LCIS What is it?

survgal Member Posts: 13
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have stage 1 LCIS, intermediate grade. The tumor was 8mm stellate/spiculated.

My oncologist wants me to have radiation. I am grateful and willing to do whatever is needed.

So confused, is LCIS cancer?

Reading info on the internet is so confusing! Lumpectomy was done and quite a bit of breast tissue was removed for my reduction.

My progesterone/estrogen was positive and had the word strong next to it.

Should I be doing something to reduce my progesterone/estrogen?


  • webbwife50
    webbwife50 Member Posts: 394
    lobular carsinoma in situ
    My understanding is that like DCIS, LCIS it is considered non-invasive. Go to the Cancer Information link in blue to the left. You should be able to see it while your reading this. I believe it is considered possibly, pre-cancerous. Hope that helps..sounds good to me..wish it'd been my dx...hugs alison
    ASK YOUR DOC!! Don't rely on what you read here, alone!
  • swalters
    swalters Member Posts: 33
    LCIS like DCIS is non-invasive cancer. It is located in the lobules of the breast and is not biologically capable of getting out of the lobules and into the rest of the breast, let alone into the rest of the body.

    I am surprised your oncologist wants you to have radiation. I had DCIS in 2007 and it is considered a more serious non-invasive cancer than LCIS. However, because my recurrence risk was only 4 percent, I chose not to have radiation.

    My understanding is that sometimes they recommend preventive drugs for LCIS, but not surgery or radiation. I believe you would be more comfortable about what you should do next if you could find an expert to estimate your recurrence risk.

    Having strong ER+/PR+ means that your LCIS receptor cells will respond to estrogen and progesterone. This is a good thing. This means that your LCIS is probably less aggressive than someone who is ER-/Pr-.

    There are many things you can do to prevent a recurrence using food, exercise, supplements and bio-identical hormones. The good news with LCIS is that you don't need to rush into anything. Because it is non-invasive, you have plenty of time to do research and decide what treatments seem right for you.

    Please send me a PM if you need any more info. I am always happy to "talk" to other DCIS/LCIS sisters.

    Hugs and best wishes,
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I'm confused
    Are you sure it was LCIS and not DCIS?

    Below citation re Lobular Carcinoma In Situ is from

    Treatment Option Overview
    Most women with LCIS have disease that can be managed without additional local therapy after biopsy. No evidence is available that re-excision to obtain clear margins is required. The use of tamoxifen has decreased the risk of developing breast cancer in women with LCIS and should be considered in the routine management of these women.[2] The NSABP-P-1 trial of 13,388 high-risk women comparing tamoxifen to placebo demonstrated an overall 49% decrease in invasive breast cancer, with a mean follow-up of 47.7 months.[2] Risk was reduced by 56% in the subset of 826 women with a history of LCIS, and the average annual hazard rate for invasive cancer fell from 12.99 per 1,000 women to 5.69 per 1,000 women. In women older than 50 years, this benefit was accompanied by an annual incidence of 1 to 2 per 1,000 women of endometrial cancer and thrombotic events. (Refer to the PDQ summary on Breast Cancer Prevention for more information.)

    Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy is sometimes considered an alternative approach for women at high risk for breast cancer. Many breast surgeons, however, now consider this to be an overly aggressive approach. Axillary lymph node dissection is not necessary in the management of LCIS.

    Treatment Options for Patients with LCIS

    Observation after diagnostic biopsy.

    Tamoxifen to decrease the incidence of subsequent breast cancers.

    Ongoing breast cancer prevention trials (including the National Cancer Institute of Canada's trial [CAN-NCIC-MAP3], for example).

    Bilateral prophylactic total mastectomy, without axillary node dissection.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had Invasive Lobular Carcinoma in my right breast (6.1cm) and LCIS in my left breast. I'm the 5th in my family with bc and opted for bilateral mastectomy. Wishing you well.
    {{hugs}} Char