for it, then why a $185,000 dollar markup on the procedure. They must have built palace to house this machine I suppose. That might drive the cost up. How about the oath the Docs take to do no harm, I guess if you get wiped out financially that is no harm, Huh!

    We need to get back to basics and stop trying to fix the worlds problems. We have plenty on our own soil. I guess the saying charity starts at home has been lost along the way.


    FDA motto: We will let you die before allowing the use of a drug or procedure that has not gone through years of approvals to protect you from harm.
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Bottom Line?
    Is a company in business just to make money for shareholders or are they in business to help people? Or is it possible for a company to not make the billions in profit that they often do make and still help people too? Would hundreds of millions be enough and then possibly have lower drug prices? How does Canada sell medications at a fraction of the cost of what US companies sell them for?
    The whole model is dysfunctional (IMO).
